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St. Angela Merici Name_____________________________________ Spelling Circle the word that is spelled correctly. Date ________________________ Y.


1. ebate 2. acknowledge 3. egent 4. authorety 5. devestate 6. epiedemic 7. estemate 8. evect 9. emparteal 10. industrious 11. enfuriate 12. errelevent 13. precise 14. sham 15. treke

abate aknowledge agent autherety devastate epedimic estimete ivict empartial industreous enfureate irrelevant presise cham treck

ubate ackneweldge ajent aauthority devistate epidemec estimate evict imparteal industraous infuriate irelevant precice shum trex

abete acknowledge ajant authority devestete epidemic estiemate eveict impartial industruous infureate erelevent presice shaem trek

Circle the letter of each correct answer to the questions below. 1. Which of the following can be shammed? a. concern b. honesty 2. Which of the following might be estimated? a. the cost of repairs b. the height of a hill c. the population of a town d. the number of days in a week c. sleep d. interest

3. Which of the following would be irrelevant in judging a students writing? a. the students age b. the students name c. the width of the margins d. the color of the ink used

4. Which of the following might result in someones being evicted from a house? a. failing to pay the rent b. using it for illegal purposes 5. Which of the following can abate? a. anger b. high winds 6. Which of the following are precise amounts a. 2,145 b. several hundred 7. Which of the following might be considered a trek? a. a trip to the corner store b. a ride in a hot air balloon 8. Which of the following would be devastating to a town? a. a new mayor b. an earthquake c. a hot summer d. a large population c. a walk across Canada d. a plant trip to Europe c. half a dozen d. a lot c. silence d. applause c. causing damage to it d. running a business from it

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