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Guess the sport

A game for two teams in which a ball is A sport in which skilful physical kicked about a field and the players try exercises to get goals. (FOOTBALL) and movements are performed, often in competitions. (GYMNASTICS)

To move on skates on an ice ring. (SKATING)

Sports such as running races and jumping. (ATHLETICS)

The activity of swimming under water A game in which two or four people use using breathing equipment. (DIVING) rackets to hit a ball to each other over a net. (TENNIS)

Write your own sport riddle.

Write your own sport riddle.

Sports Handout 1. Write true statements about your participation in sports: a) b) c) d) e) 2. I often ____________________________ I sometimes __________________________ I dont ____________________________ Ive never ____________________________ Id like to ____________________________ Things you can do with a ball. Complete the list:

Pass, throw __________________________________________________________

3. Match the locations and the sports below: Locations Sports Tennis Football Golf Badminton Motor racing Basketball Volleyball Swimming Athletics Baseball

Court Course Pitch Pool Circuit Track

4. Fill in with one of the words in the box: googles, running shoes, shuttlecock, skis, racing car, running track, boxing glove, tennis racket, fishing rod, hockey stick, skate, baseball bat, helmet, cricket bat, baseball glove, racket, swimming suit. a) b) c) d) e) f) They wanted to play badminton but they needed a new ________________ Have you heard the news? Tom bought a gorgeous _______________ car. I like Peters _______________, its better , he caught more fish than me. The __________ track is not clean yet! Stay away from it for the time being! The _______________ he bought didnt fit his head very well. Its large! Look at those boxers. How fiercely they are fighting in the __________ring

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