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Student e-Portfolio Planning Worksheet

Create a plan to design a digital portfolio project. Use this template to help you manage your thoughts as you work through the planning and design phase of your e-portfolio. Save the file to your desktop; you can then type directly onto the template and cut and paste your URLs and other notes into the categories below. Purpose: What is the goal of your e-portfolio project? What knowledge or skills would you like the portfolio to verify that you as a student know or are able do? What kind of portfolio will you be creating (ex. working portfolio to record the steps to complete a project, or a showcase portfolio to highlight exemplar work in the course)?

Details: What will be your portfolio length, i.e number of pages? What subject area or topic will be your focus? List any design objectives to be consider in your planning?

Artifacts/Components: Artifacts are pieces of student work that illustrate an understanding and mastery of a topic focus and specic course objectives. What are the objectives and what are the components you will use to show your learning? Evidence could come in forms such as podcasts or multimedia presentations. How many artifacts do you think you will include?

Tools for Creating the Portfolio: List the tools/applications you could use to create the e-portfolio, such as a digital scanner, word processing, PowerPoint, audio recordings, video recordings, and other Web 2.0 tools.

Student Reection: Describe how you will provide self-reection on work and achievement of goals as well as what criteria you will use to select the work you plan to include.

Created for ETEC 510 Independent Directed Studies 11/12 Course. Summer 2011

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