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Bahasa Inggris Senin, 9 Oktober 2006 VIII (Delapan) 90 menit

1. Tulis nama dan momor peserta pada lembar jawaban komputer. 2. Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawab. 3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah. 4. Kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disdiakan. 5. Hitamkan dengan pensil 2B pada jawaban yang dipilih. 6. Apabila ada jawaban yang dianggap salah dan ingin diperbaiki, hapuslah jawaban anda dengan karet penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan pilihan Anda yang baru.

1.Karno : You seem to be very busy this morning Suti : Yeah, I am. I am moving these flower pots to that side. Karno : Suti : Oh, thats very kind of you. Thank you. a. b. c. d. 2. Is it okay if I am here ? Can you help me ? Would you need any help ? How about this pot ?


Susi : You have a lot of things to do today. Yoen : Yes, as usual Susi : Yoen : No thanks. Ill try to do it myself. Its my job. a. b. c. d. Would you do me a favor ? Let me help you, then Let me leave you alone Is it your daily activities

Rossa : Are these flowers all yours ? Dinda : Yes, they are. I plant them and I water them everyday. Rossa : . Dinda : Thank you. I like to do it. Its my hobby. a. b. c. d. What looks so bad They looks so bad You are very deligent girl ! The flowers are very fresh

5. Karman : Where you going, Karmin ? Karmin : I am going to the post office. .. to go there ? Karman : Oh, sure. Here it is Karmin : Thanks, Karman. a. Where is it b. Do you have any stamp c. Will you post my letter d. May I use your bicycle 6. Father : Akmal, come here please. Akmal : Yes, Dad Father : Buy me a pack of cigarette, please Akmal : Allright, Dad What does the underlined expression mean ? a. Apoligizing b. Introduction 1 c. Asking for permission d. Giving instruction


Rizky : Mother, look I got 9 for English test. Mother : Really, .. Rizky : Thanks, Mom Mother : Im sure you can get 10 for the next test c. Wish me luck d. Good

a. Good luck b. Congratulation morning

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Dear Dita, Please do come to my 14th birthday party On : Sunday, 15th Oct 05 Time : 04.00 pm Place : My house Love, Tati

(13) Im really worried about my friend. He is using drugs. He has used drugs since we began our second grade in junior high school. He never tells me about it but I know. What should I do ? (14) ) 13. 14. a. Hi Doctor b. Dear Doctor a. Best Regards b. See you c. How are you d. See you c. Good bye d. So long

When will the birthday party take place ? a. At Tatis house c. At Ditas house b. On October 14th d. At 4 p.m 8. How old is Tati when she celebrates her birthday a. Twelve b. Thirteen 9. To : Santi Take the key above the .. (9) I keep it there. If you want to ....... (10) Everything is ready on the table. I am going to the florist now. Thanks Mom a. drawer b. chair 10. a. have your lunch b. play games c. table d. door c. watch TV d. do homework c. Fourteen d. Fifteen

Questions 15 to 18 are based on this text. Raflesia consist of two parts : the stick like part which grows in the middle and the petals around and below it. The Raflesia plants begin to flower in its tenth year. It blooms three or four time a year. Before is blossoming, it has a specially green files. They seem eager to explore the flower. But if the files touch the buttom part of the stick like centre, the die.

15. Why the Raflesia is unusual ? Because of its a. colour b. smell c. discoverer d. large size

11. Read the announcement for question 11 and 12 Announcement. To : All Basketball Team We will have technical meeting for the next match. Please do come to school on Sunday 12th at 09.00 am Coordinator. a. Students c. Basketball members b. Teacher d. The team coordinator 12. When will the meeting be held ? a. next week b. next match c. on Sunday morning d. on Sunday afternoon

16. Who discovered Raflesia Arnoldi ? a. Sir Stamford Raflesia b. Beccary c, Arnoldi d. Scientist

17. While the flower is blossoming, it has a very unpleasant smell ..... What does the underlined word mean ? a. Very nice b. Bad smell c. Very sweet d. Odorless

18. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ? a. Part of Raflesia b. The size of Raflesia c. The discover of Raflesia d. Raflesia produced unpleasant smell

Complete the letter below for questions 13 and 14. 2

Soal ini didownload dari Arranges the jumble words into a good sentences Usually the every Kartini day we 1 2 3 4 5 21st of April celebrate
6 7

The text below is for question 19 to 22 Once upon the time, in West Java, there was a young handsome man fell in love with a beatiful woman. His name was Sangkuriang. The women, he fell in love with was Dayang Sumbi. One day they were having a date in front of Dayang Sumbis house in the forest. Dayang Sumbi caressed Sangkuriang hair tenderly. When she was doing it she found a scar on his head. She asked Sangkuring about the scar. Heres what he said, When I was little boy my mother beat me with a wooden spoon. Why your mother beat you? Dayang Sumbi asked, because I killed Tumang a dog, Sangkuriang answered. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised at that time and said, So you are my son ! Its unbeliveable ! Its possible for me to be in love with my own son. No, its impossible that you are my mother, Dayang Sumbi. She must have been very old now. Sangkuriang kept unbelieveable in Dayang Sumbi and he has very eager to marry her. Dayang Sumbi accepted it under one condition. Sangkuriang had to create a lake and a boot only in a night. Sangkuriang agreed it die to her love with her. Before the work finished, Dayang Sumbi vanished. Sangkuriang was very angry when he knew it. He kicked the boot as strong as he could. The boat fell down in north of Bandung with the upside down. Thats why people there called it Tangkuban Perahu which mean the up side down boat. Now it is a name of moment there. 19. Where did the story happen ? a. In Central Java c. In West Java b. In Central Bandung d. In East Java. 20. The word he in text refers to a. The dog c. Si Tumang b. Father d. Sangkuriang 21. Who is Tumang actually in the story ? a. Sangkuriangs father b. Sangkuriangs friend c. a god d. a common dog. 22. How does the story end ? a. Suspending c. Sad ending b. Happy ending d. Absurd.

a. 5-7-2-3-4-6-1 b. 5-1-7-2-4-3-1 24

c. 3-6-4-5-1-2-7 d. 3-1-4-6-2-7-5

Which one has the best arrangement ? Letter last from my friend a week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Got I 7 8 a. 8-5-2-3-1-4-6-7 c. 2-6-3-4-5-7-1-8 b. 7-1-2-3-4-5-6-8 d. 8-7-5-1-3-4-2-6


Arrange the jumble sentences into a good paragraph ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This animal is very cute It looks like a bear I have ever been seen Panda at the zoo It comes from Chine It has black and white fur c. 2-3-4-1-5 d. 4-1-5-2-3

a. 1-3-4-2-5 b. 3-1-2-4-5 26.

Combine the jumble sentences into a good paragraph. 1. I was very afraid 2. Suddenly I saw a tiger just about 5 metres in front of me 3. Then I screamed as loudly as I could 4. As I woke I saw as loudly as I could 5. My mother came and hold my hand a. 3-1-6-5-2-4 b. 4-2-6-5-3-1 c. 2-1-4-3-6-5 d. 2-4-5-6-3-1

27 It is a cockatoo. It is about 2 years old. It is amazing bird. It doesnt only sing but also imitates say. It is smart animal. It always says hello when someone comes. What kind of the text above ? a. Recount b. Narrative c. Description d. Procedure

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28. Teacher : have you copied the notes from the White board student ? Student : . a. No, I dont b. No, I havent c. No, we dont d. No, we havent yet

32. The main support of the plants is a. stem b. seed c. flower d. root

33. Which paragraph explains about the part of plant that are used for reproduction ? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

29. X : Why do you come late Y : Because .. a. b. c. d. I got up late this morning I get up late in the morning I look for my books I want for my friend

34. What is the root for ? a. b. c. d. for producing food for growing the leaf for absorbing water from the soil for transporting the food

30. Susi : Hello, what are you doing here ? Friends : We are doing wall magazine, would you like .. ? a. Joins us b. Joining us c. Joined us d. To join us Part of the plant A plant is green living thing which cannot move. The main parts of a plant are root, stem, leaf, seed, etc. The root is part of the plants which is underground. It absorbs water from the soil and supports other parts of plant. The stem is the main support of the plant. It grows branches to transport water upwards to the leaves. It is also a store for food. A leaf is usually flat and grows on branches. The main function of it to produce food from the suns energy. Most plants are green and have leaves. However, not all the plants are green and have leaves. There are some plants that are not green and they do not have leaves, for example a cactus. A flower is a part of plant that is specialized for reproduction. It will cause fruits and seed to grow. Seeds a capable of producing a new plant. 31. What part of the plant produced food from the the sun ? a. root b. stem c. Flower d. leaf

35. What does it on the main function of it is .. refer to ? a. leaf b. stem c. root d. seed 36. The word seed means a. akar b. batang c. Daun d. Biji

37. Do you mind .......... me a flower ? a. to pick b. to picking c. picking 38. Nanda : Could you do me a favor ? a. Yes, what b. Oh, I dont know c. Yes, you could d. No, problem d. piks

39. Excuse . Could you help me ? a. you b. he c. me d. I

40. Rini : I need some roses, do you have any ? Anna : Yes, here . a. Are you sure b. You are c. They are d. Are they

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