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Research proposal

M. Fazil Muneeb Khan MBA-Marketing 2012 F.U.U.A.S.T Karachi Business Administration Department

Green-Marketing: Response of customers and retailer for Green-Marketing in Pakistan


The following research proposal will explore the influence of consumer and the response of customer towards green marketing. The study will help to develop a trend for green marketing and will help to take decision for investing in green marketing projects to produce green products. Green-Marketing is a very vast topic with limited scope of research. The objective of the research is to analyze the response to green marketing and the influence for green marketing which helps to analyze weather green marketing should be adopt by the companies of Pakistan. The results of this research project (Green-marketing) would be knowledgeable information; data could be use for further research in the related field.

Problem Statement:

To evaluate consumer potential influence and response to purchase green products. When they are willing to purchase or they went to but any product how much consider environmental friendly products as global warming is now consider by different companies and manufacturers to produce green products weather Green-Marketing can be use as a long term competitive tool for company and retailers

Objective of the study: The objective of the study is to measure the consumers response and influence to buy environmental friendly products (Green product) The result would evaluate weather Green-marketing could be a competitive tool for any company or retailer, would retailer appreciate Green-marketing and Environmental Friendly Product (green products) to deal in. The result of this research would also helpful to evaluate the scope of Green-Advertisement ( green communication) As it would be a considerable part of marketing strategy what would be the future of green marketing in Pakistan.

LITERATURE REVEIW: El Diefa. M & Fontb. X (2010) explores the determinants of green marketing practices in the Red Sea hotel sector in Egypt. The model assesses green marketing practices against the personal and organizational values of the marketing managers, together with a range of organizational and demographic variables expected to influence hotels' environmental behavior. From a valid sample of 89 marketing managers responsible for 194 hotels, it was found that organizational contextual variables, and in particular targeting Western tourists, being affiliated to an international hotel chain and the marketers' own demographics, including age, academic subject studied and gender, were the best predictors of more proactive green marketing. Personal environmental values did not explain the pro-environmental behavior of marketers, and the organizational environmental values that had explained part of their ethical behavior had resulted from voluntarism rather than utilitarian or conformancebased values. Government policies also appeared to be ineffective determinants. Sundeepa. S (2011) analyze that Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that the satisfaction of these needs and wants occurs with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment. Final consumers and industrial buyers also have the ability to pressure organizations to integrate the environment into their corporate culture and thus ensure that all organizations minimize the detrimental environmental impact of their activities. An environmentally committed organization may not only produce goods that have reduced their detrimental impact on the environment, these may also be able to pressurize their suppliers to behave in a more environmentally responsible fashion. It is suggested that a firms to promote increased use of Green Marketing. Hardeep (2011) analyze that Green marketing is considered the most essential part of development in business process now a days. According to

Henion Green Marketing is defined as the implementation of marketing programs directed at the environmentally conscious market segment. Keeping in mind all the points related to environment protection, the role of green marketing is expected to be observed at all levels of business process in this world of internationalization. Main emphasis has been made on analysis of the concept and need of green marketing in business process so as to make our environment human friendly. As society becomes more concerned with the natural environment, business organizations have begun to modify their working in an attempt to increase greenery to the maximum possible. Questionnaires, market survey and personal interviews with marketing professionals and environment research scholars are conducted. There is utmost need to create awareness, implement and follow green marketing as much as possible in today's business world of innovative technologies. Polonsky et al (2009) examines the inclusion of sustainability into marketing activities of the top Australian firms. Almost half of organizations (46%) did not integrate sustainability or environmental issues into their mission statement. Of those that did include sustainability in their mission, few then integrated environmental issues into other areas of their activities, as reported on their corporate web sites. It is suggested that while sustainability is frequently talked about within organizations as being important, it does not necessarily translate in to a strategic integration across activities. Firms might therefore be using environmental issues tactically, which could unfortunately result in superficial attempts at becoming environmentally sustainable.

Savale. K.T, et al (2003) analyze that Green marketing is not going to be an easy concept, the firm has to plan and then carry out research to find out how feasible it is going to be. Green marketing has to evolve since it is still at its infancy stage. Adoption of Green marketing may not be easy in the short run, but in the long run it will definitely have a positive impact on the firm. Government and Social organizations may compel all the organization to practice Green Marketing for sustainable development. Customers too will be ready to pay

premium price for green products. A smart marketer is one who not only convinces the consumer, but also involves him in marketing his product. Green marketing should not be considered as just one more approach to marketing, but has to be pursued with much greater vigor as it has societal and environmental dimensions. Marketers also have the responsibility to make the stakeholders aware about the need and the advantages of green products. The green marketers will have full support of the Government, and the consumers also will not mind paying more for a cleaner and greener environment.

Importance And Benefits Of The Research:

Global warming is an obvious factor in our society. The green house gasses created by humans activities, the rate of global warming observed in past fifty years would be increased in 21st century. The importance of the study was describe by Jeffrey Immelt, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of General Electric, says The opportunity to provide environmental solution is going to be one of the big four or five themes of our generations of business leadership (Gunther, 2007). Thus, this study proved important Ti appears that retailers have not considered that the limits of natural resources could restricts their business operations. According to the new from Eye-forprocurement , that retail sector is not making green marketing a high priority (world business council for sustainable development report 2010)

Retailer can introduce a range of green products. Peattie (2005) point out that retailers had some pressure on there suppliers to improve there upstream green marketing performance. From manufacturer to final consumer every one in the market feel the effect of any green consumer reaction

Some retailer all over the world implemented Green marketing

Eco-option started in April 2007 in USA that indicate which product has less impact on environment Better Home was the campaign lunched in March 2007 for promoting less environmental impact product to long and safe life. Wal-mart in 2008 will begging asking electric suppliers to fill out a scorecard that will assess the sustainability of their product

Furthermore in Pakistan few companies are already working on green marketing bodyshop they are against of animal testing which is a step to save the nature and they provide environmental friendly products .

Research Design

Research would be quantitative , a survey questionnaire would be distributed 3 universities of Pakistan that would be Karachi university , IBA Sakhar , and University of Punjab , same survey instrument will be distributed in 2 major cities of Pakistan that is Karachi and Lahore . The sample is expected to include several hundred undergraduate student and retailer in each location Questionnaire will have liker scale for most likely hood and unlikely hood using 5-point scale.

Data analysis:

To analyze data simple linear analysis with graphical representation would use. descriptive static SPSS will also use for analysis .


The research work will take 3 month for survey and 1 one for analysis. Survey will be start in July 2012 and would be completed by the end of October 2012 Final report would be ready by end of November 2012


El Diefa. M & Fontb. X (2010),"The determinants of hotels' marketing managers' green marketing behavior",Journal of Sustainable Tourism Vol 18 (2), pp. 157-174

Sudeepa. S (2011),"Green Marketing: A Need of The Hour",Quest-The Journal of UGC-ASC Nainital, Vol : 5 (1), pp 168-172

Hardeep. S,(2011),"Green marketing helps sustain life", International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Vol : 2, (11), pp 64-82

Polonsky. M.J ,Morrish. S & Miles. M (2009),"Green Marketing in the Top Publicly Traded Australian Organizations",ANZMAC, pp. 2-9

Savale. K.T, Sharma. A.F & Patil. P.U (2003),"Green Marketing: Oppurtunities and Challenges"


Kotler,p. and keller,k (2006) marketing management 12th edition. New jersey Pearson education incorporated

Kotler,p. Armstron,g. gnihotri,y,p and ehsan-ul-haq (2011) principles of marketing 13th edition. Donaild,R.cooper (2010) business research methods 9th edition.Florida Atlantic university

El Diefa. M & Fontb. X (2010),"The determinants of hotels' marketing managers' green marketing behavior",Journal of Sustainable Tourism Vol 18 (2), pp. 157-174

Sudeepa. S (2011),"Green Marketing: A Need of The Hour",Quest-The Journal of UGC-ASC Nainital, Vol : 5 (1), pp 168-172

Hardeep. S,(2011),"Green marketing helps sustain life", International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Vol : 2, (11), pp 64-82

Polonsky. M.J ,Morrish. S & Miles. M (2009),"Green Marketing in the Top Publicly Traded Australian Organizations",ANZMAC, pp. 2-9

Savale. K.T, Sharma. A.F & Patil. P.U (2003),"Green Marketing: Oppurtunities and Challenges"

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