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Using NMSU or DACC library databases, find two full-text articles on two of the ten "top trends in academic

libraries" mentioned in this week's article. Please provide a "permalink" or stable url to the article, a complete citation in APA style, and a one-paragraph reaction to each of the two you've selected. Patron driven e-book acquisition I agree that e-books have become very popular not just for young adults but even older ones. I, for one have spent so much on e-books since my husband bought me my Nook and this summer he bought me an iPad. Although I buy e-books, mostly from Barnes & Noble, I still borrow e-books from our public library and actual books from Amazon. I also agree with Fisher, Wright, Clatanoff, Barton, and Shreeves conclusion that budget and funding that goes with providing patrons with e-books is one of the hardest questions that is raised with the PDA incorporation in librarys collection. It might not look like it will cost a lot, far from it people would think that it should cost library less thinking that an electronic copy will last longer than its printed counterpart, but we fail to realize that due to copyright laws, an e-book does not have unlimited access capabilities, unlike a printed materials that can be read over and over again until its old and fallen apart. Digital preservation I am surprised at the extent of care needed to ensure the preservation on digital information. According to Finquelievich and Rodriguez, digitalized information does not guarantee preservation. As technology progress, there is always danger of losing important information unless definite and clear policies are executed for the sole purpose of long-term preservation. There are a lot to consider before going to this type of collection such as budget, manpower, employee training, short and long-term benefits.

Reference: Finquelievich, S., & Rodrguez, E. (2012). Investing in Future: Digital Information Preservation Proposal of Public Policies for South America. DESIDOC Journal Of Library & Information Technology, 32(4), 313-320. Accessed on November 16, 2012 from DACC online library. Fischer, K., Wright, M., Clatanoff, K., Barton, H., & Shreeves, E. (2012). Give 'Em What They Want: A One-Year Study of Unmediated Patron-Driven Acquisition of e-Books. College & Research Libraries, 73(5), 469-492. Accessed on November 16, 2012 from DACC online library

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