2012 November Norman Downes General Meeting Agenda

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Norman Downes Annual General Meeting

Bunten Road Park Activities Building November 26th, 2012 - 6:30 - 8:30 PM President: Barry Smith Treasurer: Susan Holland Vice President: Rob Welch Secretary: Yvonne Hunter-Cabell

Our meeting tonight will be a brief business meeting, then an informal look at the projects and progress of 2012 and whats ahead for 2013. Please take part in the discussions! Remember This is Your Norman Downes! Treasurer's Report Committee Reports Web Development Pool Operations Tennis Operations General Maintenance Landscape Maintenance Lake Recreation Development Social Events Old Business Review of previous minutes New Business Installation of new Board members Adopting the Community Standards Who do we want to be? The Look and Feel of Norman Downes Projects: Street Signs, Front Entrance, Lake and Tennis Area Security Open floor for members Suggestions for 2013 Projects Other Discussion Topics Normans News Christmas Issue Articles Merry Christmas and have a Happy, Healthy New Year! Rick Austin Rob Welch Mark Carter Sam Carr Andy Miller Bill Smith Barry Smith Cheryl Smith Susan Holland

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