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ABSTRACTION Inventories in a business unit can be categorized as working capital in the form of goods.

Existence on the one hand regarded as extravagance, but on the orther hand is also regarded as an indispensable asset to ensure smooth compliance with the request.Too much inventory will result in increased inventory c osts due to material damage,mainly because the material has passed the time limit expired.To minimize the total cost of supply, the company may also purs ue the purchase of cost reduction that can be obtained bye considering the discounted purchase price from suppliers when ordered in large numbers.Thus ne cessary to find stocks that provide the most minimal cost in the procurement of supplies.This research was conducted in order to produce raw material inventory planning model with limited time Especially constraints and the presence of material discount factors,particularly the all units quantity discount Which is enforced bye the supplier. While the basic model used is economic order quantity inventory model ( EOQ ). model validition is done bye eliminati ng the element of expired and the unit discount factor on the model. Validate the claim that the developed model is valid. At the end presented a simple algorithm search for solutions and examples of numerical models.

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