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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3 MB0050 Research Methodology - 4 Credits (Book ID: B1206) Assignment Set - 1 (60

0 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. 1. Define Research. What are the features and types of Research? 2. How is a research problem formulated? What are the sources from which one may be able to identify research problems? 3. What are the types of Observations? What is the utility of Observation in Business Research? 4. What is Research Design? What are the different types of Research Designs? 5. Explain the Sampling Process and briefly describe the methods of Sampling. 6. What is a Research Report? What are the contents of Research Report?

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3 MB0050 Research Methodology - 4 Credits (Book ID: B1206) Assignment Set - 2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. 1. Differentiate between nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales with an example of each. 2. What are the types of Hypothesis? Explain the procedure for testing Hypothesis. 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Case Study Method? How is Case Study method useful to Business Research? 4. What are the Primary and Secondary sources of Data? 5. Differentiate between Schedules and Questionnaire. What are the alternative modes of sending Questionnaires? 6. Explain the various steps in processing of Data.

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