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Group members: LaShan Allen, LaToya McKever, Aaron Parker, and Deedra Long PLANNING ACTIVITY OUTLINE Pursue

personal and aesthetic growth. Our target audience for our project will be a group of self-contained seniors that are taking the Georgia Alternative Assessment due to their intellectual functioning. These seniors have all been identified as having special needs and are enrolled in special education classes. Three of the seniors are African American males. Two of students are white males and the remaining student is a white female. These students all fall between the ages of 17-19. Their specific entry level skill is that all of these students passed the Georgia Alternative Assessment during the 2011/2012 school year, which was their 11th grade school year. These students have two primary learning styles. Two are visual learners while the remaining four have a kinesthetic style of learning. We will address Kellers ARCS model of motivation in the following areas: attention and relevance. In order to address student attention, we will use novel technology (Kindle) and variability (video format). We will address relevance by demonstrating a Kindle, showing different things e-readers can do. We will also address relevance by having our actors be in the same age group as our intended audience. Our activity will also demonstrate relevance by having the students explain one aspect of the Kindle shown that would be beneficial for them personally. Standard: Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Objective: (A) The student will (B) read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth by (C) watching a short video on information literacy that demonstrates an e-reader and (D) writing a short paragraph about one aspect of the e-reader shown that would be beneficial for them as readers.

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