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By Dr. Naveen
 Decomposition
 “It is the process in which the complex
organic substances are converted into
simpler one by the action of the proteolytic
enzymes of the tissue and living saprophytic
 Causes:
iphtheroids etc.
Stages of putrefaction:
 1.colour change
 2.Development of foul smelling gases
 3.Appearance of maggots
 4.Colliquative putrifaction
 1.colour change:
-externally: 1st seen in the abdominal skin,caecum
greenish discoloration
under surface of the liver
-Appears : 12-18 hrs. summer
1- 2 days winter
-it is due to decomposituon of haemoglobin into greenish
compound that stain the skin.
-it usually starts in right iliac fossa.
-Extends to external genitalia,chest,neck,face,arms and legs
-Deepens,dark green , dark blue
 2.Development of foul smelling gases:
-nauseating and unpleasant smell
-later collects in the abdomen
-abdomen tense and distended
-collects in the hollow visceras & t/s
-faces swollen
-rectum protrudes
 Time of development:
-12-18 hrs summer
-1-2 days winter
 3.appearance of maggots:
-flies are attracted by the smell
-lay their eggs
-forms larva(maggots)
-hatch into pupae( in 4-5 days)
-adult fly ( another 4-5 days)
- scalp & nails become loose
- teeth become loose
- sutures of the skull
-liquified brain
 4.colliquative putrifaction:
-after 5-10 days
-abdomen burst
- in children thorax also bursts
- T/s becomes loose,seperated from bones
and falls off
- bones are distroyed
Time during putrefaction
 Color changes;
12-18 hrs summer
1-2 days winter
 Development of foul smelling gases;
-gases collects in intestine:12-18 hrs
-collects in hollow viscera: 24-36 hrs
-blisters: 36-48 hrs
-swollen faces: 36-48 hrs.
-rectum protrudes: 48-72 hrs.
 Appearance of maggots: 18-36 hrs
 Teeth fall out: 3-7 days
 Sutures of the skull become loose: 5-12 days
 Body is skeletonized : 1-3 months
 Putrefaction rapid in :
intestinal obstruction
women dying after child birth
 Slow in :
if submerged in water
Putrefaction of internal organ :
 According to Taylor:
-intestine and stomach
-prostate /testis (M)
-Uterus,ovaries (F)
 According to Reddy:
-Larynx and trachea
-skin/muscle tendons
 !!!
 Adipocere formation
 “It is the modification of putrefaction in which
the body fat is converted into a brown wax
like substances which occurs in bodies
submerged under water for appreciable time
or burried in moist grave or water lodged
 Mechanism:
-the fatty t/s changes into substance known
as adipocere.
-it is due to gradual hydrolysis of preexisting
fats into higher fatty acid.
Time required for adipocere
 Varies greatly
 In summer : 3 weeks
may take 6wks- 12 months
 In winter : may take shorter time
not exactly known
 Common site:
face/buttock/breast & abdomen
 Less common:
limbs/chest wall
Medicolegal importance:
 Helps in identification long after death
 Causes of the death can be recognized
 May indicate place of burial
 Can estimate time
 Desication
 “It is the drying and shrivelling of the body
tissue due to rapid dehydration of the body
in a dry and hot climate and which retains
the natural appearance of the body.”
Factors influencing Mummification:
 1.Absence of dampness
 2.Dry or warmed air
 3.Marked dehydration before death
Time required:
 Not exactly known
 Months to year
Medicolegal importance:
 Identification
 Cause of death
 Time ,, ,,
 Place ,, ,,
 “Exhumation means digging out of an
already buried body from the grave for such
medicolegal purpose as identification or
autopsy in case of suspicious death from
foul play.”
 Who can order exhumation??
written order from district magistrate or
any other magistrate inpowered by the
Indication :
 In any suspicious of foul play or poisoning
 To established identity
 To detect the time of death
 Written order by the magistrate
 Exhumated under the supervision of MO,in the presence of police
 To be carried out in day light
 Exact situation of the grave
 If possible identify by name plate
 Wear gloves and mask
 Collect several samples of earth in contact with the body
 Seal it and label it
 Take out the body from the grave
 Identification by relatives and friends
 PM examination
 Preserve the visceras
 Following parts should be sent for chemical analysis:
-Hair head/pubic hair

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