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Graeme McFarlane August 25, 2012

PS III Internship Goals

Goal No. 1
Mission: What will you accomplish? (Goal statement) Vision: What does it look like when youve accomplished your goal? I.e. How will you know you have achieved your goal? What are the indicators of success or progress? (Assessment) Rationale: Why is it important?

Action Plan
I will develop and demonstrate fair and firm classroom management skills (b) by fostering strategies and techniques that engage the students instead of needed to continually respond to unacceptable classroom behavior (p). When I have taught a lesson without Timeline: stopping the class to deal with unacceptable (By when?) behavior due to the hook, interspersed The last day of PS III nuggets that pique interest and an engaging practicum closure that leaves students desiring more.

Pre-assessment: What assets and/or liabilities currently exist? How can you take advantage of your assets and minimize your liabilities? Who or what can help?

In order to make music and for it to be more enjoyable for the students and a more positive experience for me, appropriately responding to classroom behaviour is something I believe is crucial. However, building a toolbox of engaging techniques and tools to bring out for a class to enjoy with minimal consequences due to behaviour is desired. If a class does not have to be continually stopped because of misbehavior the time they have working at what is given to them increases and will hopefully increase the success of the final product. I believe it is important for students to learn in a classroom that is safe and accepting of different knowledge and skills and through undergoing a multitude of challenging experiences such as drama, group work, performances and individual projects students will be more confident and be successful in their endeavors. Assets Liabilities 1. I have seen the engagement of 1. I am inclined to be too students in an elementary level in music nice and want the students class in PS I & PS II by 3 teachers to like me 2. I have experience teaching an engaged 2. I do not know all of the music classroom from PS II students backgrounds 3. I have observed 6 elementary 3. I do not know all of the classroom teachers in their own procedures for discipline in classrooms and asked questions of their the school management and engagement 4. I am not familiar with the techniques in PS II techniques and strategies of 4. I have notes from University the teacher to engage Professors on the subject 5. I have read articles I can refer to for tips 6. My wife and Education colleagues

Graeme McFarlane August 25, 2012

Action plan: How will you accomplish your goal? What will you do? By when?

have strategies that I could adopt Actions/steps to be taken (What will you do?): 1. Review my notes from PS I & II 2. Look over the articles on Engagement in the Classroom that I have 3. Ask my TMs and FM what techniques they use 4. Read on-line articles to further my depth of knowledge, give me new ideas, and refine my reactions to inappropriate behaviour

Timeline: (By when?) 1. September 1, 2012 2. September 15, 2012 3. October 8, 2012 4. December 22, 2012


Goal No. 2
Mission: What will you accomplish? (Goal statement) Vision: What does it look like when youve accomplished your goal? I.e. How will you know you have achieved your goal? What are the indicators of success or progress? (Assessment) Rationale: Why is it important?

Action Plan
I will be able to competently conduct(b) students giving clear and precise (p) gestures that are easily identifiable and are full of meaning, specifically cut-offs, phrasing, and communicate dynamic markings. My efficiency as an educator will increase as I Timeline: will have to focus on a key aspect and only have (By when?) a specific amount of time to do it in. The last day of It will mean I will need to be confident in my practicum III) style and technique before I am in front of students so I know exactly what I am looking for so I am able to provide clear instruction to the students. The students will hopefully be more focused if I model this well. It is a challenge to have a master plan already laid out in your mind ready to communicate to others. Knowing what needs to be done and doing it are two different things and this is what is going to be difficult, the communication between desired outcome and reality. Passion, clarity, and an effective process to work through are important for all involved. These will promote focus and energy into the lesson and provide a goal to work towards.

Graeme McFarlane August 25, 2012

Pre-assessment: What assets and/or liabilities currently exist? How can you take advantage of your assets and minimize your liabilities? Who or what can help?

Action plan: How will you accomplish your goal? What will you do? By when?

Assets Liabilities 1. I enjoy listening and letting music 1. I desire perfection and can see affect me and I would like to model myself wanting to keep going until this for the students the students get it 2. Using a stopwatch for my lessons 2. Going too deep for some students will improve classroom and so some my tune out engagement due to seeing the end 3. I have little experience teaching in sight older students using engaging 3. I have had a chance to time techniques observe two established music 4. Lack of observation of a teachers during PS II conductor in a school setting 4. I have been in the University Singers under two different conductors and in Opera workshop working with interns and 2 experienced directors 5. I have professors and directors I can ask about making lessons more engaging during rehearsal at the University 6. I have conducted the University Singers a few times and lead the mens sectionals 7. I have a sense of humour Actions/steps to be taken Timeline: (What will you do?): (By when?) 1. I will borrow a book from the library or a 1.June 5, 2012 resource about effective engagement strategies 2. June 15, 2012 in rehearsal 3. October 28, 2012 2. I will ask professors at the University how to 4. December 20, 2012 be most direct and clear in communicating directions and concepts 3. I will observe conductors in a school setting and take notes on communication of ideas and clarity in their gestures 4. I will practice my teaching strategies and vocabulary in order to be as succinct as possible to increase the students grasp of a concept.


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