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Serial Numbers and materials

Serialization is a way to keep track of individual items (material masters). When

processing transactions, example Goods Receipt, Physical Inventory, etc.. you don't
just type in material and quantity but also the serial numbers of the individual items.
Serial numbers is a unique number that identify an item. Example if quantity is 2,
one need to indicate serial numbers of the two items. A report is available to show all
movements for a spesific serial number.

Lets go through a simple example to do a Physical Inventory posting on a material

where we activate serial numbers.

Setting up -- Master data

A material is activated in Plant / Data Storage 2 view of material master. Field MARC-
SERNP .The options (serialization profiles) are set up in configuration and define how
it will be used (see below).

Using it in transactions

Lets look an an Inventory Management transaction for this material, transaction

MI10 to do a stock adjustment and see where the serial numbers are used.
For this material, serialization is active, so the system force you to enter the serial
numbers of the items, in this case the quantity was 2, therefore 2 serial numbers

Lets look at stock overview -- tcode mmbe and see if the serial numbers are visible.
Showing all the serial numbers

Double clicking on the serial number take you to transaction IQ03 -- serial number
per material.
History of all inventory management transactions related to this serial number are
visible by hitting the 'History' button
Setting up -- Configuration

IMG Menu: Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Serial Numbers > Determine
Serial Number Profile - tcode OIS2

For every profile, one needs to specify the area in SAP where it will be used and how
it will be used.
Serial number usage:
01 - None
02 - Optional
03 - Obligatory
04 - Automatic

Equipment required indicates if a equipment is required.

01 - Proposal without equipment
02 - always with equipment

SAP version used for this post: SAP ECC (ERP Central Component) 5.0

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