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Core problem & justifications: The improper policy implementation seems to be at the core of the companys problems.

The lack of policy implementation is prevalent throughout the operations and activities of the organization. As evidenced in the case, different departments have surfaced different issues- all directly or indirectly related to the organizations inability to follow a certain set of rules- the finance department has issues with its HOD being extra lenient and perhaps not focusing too much on employee performance based on the evaluation of the appraisals. Mr Noufil on the other hand, in absence of Mr. Zafar Iqbal has been misleading the board regarding the performance of the company. The lack of checks on his performance can be seen as a cause for him reporting twisted figures and shirking the responsibility away from himself- blaming it on the countrys current situation. Interestingly, the CEO of Kansai Paints, Mr. Zafar Iqbal, chose to spearhead the formation and launch of Kansai Paints Iranian- this resulted in him temporarily being replaced by Mr. Raza, who, prior to his allocation in Kansai was the CEO of a foreign bank. The lack of interest in succession planning can be seen as a direct cause of the incompetence of Mr. Raza, which eventually negatively impacted Kansai Paints Pakistans performance. Mr. Iqbal did eventually recognize the nonexistence of formal processes and procedures, upon his return from Iran. A major cause for concern was the negligence shown to the development of appraisal forms. The incompetent style of appraising and the lack of policy implementation in areas such as administration led the employees to freely conduct appraisals as they saw fit- this caused severely uneven and unjust appraisals across the organization.

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