English Grammar 1

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UNIT 2 PART |. THERE TO BE (HABER, EXISTIR) ‘A. PRESENT TENSE: THERE IS - THERE ARE Estas expresiones se usan para indicar la existencia de algo. Son equivalentes a la expresién HAY, en castellano. THERE IS /$cor'/ 96 usa con sustantivos singulares o incontables. THERE ARE /Searé 8° usa con sustantivos plurales. Normaimente, en el singular, se usa la contraccién THERE'S /8earz/. There is a book on the desk /éear iz © bik on & déek/ (Hay un libro sobre el escritoric) ‘There's a car in the car park. /Sarz ekirin 6 kér pask/ (Hay un auto en el estacionamiento) ‘There's some water in the glass. /Séarz eam wéterin f glse/ (Hay agua en el vaso) ‘There are 10 students in my clase. /Ssor ten stents in mal kisee/ (Hay 10 alunos en mi curso) ‘There are some chairs in the room /toeré sam tore do rim/ (Hay algunas sillas en la sale) LLafora negativa se expresa con THERE IS NOT / THERE ISN'T /Sca int’ o THERE ARE NOT / THERE ARENT (Scar ‘rort) ‘There is not a book on the desk. /Ssariznét e bok on 8 disk There isn't a car in the car park. / Sar tnt kin 8 kr parks There isn't any water in the glass. /Ssr int éniwéterin bs gle! There's no water in the glass /Séarznéu wéterin 8 gna! There are not 10 students in my class. /8oar ax nét tn stent in mal Koa! There aren't 10 students in my class. ‘Sear érent tn stant in mal Koa! ‘There aren't any chairs in the room. /Sear érent én tchéarzin 6 i! ‘There are no chairs in the room. /éearsxrnéu tare do ren! La forma interrogativa se hace mediante simple inversién del verbo con la palabra THERE. Ie there a book on the desk? se Bre bak on 8 dak Is there a carin the car park? sz Soro karin oki park Is there any water in the glass? (esr éniwsterin 62 alae’ ‘Are there 10 students in the class? /é: Sx ten stiicerta in mal Kal ‘Are there any chairs in the room? /é:r Sor én tonéerz in 89 rr Hay dos palabras interrogativas estrechamente relacionadas con There is y There are: HOW MUCH? ‘ns match’ (eCuénto? gCudnta?) y HOW MANY? mau méav (2 Cuéntos? ¢Cuantas?) How much whisky is there in the glass? ‘There's very little (whisky). How much ice is there in the glass? There's a lot (of ice) How much water is there? ‘There isn’t any (water). There's no water. How many doors are there in this room? There's only one (door). How many windows are there? ‘There are three (windows) How many chairs are there? ‘There aren't any (chairs). There are no chairs. Como ud. ha advertido, la palabra SOME /sém/ (algo, algunos / as) solamente se usa en forma afirmativa. En las interrogaciones se debe user la palabra ANY /én/. En la forma negativa ee puede usar NOT ANY inct én’ 0 NO insu Estudie la siguiente tabla: ‘Affirmative ‘SOME “There's some water in the Gass. [ar sam wit be gical ‘There are some trees in the garcen /sa sam vizin te orch/ Negative NOTANY There isnt any water inthe glass. /tar tél wétr nb gi? There aren't any trees in the garden. /sour rent ritizn be gird NO There ’s no water inthe glass. rz nau woth be is! There are no troes inthe garden. /tour dy nduuizin te gc Interrogative ANY? Ts there any water in the lass? /z tear éniwetsrin fe gal ‘Are there any trees in the garden? . /ar ar éi wz nto gdh Acatcomehenuntratitauints 27 Note el uso de LITTLE my (poco/e), FEW sia: (pocos/as) y A LOT OF /e 6t ov (bastante/bastantes) ‘There's very little water in the glase /éser vast wéterin 8 glsa/ Hay muy poca agua en el vaso ‘There's a lot of ice in my glass. /Sarz@ Kt ov és in mal gésa/ Hay bastante hielo en mi vaso ‘There are very few desks in the room, /éser arr vr f: desks in do rnv Hay muy pocos eacritorios en la gala ‘There are a lot of chairs in the room, /éserair® tov tohéer in rizm/ Hay bastante silas en la eala. La expresion a lot of normalmente se usa en oraciones afrmativas. En las oraciones negativae e interrogativas ee pprefiere usar las palabras much o many, sequin eea el caso “Attrmative ‘alotot “There's a lot of sugar in the bow /8sarz et ov chigrin de boa! ‘There are alot of Books on the shel, iar reli ov bk on be at Negative not much “There isnt much sugar inthe bow. arnt muh ehigarin do boa eon not many “There arent many books on the shelf. /ser ert msn bu on 8 shit Interrogative ‘much? Is there much sugar in the bow? far mutch shigar ha be bs! rogat many? ‘Ae there many books on the shelf? fr bar mér but on be at! El articulo indefinide A/AN (un,una) no tiene una forma para el plural, por lo tanto se omits. Normalmente el articulo AIAN 8e reemplaza por las palabras SOME ‘ear elgunos/as, SEVERAL /eéverv varios/as, MANY /méev muchos/as. ‘There is a tree in the garden. There are trees in the garden There are some trees in the garden There are several trees in the garden. There are many trees in the garden. (Cuando THERE IS/THERE ARE van seguidas directamente por un sustantivo, en las negaciones generalments 26 usa la palabra NO insu ‘There's water in that bottle. There's no water in that bottle, ‘There are flowers in the garden. There are no flowers in the garden Finalmente, estudie la siguiente tabla allot of much allitic very little o/not any milk inthis bottle many flowers inthe atew garden, very few o/not any EXERCISES Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using THERE IS or THERE ARE: ‘some books on the she. very lttle money left in the box. ‘only one student in the lab now. very few people at the conference. Reps 28 Astertoarsenengtn rast atte Ro more milk in the jug. no more cassettes in the box. ro time left. several helicopters in the airfield. ‘some letters for you on the desk. alot of mistakes in your composition. Seexnon 1 Ex. 2. Change the following statements into the negative form. 1. There's a lot of frit in the basket. 2. There are a lot of etudente abgent. 8. There's eome more meat in the fridge. 4, There are eome extra chairs in the room. 5. There's a telephone in the room. 6. There are a lot of people in the room. 7. There are some more clean glasses. 8. There are 30 days in February. 9. There's some more money in my pocket. 10. There's central heating in the room. Ex. 3. Change the following sentences into the interrogative form. There's a hotel near the Training Center. There are some students absent today. There's a lot of free time in the mominge. There's some more coffee in the cup. There are more than 10 students, There are more women than men, There is another chair in that room There are some more books. There are 24 hours in a day. There's a train for Paris in the moming. Seenognens 1 Ex. 4. Complete the following questions and answers. Use HOW MUCLH.....IS THERE? Or HOW MANY. ARE THERE? in the questions, and THERE'S or THERE ARE in the Answers . Ej: (How many) dictionaries (are thers}? Chere are) 8, sir. 1. money 2 very litle. 2. doors in the lab? just one. 3 rik in the jug? no milk init. 4 video tapes. 7 very few. 5. work. today? alot of work. 6 people in the room?. alot. 7 butter in the dish? just a litle, a secretariea, here? two. 9. women in that group? five or ax 10. men in the crew? four men, Ex. 5. Use LITTLE, FEW, A LOT in the blank spaces. 41. There are very, books in the echoo| library. 2. There's milk left in the bottle. 8. There's very ice in my glass. 4, There's Cf noige in this room, Acatcomenertntratiteuints 28

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