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Solid Waste Management in Selangor

We are the 5th semester students of Business Economics at the Faculty of Business Management, UiTM Shah Alam. We are currently conducting a survey on Solid Waste Management. This survey is conducted to identify how solid waste is being managed in Selangor. Therefore, we are much honoured to have you spend a little of your time answering this questionnaire. Your answers will be kept confidential. Thank you for your cooperation and participation. PART A : DEMOGRAPHIC Location Age : : Banting Shah Alam < 20 20 29 years old Gender Race : : 30 40 years old L Malay Chinese Status : Married Single Occupation : Student Government Sector Household Income : Resident Type Private Sector <RM2,000 RM2,001 RM6,999 Flat Storey Terrace Double-Storey Terrace Apartment / Condominium No. of Household : ________________________ Other ; please state: ___________ Self Employment Housewife Not Working >RM7,000 Bungalow Semi-D Quarters Others ; please state: ___________ Sabak Bernam Sungai Besi 40 50 years old > 50 years old P Indian Other ; please state : ____________

PART B : AWARENESS This section is to see for your understanding on solid waste management. Please tick the answer that reflect your understanding and knowledge on this matters.
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam

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Solid Waste Management in Selangor

How concerned are you about the current state of environment? Concerned Not Concerned No Opinion Are you aware on the adverse environmental impact of improper disposal of solid waste materials? Yes No Do you know about solid waste management? Yes No Where do you obtain information on solid waste? Media Seminar School Friends Articles / Journals Do you sort out your solid waste? Yes Miscellaneous sources No information Others ; please state : ______________ No Not Sure Not Sure

How do you usually sort out your solid waste? Separate recyclable and non-recyclable

Not sure

item Not sorting the waste Do you know where the nearest dumping / recycling centre in your area? Yes No Not Sure Do you use the services offered by the dumping / recycling centre? (If the answer is YES, answer the next question, if not, please move to the next part) Yes No How regular did you use the facilities? Daily Monthly Not in a regular basis Weekly Yearly

Does the centres facilities working efficiently? Yes No PART C : PERCEPTION

Not Sure

This section is intend to find and examine your perceptions towards solid waste management. You can tick more than one answer that reflects your perceptions. I. ENVIRONMENT What is your method in disposing the solid waste? Burn Bury Compost Not concern Not really Recycle Reuse Garbage truck Neither concern or
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Others ; please state : ____________ Concern Very Concern

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam

Solid Waste Management in Selangor

at all 1 the environtment. Some method of solid waste by burning up the garbage will affect the environment. Reduction of natural resources comes from the production of solid waste. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 concern 2 Unconcerned 3 1 4 2 3 4 5 5

Illegal dumping of solid waste that causes pollutions to


How do you feel about the services provided by the garbage truck? Concerned Yes Yes Yes III. HEALTH Not Concerned No No No No Opinion Not Sure Not Sure Not Sure Are you willing to recycle your solid waste? Are you willing to participate in composting / recycling programs? Are you willing to purchase less throwaway products? (example : plastic, polystyrene)

Do you concern on the diseases that occur related to improper storage and disposal of solid waste? Concerned below: Rate the diseases that you agree it is linked to the improper solid waste management. Strongly Disagree 1 Allergies Chronic Diseases (ex : Cancer, Immunotoxicity) Disagree 2 Neither Agree nor Disagree 3 1 1 2 2 Agree 4 3 3 4 4 Strongly Agree 5 5 5 Not Concerned No Opinion Using the preceding Likert scale, state the extent to which you agree with the statement

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam

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Solid Waste Management in Selangor

Infectious Diseases 1 2 3 4 5

How many times per year do you visit a physician for the fear of contracting diseases due to improper solid waste management? 0 13 45 <5

IV .


What do you recommend in improving the solid waste management in your area?

___________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam

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