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November 26, 2012

Volume 11 Issue 15

Important Dates & Info MCEE Spring 2013 and Summer 2013 Graduating Seniors MUST complete a graduation check at MCEE Student Services (N117) CPSGG Holiday Mixer Fri. Dec 7th SEC East Atrium 6-10 All students, staff and faculty are invited Please RSVP to CPSGG has sent out the 2012 Earth Scientist, if anyone is interested in receiving one contact or (405)325-0360 MPGE SPE Meeting at NWC Thurs 6:15 Load Craft Industries will be talking about job opportunities

2012 North America Honorary lecture

Ocean Bottom Acquisition and Processing: Past, Present and future Room 1446 Sarkeys Energy Center Tuesday November, 27 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm FALL 2012 CONVOCATION RECEPTION IS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14TH at 6:30p.m. in the EAST Atrium.

The registration period is Spring AND Summer. If you plan on enrolling for Summer Classes, NOW is the time to enroll.

SATURDAY JAN.26, 2013 9:30 am 3:30pm Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center
A leadership conference on campus for you! Register by 5 pm Dec. 14th. To sign up visit Leadership and Volunteerism OMU, Suite 249-253 or view the form at $15 registration includes t-shirt, breakfast, lunch, snack, and conference experience.
Earthlinks Editors: Humzah Choudry, Jennifer DiGiulio

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