Child Care From A Global Perspective2

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Loris Malaguzzi is the founder of the Reggio Emilia approach The Reggio Emilia Approach was created in 1945

in Reggio Emilia, Italy

History of the child care system


This approach was built on the peoples passion to change an unjust world after the Second World War
Men and women came together to physically build schools with their hands. Parents and teachers from the community also came together to run the schools.

Dr. Maria Montessori is the founder of the Montessori Approach - she was a physician and educator She developed this approach by using her observations of the way children naturally learn In 1906 Maria opened a school for underprivileged children in the San Lorenzo district of Italy Her first class consisted of about 60 children under the age of 6, most of them suffered from malnourishment

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