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Instructor’s Resource Manual to accompany Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Eighth Edition Containing Solutions to Problems in Text Solutions to Laboratory Experiments Test Item File Robert L. Boylestad Louis Nashelsky Franz J. Monssen Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Columbus, Ohio Copyright © 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America, This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department. Instructors of classes using Boylestad & Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Eighth Edition, may reproduce material from the instructor's resource manual for classroom use. 10987654321 ISBN 0-13-092212.9 Contents Solutions to Problems in Text Solutions to Laboratory Experiments Prepared by Franz J. Monssen Test Item File Prepared by Rajiv Kapadia 205 299 Chapter 1. (odd) ~ An "ideal" device or system is one that has the character- istics we would prefer to have when using a device or system in a practical application. Usually, however, technology only permits a close replica of the desired characteristics. The "ideal" characteristics provide an excellent basis for comparison with the actual device characteristics permitting an estimate of how well the device or system will perform. On occasion, the "ideal" device or system can be assumed to obtain a good estimate of the overall response of the design. When assuming an "ideal" device or system there is no regard for component or manufacturing tolerances or any variation from device to device of a particular lot. 3. The most important difference between the characteristics of a diode and a simple switch is that the switch, being mechanical, is capable of conducting current in either direction while the diode only allows charge to flow through the element in one direction(specifically the direction defined by the arrow of the symbol using conventional current flow) . 5. p = 50x103st-em (Si) , f= 1O7FS2-em (Cun) oe R=fh = (50x103s2-em) (3am) = \SOkse Clem?) ©) Re = (Sonio8srem) Clem? = 12.5 hem?) © Reh = (Sono Remon) = Sook. MO Raph = 110 r-em) OSS) th em a ¢ Bees" = Base Re, Ray = Sond: 1 7. Intrinsic material: an intrinsic semiconductor is one that has been refined to be as pure as physically possible. That is, one with the fewest possible number of impurities. Negative temperature coefficient: materials with negative temperature coefficients have decreasing resistance levels as the the temperature increases. Covalent bonding: covalent bonding is the sharing of electrons between neighboring atoms to form complete outermost shells and a more stable lattice structure. 4. We OV = (6C)(3V) = 18T. MN. GaP Gallium Phosphide Eg =224eV ZnS Zine Sulfide Ey = 3.67eV 13, A'donor atom has five electrehs in its outermost valence shell while an acceptor atom has only 3 electrons in the valence shell. 15. same basic appearance as Fig. 1.9 since Arsenic also has 5 valence electrons (pentavalent). 17. = 19: For forward bias, the positive potential is applied to the p-type material and the negative potential to the n-type material. 21. R= 1L600/4 = 1600/2 = 5800 (11 = 2 4or Vo= 0.6V) Te = Te +273 = 10042735 373 (3800%0.6¥) 33 ete ze 373 = 7 = 127x107 ) gze%= 4d (2) Fer veov, eos d amd TaTeC ie 25. For most applications the silicon diode is the device of choice due to its higher temperature capability. Ge typically has a working limit of about 85 degrees centigrade while Si can be used at temperatures approaching 200 degrees centigrade. Silicon diodes also have a higher current handling capability. Germanium diodes are the better device for some RF small signal applications, where the smaller threshold voltage may prove advantageous. 27. Vy 8o.cev, Ip=2ma Roc = VE = OO8V a 3282 Ip Zma Vpe -30y, Tye T= -O1Fl Ree = Ye = 3%, = 300M2 Th OYA Ds the reverse vorTase unoreacee, the reverse reacoTomee sintresase weeTly Camica the diode | Bt. Tp l0mA, Vp = O-76V Races YE = OEY = 7632 Ip Omi — vas BVA 2 0.74V-O76V 5 0.03V — 352. * Bia” TSmA- SmA” Tome = Rae >> A 33, Ip=imA, ra Tp=i5eQ, ras Zer¥ = > ras sma BS. rg= AVA = OBv-OTV L 8e8Y_ a3 5H current remains onitaat) = 2(2ERY) =2 (20m) =. Sz vs SSsz (#32) = v ZomYV © 1.7: vs. 28% (#32, ZomV — 113s Bra TB Se A IA (relatively close Te average valine atobse 34) om: 37, Uouig the besT apgroimatinn Toth conve begenet peor : _ ANA 2 0.8V-02V _ ow © tags BS aoa = Somat Se ot 39. As the magnitude of the reverse-bias potential increases the capacitance drops rapidly from a level of about 5pF with no bias. For reverse-bias potentials in excess of l0V the capacitance levels off at about 1.5pF. YH. Log scale : Tqa=z2s%, Te = OSma Tas 00'C, Te = 600A the chamge 12 significadT 60mA:0.5nA = 1201 pee FST Te wont srerenar To CMA sTonTunly with 0.5m A & S%C) om Boulotinng the leved sows rere, AB. Ta 25°C! Page = SOOMNT Tw 100°C: Pace = Z00mWr Prag = Ve men = Vee Tee Pat, SOOM = ny.24mA Ne Iv Tra Pree. 2600W = S743 Ve OAV W24mA: SNASMA = AZ 1 S21 AS. (a) Vg s -25V: Cr & O.7SeF Vpe -lov: Cy 1.2596 ee a eee lncespsieecgl eka ev Benet 1OV! Gps LZSpF ‘ ae 3ee |=) = | '25e8 =34F| Ave voy — Iv ©) o.atet/y : O.033eF/v = 88:1 F611 WWereated sensiTivitiy mean Vp= OV 47. The transition capacitance is due to the depletion region acting like a dielectric in the reverse-bias region, ‘while the diffusion capacitance is determined by the rate of charge in- jection into the region just outside the depletion boundaries of a forward-biased device. Both capacitances are present in both the reverse and forward-bias directions, but the transition capacitance is the dominant effect for reverse-biased diodes and the diffusion capacitance is the dominant effect for forward- biased conditions. = OY ct M4 y= 1X atm Tye se teste ot = dns Come ts r2ts= Uns ts= Sus tye ath = one ‘Se = OG4eFV v = SY 2 osma torn AY2 Sl, 240.072 = DYZ— x 100% Vz (t-te) 0.012 = 8-75V.x100 yov CT,-25) Y) x 100% = TI% 68v) the 20V Zener is therefore = bBVauck Z4V measured fromthe 6.8V At Iz= olmA, Te 20.06%/T CSV=SEV) x 100% = HH (6-8V-3.6V) whe SV 2ener is therefore S4% fpthe disTanee becca B.0V and G.8V measured dyem-the 3.6V chara TerisTc. At Tz <0.mA, Te 2 0.025% /°C 5S. 24V Zener: O.zmA : ImA Oma : the STeeger the curve Chigh; dynamic vesisTamce. BT. Fig. 55 Cf) Te S13mA Fig. 55 (e) Ve 22:3 TTL A the disTance between aractoristic. er AT/Av) the less the 54. a. ims = 1 Ss, f= soon, From Fig hSSOM Lpesk men 1g Zac cman 2 gente omagy = 8 Lae omayy = 1.8 (ZOmA) = SomA b. lms = loooms, $= 10045, Fram Fig. bS5th) Teese one) 22.7 Tae tmady = 2tzomny= Smt Sena th, $2300; Fe100H, 4 Trek 7 eons) 7 a eins) B.3ms FtgA Sams 7 ——rrapah 5 roms The plots above reveal thas for the same durdTioepulte, the. (ewer ae fregvency the higher the permiled wen for the duralion of The potse — conen wih our expedalios, 3 Chapter _1. (even) Seen the Forward-bias region the Ov drop across the diode at any level of current results in a resistance level of zero ohms - the "on" state - conduction is established. In the reverse-bias region the zero current level at any reverse-bias voltage assures a very high resistance level - the open-circuit or "off" state - conduction is interrupted. 4, Semiconductor: materials with conduction characteristics lying between those of a conductor and insulator. Typically materials whose conduction level is a function of the "doping" levels. Resistivity: that characteristic of materials that will determine level of opposition to the flow of charge (current) through the material. Bulk resistance: (from additional reading and section 1.7) the actual resistance of a semiconductor material. Ohmic contact resistance: (from additional reading and section 1,7) the resistance introduced by the connection between the metal lead and the semiconductor material. 6. Copper has 29 orbiting electrons with only one electron in the outermost shell. ‘The fact that the outermost shell with its 29th electron is incomplete(subshell can contain 2 electrons) and distant from the nucleus reveals that this electron is loosely bound to its parent atom. The application of an external electric field of the correct polarity can easily draw this loosely bound electron from its atomic structure for conduction. Both intrinsic silicon and germanium have complete outer shells due to the sharing(covalent bonding) of electrons between atoms. Electrons that are part of a complete shell structure require increased levels of applied attractive torces to be removed from their parent atom. 8. 10. 48eV =48C1.0x1074 TF) = 768x104 e=W= 6.8x10"T _ 6 to x10", av Get x10 ig the ange aasaciates with HelerTe ons, 12. an n-type semiconductor material has an excess of electrons for conduction established by doping an intrinsic material with donor atoms having more valence electrons then needed to establish the covalent bonding. The majority carrier is the electron while the minority carrier is the hole. ‘A p-type semiconductor material is formed by doping an intrinsic material with acceptor atoms having an insufficient number of electrons in the valence shell to complete the covalent bonding thereby creating a hole in the covalent structure. The majority carrier is the hole while the minority carrier is the electron. 14, Majority carriers are those carriers of a material that far exceed the number of any other carriers in the material. Minority carriers are those carriers of a material that are less in number than any other carrier of the material. 16. Same basic appearance as Fig. 1.11 since Boron also has 3 valence electrons (trivalent). 1s. 20, Ty = 204273 =243 k= Weoofn, = Neoe/z Clow valve Vp) = 5800 Tn = Ts (ete 1) = Sone BEMEM = Soxio“4Ce 8771) = 7.147 mA 22. (a) Tee20 +273 9243 Re ty600/y = 1600/2 = S800 A «S8001C10¥) Tye Tele tVOre -1) = O1mACe gas -") = x10 Oe 97951) = 0.11076 (1.07 x1 BO Fone = OA an Ip =Ts=0.1.A (by The resuit is expedied aura dicde curr under reverse tice condiBione should eye tha saTuraTion Vadis. Ak var0'% : Ty =0.1p8 Te 30%. : Tye 2COpAI= O2.A (devbore every IE rise im Tompuratore) Tedore : Ty 2 2C0.%uA= O4A Te 50% * Ty =2(ohn)= 0.848 Te bore + Ty2260.8yA) =1.ouA . . LeepA 0.ys0 a> 16:1 sincrenaa din Te rise uh enrpersTure 2 O°, 26. From Fig.ht4: Vp decrenvedl with sreresae. sin TomperaTore LIV: 0.65V 32.0:1 Ts uoreaaR with mureaas in ComperaTore 2pA:O.yA = 20:1 Dt Ip = \SmA, Vp = 0-82V rc = Ye = 0.82v .s44.c7a T> sma As the forward diode evrrenT sinwreacee tht sTaTic. reotslamcs, decrease. 28. 30. Ca ry = ANd = 0.14V~ 0.70 . 0038¥ 23 BI, iSmA-SmA~ 10mA ©) ya ZomV L ZomV¥ = fon = on a 26: OD 7 Toma * SOS © qaite close 32. 2 AM. O72v-0.0W Ip= ima, ras SMa = 55% , Bia, On oe ras = 0.8V— Tpe Sma, ras Ros OSL OTT 2s, Yay= Mb = OAV=O8V cause BIg 1 SmA--emA ‘Vays BNt = OAY=OTV _ OVS hase On KE mA om be 38. 200. 100. CIES cman 40. == We. Bt Nos-28V, Tp —0.2mA and uh Yp=—\00v, Tp —O.4SnA, ough the chamey win Tg vo move Hoan 100% “tre level A Te andl “the venus chemi is reatindy emast for mosTegghishione, AZ. Tes 0.1mQ: 142 oor Tes \SmA: 42 702 Tes zomA: rat ose The resoits suggort the Ack ther “the duymamic or Ae restsTamen decreaces ragidly with imcrenaning current levels. Jt, Uoaag the boom righT graph a Fig.1.36: Tp =S0OmA@ Te? Ae Ee = 250mA, T 210 4G. From Fig. 1-37: Vp= OV, Cp = 3:3¢E Vp= 0.25V, Cp= 4p 4B. Vp=0.2V, Cpa 13¢F Kee shee” amconns rage) = sehen p= -20V, Cy = 04 pF : for gape” saGnuyKoage= BAT Se 5O- gavivz) 16.8V6VR) Z_20yACTe) S2. crate Ave x 100% VzCh-Ted = BY48V) grco% = 0.0534/"C SvGieo%259 4. a0 ' S¢. Ve = 2.0V which is courier stoly | silicas (ZOAV). For gormamivan iT 42.8611 ratio. 58. iqher than gevamiven(S O3V) or Ta nie and Gee Stee Ca) ReleTive eFficionery ie Sms oe 10m 102 0.82 xi00%= 244b % noreaos 0.82, ratio 102 _ 2h 82 ——— & ive efficiency @ ZOmA = 138 Cb) Relative efficien 9 Bees 12 “138, 100% = 24% snoremes 136 — ratio LAZ 21.03 3g ©) For currents grestor “than watt SOMA ‘the goraniX aincrean, is significant, tess “Hoan hiner currents A, leste— one oe meron coronas A cay = 20.25 e 275° —— Fig. VSSQ) #75) ® os 4=40° Chapter Z Codd) = 24.24 m AQ amd ie will we + Ips = BY A, The load Ii N wlersedl oh Tp= E = BY Tag = 22.2mA Vg = E-Vpg = BV—0-1V= 13V © Vope ov Ip, =24.24mA Ve = E- Vbg = 8V-ov=8v For (a) +Cb? levels of Yop and Trp are quite dose. Levels Pere Ce) ave reasmably close buT a0 expected dua To Weve agelict volTlase e. 3. Load Uwe through Tpp=!0mA 4 chanacterhTics and Vye WV w io lersee Tp ais oe 1.25 mA. sl2SmA=E = Iv Tp =N2smA=E =v 5. ca) T=OmA ; dicde reverse—biaced, (OY Va gg = 20¥—O-1V = 19.39 (Kirchhoffts vorta se ans) Ts '93V _ 04058 “ 208. OT =1OV 1A, contr branch open vos. = 5 1. @ Vy=_2en(z0v-0av-03v) Zien+ Zest 4 =4.5v = £czov-w) =¥ 014v) = ESV CO) TD = sov+2V-0.1V Lu3v 2 1.41SmA Vea ster 54 Via TR= Cas man dts) =4V Ve = V'=2V = GV-2V=1V 4. Cay Vo,= 12v-0.01V= av Vop= 2.3 fb) Vo, = -10V #0.3V-+0.1V= =4V, = 2mA, Vog=—(2mAX3.3e2)=-6.6V T= lov-onv-03v _ dv VZee+3.3e2 4SkR 10 U1. Ca) Ge diode Yon" erevewTuing Si diode Prem Tormaing "on" Vo = WOV—0.3V = 4.1V (&) Ls lbv-0.7V-0.7v-12v _ 26V TR = Reese Vo = I2V + (0.553mA X44.7e2) = MCV = O.553mA 13. Fer the gawaslel Si- 2k branches a Thevenin equivalent will vresurt (fer “ont dialer) an o aurgle series branch Joana ee vesisTer as showre below: vey 1 Fea + ae = 3043v) eS F2ER Lev Em, Pm Zang = S2Y = 3.1mA eee Fe p= Tek = 3.1mA z z 1S. Both diodes "on", Vy = lov- os 17, Both diodes "off", Vo = 10V 19. OV ah ant Termine? is “wore pasiTive’ than -SV a4 the other iupeT Termine, Therefore acowme lower dicde “on” and upper dicwe. “off The resu ft: -5SmA Vo= OV —onVv = 0.1 The resuiT Fugports “the above Assumptions. 2M. The Si diode recuires mere Terminal voltage raw “the Ge diods, Sete aes aceasta Si diode “off" and Ge dicde Yon" ‘the resutT: Vo= SV-o3v =41V The vertu suggerTs the abour scoumeTions. Using Vac ™ 0.318 (Vm—Vr) AV = 0.318 CVm-o-7Y) Solving: Vm= 6.48V = 101 we z6v fatiad .BSmA 01 ~e9Bv uu a3, 28: v= Buoy = 155.56V Vae = 0-318 Vm= 0.318. (15S.Sev) = ATV S5.5oV AT Prygy = bmw = 00-7V)Tp Tp = MieW = 2oma Vv O) 4A7eallSeese = 4-34esz Vp = OV- oV= 154.3 Zap = 189-39 = 26-iaA mm Tres OO or = Ty = 56cTimA. 18.36m0 diode = “ee = SectimBln 18.somh @) yes Tp =2omA> 18.36mA 2 Laide = 36-71MAD> Emus ZOmA 24. ih Piv = 1009 Séov au. e gulte Te tet 4, becom lefT dicde Yous" Bree N22 =e Vo ies Q70v) _ se.e7v coed Wes. + 2.2 Negative guise YE Tog left diode Sons", boom left diode, “off* Ve, = bikes2zQtIov) _ seciv "eee Mesa 2.2 sz, Vae= 0-630(S6.67V) = 36.04V rd ; Izv BB. Ca) Postlive pulse od) Vit 7 No= 2keseCiov—-00V) _sepy |" Lov UN 2an + ZZ RSt Negetive prise aac 4% lav WO Positive evise y No = tov ~o-Tv + Sv =43V + Low Negative pv: we corte et squat Di=OV 2 35. (4) Diode “m* r wy RIV For i >47V, Vo y+oav= ATV For mi < 4.1y, diode “off” amd Me Me ZARTV buT Me ong. acwoss “the Sion Fer at: >+t7y, % For ah, <1, diode “off, Tp =Te= Om an 3 We ay o= Ob Mz aON, Me=— AV 37a) Startwing with UL= -20v, the diode is du Ha "en" Tate amd he cagasiiior quick changge av Te = 20V +. During this stoma 4 time Ue is acvont “the on" Bods (shevT-cauuaT equaivalecF) a2 Ng= OV When aj swiThes Te Ha +20V lev the Rioda ators tha “oft sraTe Copen- etrouit equivatent) aunt Nox Wir Ue = 2OVH2OV=+HOV "%, ° 4ov 4 TEL ising d} Vow ToaRswingg AU el & t sing 4 swing (bh) STanting with Wy = —Zov, the diode a sin “tha on state an the opacto~ chan To —ISV +. Note thas Wp = +20V Om Athe SV supgly ae Sad tive heross te capacitor: pang thie Time stove tr, is across “m" dieds and SV svegly be = - SV. hon Wy switemes To the +zov level the diode eTors the Soff" grate amd Yon Vite = 2OV+ISV = 3SV h +35V 13, 34. (ay Pe RC = (SOW ICO.1UF) = Soms St= 28me de) Sa=zBms >>T = 1: ze Gey Positive guise ge Vo= o.5ms, Sot! -2V +oave —1.3V 3 Te 10V+2V—O7V = IL3V Diode "on" am. Capacitor chan. Agative eotse Me! Diode tof" andl Vom —iov—thave ~213V -. = SAY J-2.3v HL Network of Fig. 2161 with 2V ballery rovers pane + & I aN AB.aNZ <12v, R= Me = Y= con bag F~ 200m MLaVesizv= Biv 5 cose Ciev) RurRs Con+es 20 +1ZRs=460 12Re= 2HO Es=202 cb) — Pe mag = V2 Tz man =Ulzv}Kz00mA) AWS 45. AT 30V ue have T be sure Zener diode is "ow" Vie zov= Be» Nee (ov) Ree lees Solving, AT. Viq = LHIACIZOV) = 161 68V Nyy = 21164. 68v, 14 Chagter Beery = SY =221mA 2.(ay Ip= BR 2zen she load line exTends from Fp=2:27mA Te Vp= SV. vy Trg ZmA bg % OF ad 2 () myo = BY oe lotta he lend Uinta eatends from Tne 10.t4mA Te Vp= SV. Yn = 0.8v 1 7ap% Ie « =27.78mi Toe B= Fron 727789 ame toad line @¢Tends from Ips 2778nA Te VbeSv. Vop% 0-43V, Tn, = 22.5m0 The vesviting valves 4 Veg are quite close while Trg aeTemds from ZmA To ZZ-SmA, +6), oes ExYe 2 30V-0.17 213.3208 = ZAR Vp = O.1V, Vg= €-Vp= 30v-onv = 203V SO) T= Exe. SOV—OY = 13.64mA =~ 13.44 A Baer Vp = OV, Vp = Sov Ayo) eter, EDD Vr the levels qh Tp a8 Vin one quite cloce. 6. cay Diode for wand-bieoed, Kirchhotf's vo Tage laws Cew): -SV401V-Vo=O a “s No= —43V Te=Te=' =lYa Av ssmA 22k (en Diode forwanct-biaceds Ip= Sv-0rv Resse Vo = Vistas * Vp = (124m AKA Tee) +O.7¥ 124A 3 B. 6a) DeTerminoe the Thavenins eggeiveteut cirasit fr-the 10mA scores, amd 2.22 resister: En, = TS = C1OmAKZ.2e2) = 22V omen Diode forwand-biaced BVO een ZreRetTKs Vo = Fp 2es) = CO.26mAKIZER) =251V Ips (bY Drede for ward-biaoed Tp = ZovesV—O7V_ ©. Best Kincnhoff's volTage lass: CCW) +o -O2V +5 =O Vo= —4.3V 10. Ca) Both diodes forward-biare, Tee WY=OTV LS hioomA Test onTica diodes : Tp = Tea H106mA_ 205mA = 2 — Pssumnis Ve 14.3 CO RiguT’ diode forward-biaced: Tp= 'Sv+Sv-o7y_ TENA IV B.TIm A Ne = \SV—0.1V= 14.3¥ th diodes forward biased, Vo,= OAV, Ve, = 9.3V Zipe = 2OVE OV a 19.30 2 143A C2 vest, Test x, = OV 0.30 5 0.851mA oats Oriese ECSi diode) = Zea Torna = 19.3mA—0.851mA = 18.45m0 V4. Beth diodes “off, the threshold voltage gorv umavailatote for either diode. Ve = OV, lo, Both diodes "on". Ve Vv 1B. ‘the Si diode Wh —SV ar the cathode is "on" wu! is “oft. the reso is Vo = —SV+071V= -4.3V the other 20. Sunlee atthe sysTem Termiasae ae a 1OV the required AiRfevence of OF1V across either diode cammol be esTebliched. Therefore, Sitn diodes ant Noff" amd Vo= H1ov a> esTablished oy 1OV supply converted Uo Vest resisTorr 22. Vacs O.318Vae => Vaz Vide = 2V = ©.28V are SUB O31B a ov A u.29v 16 2.424mA, on a] Tnag (22te2) = :28V =2.855mA 22uR Tamme = Thmog + Timp 22k) = OVA MAT 2.855 mA = 3.18mA T8mA OmA RO. Diode will cemduT when Uys OAV, Theat +o, We=OAV = le) TORR + 1eSt Solving: 0p = O71V For 1; 2 OTTV Si diode it Son" amd p= O.1V Fev Wy OFTIV Si dinde open aml level Te determina by vortage divider rule: Pps O8SG2:) = 0404: oy iorm ete Jo Fer aye -10v: N= 0.904 (-10v) =—9.09v Wher = 0-1V, Ming, = mag ~OTV Temap= FY = 43mA Tynagbreverse) a tov reverse) = 30) eae mer VeQ+10es2 0.404mA 7 BB. C2) Vy VE"CIZ0¥) = 169.7V Vim = Vin - 2p 2164-1 Roa) 1641 — Wty = 168.3V Vac = 0.630 (168.3V) = 107.040 GW) Piv= Valea) Vp = 168.3V +07V= Led (2. Tpimag = Yom 5 168.3V_ e8.3mA Re Vest AD Pro = VoTD = CO7V) Emap = COAVINGE.3mAD = 17.8imW 30. Positive hattrencte ASE Voltage -Aivider rote: Vo = 2:21 Vian) aaog = BRR mes 2akar22es Eine) = 4 Goov) = Sov toni, fo Reroes the 22s vember adivig a2 stead is he same. dew rule: a 22k, eno = FEEL Vi nae) Zen e2eXse = EM a = 4.Goov) Sov Vac = 0.636 Vm = 0.636 (50V) = 31.8 32. (ar Ti atede ogen for porvtive pulte AU: and y= OV For -20V < 72 2-0.7V diede "om" amd n= *OTV For Wi; = -20V, W2=-Z0v +07V=-14.3V Fer i 2 -O.:1V, Nye - orV40V =OV re ov 18 (oe) For 01; € SV the SY baller y will insure the diode is forwand-biaced and Woe ATe- SV On ue=5v No =SV-SV=0OV 20 Yo eM \ TEsv sca) For}; =20¥ the dicde is reuerte-biaced and y= OV. Fer #2=-SV, Wi overpowers the Z¥ haTern and “the divde is “or Peeiging Kivchhetfls voltage law aa the clodenise clivecTiow : a, -SV +2V-0,=0 Wee -3V a ov ov ra 6) ~3v For Wi220V the 20V level overgowers ‘the SV sugglyy and the diede is Sow". Ueaig the short cireniT equivatert forthe diode we fied Woe = TOV. For A =-5V, both Wand the SV eugely revevse—biae the diode and separate from Vo. Woweuer, ty Ts Conmeret AirecT2y through the, 222s resistor To the SV supely aud U,= SV ah eS 36. For the positive region A Ui? The right Ft Aichle is reverse bicoel The lof Staiode Is "ow" Jor levels Awe gredier than S.SV+OAV= EV. Wo fac, y= CV for Wi 2 OV For Wr COV both diodes ave reverse-biared and Mie %j- For the aigative region Ao: the left Si ai obelis reversebiesed. The righ $i diode is "ont dor levels AWE more Uagerive, than 7.3V +0V= BV, lo fad; w=-8V {Go <-8v For 1% >-SV both diodes are reverse—biooed Amd. Wo= OZ. 9 " ev 7 Ns ~8v Bg Fer -BV.2 5, COV there is 0 cmducTiom throug le the 101, Pesistor due te the lack of a compli circa. therefore, Ug Om For 1 2OV Wigs Mz -Vp =O Fer mia 10V, Wa = tov-ev= 4V A igs HV 5 Ot mA ond Can Seo Fr Oc S-8v gs Ui Te = MOV Fer vz e-10v 2 Sas 10VHRVe -2V Bp amd ig = =2¥ = -0.2mA, 3B. (a) For negate half cycle capacitor 2 To peade vekus of 1e0v—OAV # NAV with golaniTyC— A+). Fhe osteo We fs directly auross the “em” Alode rede Teitg Ain y= “ONTV 40 @ negative quake Vitus. Eo ne auat positive half eyele Oya WTE+ NA BV Hit @ peake vabve dy argo $H9.3V = 328-20 134.2 Vverticet shift ¢ nasv tb) For positive half cycle capacitor changer To peal. vadus 4 120V -20V-O.7V = 44.3V eth polarity + He —) - The osTesT [© OV +O.1V= 20.1V For mapt magetive half exete cca vate Ay om = \2ov— 44.3 = - 219.3 2 Ape WL—AVBV With mageTive Lvertiat shife A -aaey cook. Ussing the idle? diode oggrorimetion the verTicat shifT be 120 vetherthan 119.3V amd -100V rather tham 49.3 Dent ca mnak “the iduck dicks apgranimation worl eiTainely be eg grogrinte uo thes peat Ce). Usd HO. SoluTion is weTwort of Fis. 2.154C6) uorug « IOV supply in place ate ae ors 5 ety ree 42. (a) lothe elosuner of the Zener diode V.= hsxzov) Lay Teo T2208 VHA EN z =10V and diode won cond Ting therefore, I= Te = 2OV = SOmA Zz0s2 + \B0se wim Iz = Om amd VWs av CY Wy the atesence 4 the Zener diode Vs 4Tos(2ov) Lis.eay 470.5% +2203. VL= 13.62> Vz = \0V and Zener diode "or" Therefore Vi= IOV amd Vp.= 10V Vee, = Yaron = HSHSMmA 'V/atos: = 21:26mA ASS mA-2L28mA = 24 ITRA © P = 4oomw =Vz,I, =Gov)r, Tz = 4oomW. Homa 7 Leming = DR Lez, Re Mh = HSNSmA-HOmAS S4SmA sov Timing SAtSmA \,834.8052 Lange Bi veduces Ty amd forces more A Te, % gars hrovgh Zener diode, CA) lathe aloronce d\-tha Zener diode. Vz 18v= BL Gov) Rw 0, JOR +2200=25EL, IRL =Zz00 44. RLS zz0st Sube Tre Ve 2 YE is fined ut wise. Tom Ye = fined Tey will occur when Iz Roda Tha mapionven vena wea mapimun, The mozimom leek A Tey Le ad Term dTormive “Ha matimum permissible level acl a = Teese = WRN S coma Tz, a Ve av T= wa V2 SY =36.36mA RL Re 220s Tag = T2+Ty = SOmA+SC.2OmA = B6.36mA = 86.5emAIi2) + BV = 7B6V+8V = Any velae A wd thet oc ceede 15.86V will reseiT ia AcurreuT Ty than will Speed The marimum vals. Ne. For w= +50v! Zy forwand-biared a 0.1V Ze veverse-loiseeR at the Zener goTenTin and Vy, =10¥, Therefore, V~ Vz,4Vz,= O.AV+10V = 10-1¥ For ar: = - SOV: Zy reverse bincehL atthe Zener goTenTick andi Vz, Ze forward -biaced “OV theretore, Vo= Vz,+Vz, = —100¥ ‘Ave tor “ I “ 10a ann wove Naither Zener diode will reads For a SV-s, Zener poTenTiok. Ye fad, for either polarity 4 Wy ona Zener divds weit be sin ae Crewil STahe res Mang O Yes e- B sy 4 “Sy 4B. The Piv for cask diode it Zen PW = BCC) 2 Cha gter 3 (Odd) |. forwand-and reverse-biasek . 5. I 9. Teahyte => Tex t00Te Le

Tes Te—p = 2.8m A-0.02 mA = 2.76mA, ge = Te = 218M = 0.903 Te ZF emaA mn a Ce) 3 a@Te= (SE, )Ts* = (288,.)¢49.00= ema Te = Te 2 tema =~” baas a SOOMW/ gg, =2Z5mA 25mA Vis ToR. = (25m 0K ee) =25V Vo = 28¥ = 50 Bo Vo osv 14,— Al (ay G= EA = 2m sues wn ac Be. whee onan Ga ies1 Teeo= 0.30 @) Tego = (1-) Tego, = C1 0.442 K 0.3m) = 2 HP Ca) Pac = Te 2 G.mA _ 93.15 me BopA oh Gae= Fe = 0854 2170 “SpA . = 34mAL us. © Gace B= S508. yoas «© 23 Low Tp, high Vee > bigh betas High Te, low Vee —> lower beTas as. 24mA Cac= = 2A mA 2 We CAD ge does chamas from pf. To @T onthe characTerisTies. 25 pA mK =. = tte = 0991 Gr e+) _ Te = Teja =24mA/oaa1 a7. 4. OsTgsT Chanadienis Tics * Te ce © Corves ane. essen att, G- |e =a sealer a shows. Ve ce. Vec Weet characteristics: Commen= emiller MageT cheraTerisTres may be weed diveetig Gov comman=colleTor etaateTions. SY Te=Temep » Ver = Femar = 30mm) _ sv Teme O78 Vee Vena? Fox Pemer = 20-W_ ona VeSmag 1M Tes mA, Veg= Vem somW ea nsv mi a BOmS = Bm TOV 33. Teg. = 200m0, Vog,_.= 30 Phmag = C2Smn Tes Tema Vers Pomay = O25mW = 3.125V Tenn 200m8 Vee = Veemay? Fe = Fomee _ 2SmW = 20.03mA Yen 3eY Te = 100m, Veg 2 MDmey _ G25mW = 6.25V =, 1OomA ®, Vee =20V, Te = Tome O25) = 125m lg 20¥ 24 1 3080 “Vee wv) 35. hee (Ode) with Veg = 4V, T= 25°C. Tex OmA, hee 2O48100)= 43 Te= tom, hee F0.98(100)= 48 hge (fae) with Vee = Ov, T= 25°C, Te = O1mA, hy = C= OMA, ge = 12 Tes 10m, hy 2160 For both hpe amd big, the came srewenat ain colle Tov evrvesT resviTed Us a aimilan mivenae Wreldtivelyy speak mag) Ma the sarin parameter: he levels aut higher de hy ee mote “ade Vee is higher Bao. BT. @) Oe Te=imA, hee Qe TezlomP,hge® 160 GO) -the rereits comfirm The conclurions J @revlems ZBamdat ther Bela Tends Ue tinereaas with imorecesing So ieeTer eurret. 34. a) Oe = S| = Non =12.2mA _ 3.8mA - 140 ATalves3v SqMA-CORA — ZORA © Pac= He Bek jo zour saga Soet ©) Gre = HmAr2MA 2 zmA LS @ TA Bah ~ Gna 202 ® Cae =- a = 230.11 ghithy tg her thane Cac CE 10%) 20 2 sk Ce) Iw both caaee Pde C419) iw genew at Pac + Boe phorease wits unwenorng Te Aine Vee dud bark ducreaee for Bacreaoua lwets A Vee Lor o finee Te. Hower, h Te dreveaces while Vee Radteoree whan wen ea Two goints mm the tharaTuisTics chamag our level eo Bac many wet margnedi aX, Ie ote som the a ae Acanerar neo Me eS in he cor pe wong be of cling ease Bae Pa 1 a possibility eure He Lovato Coe relaMivel, Lose. 5 Chapter 3 CEven) Z. A bigolar Tramastor utilizes holes and clecTroms ui “the Min jecTiom ov change flow process, ushile Unipolar devices wi lize either eledems or holes, buT wT both, sinthe chang flow process. A The leateage evreent Teo fs the miveriTy tamien corre ie the collect e— 8. Te the longest Kg the smatlee™ Ie #Te 10, = 12, a vy, = BV. = cav—04y, on" BI ae 25s oa ” (o> Upo, omer 2532 Is ofTen wiglisible compared To tu other wessstote, Wetehe ake sate © ML. (a) Uodmg Fig. 3-1 fuss, Te = Then Fig. 8.8 resviTs da Te Ton (be) Usuig Fig. B.BhiwsT, Te 2 5mA then Fig: 357 revi: im Vee © O-18V Ce) Wears Fig. SAO) Te = Sma resutts in Vac #0-81V G) Uomng Fig 310K) Tes SA resutts Me Ve CE) Ups, “rhe difference sim levels aise cam be igperes de NieeTivms if voITage> 4 ered veils ake pr oa. = 200mV = 200M Lema Zo+1ooN 120SL TleLe =o Tma Vox ToR = CheTmAaXseRr) = 835V Ags Yes 835V = 41s Vi O2v AOIFig. 3.14Cb): Ly =35pA Fig. B14 Ca)? Te Ss.omA Ga Fig- 34 (4): Veg 5 25V Fig.3-14 Cb): ge 2 on2¥ 22. Car Fig 314(ad: Tee, 7 O.Sma Cb) Fig- 8.14 ca) se 2 Ee Sm Cue Ee” ona 36 ce xa@ = 135 oadee i ise Tego = 6-0) eo =C1-0.9426 )0-3mA) = 22uA 26 a4. ca) Aye = D2E' eT3mA ema _ 13mA 6s Pre Brelyeesv FRA-TnA Zowe (2) Cae = Bs = He A-0:3mA _ timA_ no BE ve =15v TRA= GHA ~ 1ORA — ©G.-4& = PE2S mA -235mA_ WamA_ as AT! Veg =10v Hope -25n0 ZopA A) fag does range from goisT Te Geist onthe chaneTerisTies- fac. © e the higherT velwe wey uae ob higher Ine? 4 Veg and lower levee A Te. the seperation beTiwrece Dp corves is the gar Wa AS regia ce) Vee? Te Puc (Cue Te Pu/Pae sv BWA 83.15 6s e-ImA 2d IOV 30pAQ BBB SHA wid Sv SpA ITO HO O.85mA VST Ds Ty decreated the levek of Ftc ant Fac srcreased . Woke that the levek 3 Ga and Foe rir the center Atha acTive region 18 close Te THE owewage vote of the. levete tetanic « ocevering mi center the act 26 we Bx K = 0887 = 0481-7542 I-% 11-0487 6.013 ce x= = 22 = 120, ogaz ji ort gen co te- Yee Wa AA er Te = ema AA 11 mA 88. Vez Vi -Vee = AVON = NAV by = Veo av e0as et vO av Te = Ye a AY 2 mA Cred Be RR 30. HL = 2OmW= Vee Te. Te= Tema » Vee = Pome = soma J 2 424v Tomas Tm Vee = Vee may» Les Temes = 300N a 1SmA Te many OV Vee = 10M, Te= Pa mae = 2OmN = 3mA Vee ~ 10 Vee = Remap - 200 _7.5V 7 eee sarsy 10 20 Voe(V) BZ. the opevaTsieg Temperature range 85% £T = 50% "Fa £4 32° = £ CSS) +32" = OTE Fe &£ (50%) +32" = 302°F f+ epee Ty = 902°F 3 From Fig.2.23¢a) Toga = SOA mer Gang = Cniee x Coane = PH ISe_ we Zz = =100 oo Teeo® PFewo = Coo) SonA) =5.0 36. As the revevse-biae poTanTid unoveacte Kn iT the MaQrT cagacitance Ci, deoreaces CFs + 3.23). lworesodue, revurse-biao puTMTiale Camdes the with he os) om ion To drcrears Hhev vedas the Gapacitauce Ce=cAyy. 3B. AT Tee tomA, hee ¥ O48 (mormbigeh)@ 25°C hee FEMS CO” 2@ 125% nee Foss © OSS Acteminn Qat0o ok 25°C will resort sina teeta A ooo 1S et \2EC aed Stal Asse — a Mgmificauer orange ena ted mk we Considered Hatta Rotem Ghost — hagter + (Odd) 4. ta) Tey = Veer Vee = lev-0-7V _ 15.39 Re = Se oe SHA ke Toke Bese OH) Leg = PO Teg = (402082.55 4A) = 2.43mA ©) Negy= Nee ~Tep Be = teV—C243mayee- 7) ® Ven Veep way © VgeVee = O7¥ ho Vesov 3B. a) Te Le —Te = tmA -20.A=348mA SHmA BY Vee = Vee, + EeRe = 7.2y +S ABmANZ ZR) = 1S.46NV = ley © Qa Te _ B8BmAL 199 2200 Teo Zoea ) Ren Ven a Veer. isa6v-O.1V. 705 te te eA S.A) ooh line wateveeds verTicad WorTieahanis of Tes Gia TmA amd hovigonTaR anis a Vee =21V Ch) Te =250A: Ry x Vec- Vee = 2V=OTVS Sizes Te 2A © To, 84mA, Vers 2 10.75¥ (a) Q= Ze = SiO = 136 Te 75mAa (ema = 126 = eH 002 ri gers 1ST ) Yee = ZY 2 Ima @ Tee EE See! @- Gh) Pp = Veeg Teg = CO7SVS- mA) = 36.55 mu) ) Py = Vee (Ie+Ts) = ZV3AHmAFZSAAD = WAZ CD Pe a BRP = NAA mn 36.550 =35.310W 7.) Rew Neere = 12V- Zev = t4Ye 22s Tm 2mA ) Te ete: Res e= py = ©) RpaVeg - Vee - Vee-VE_ i2y-0V-2.4V__ 84Y _ scuen Bs Zs amA760 ZeeA @D Vee = Ve-Ve = TeV-24V = S20 (©) Vp = Vac He = ORS BV % Teves Mee = 20 220. 2 s1amA we ie eawatista saa 2» MW. Cap Problem 4: Tops 243A , Veeg = 8.04V GY Tag = 32.550 (rhe same) Teg = @ Tag = 135)(32.55uA) = 434mA Vee p= Nee~TeyRem VeV= AS4aANC2 TED) AIST CO yates] #34mA=2-43mA) Feo | Tana % Bree =] 4I5V= 8:99 xr00% = HET" an —~“eoav a St Haan So% dus TW levet A) accuracy corried throug. eh uke MA a “A “a | x100% =49-83% (a) Prablem 6 Teg= 292m8, Veep B.61V CTey= 24.1948) © Tey= Vee“ Vee _ 20v-o-w Rare Sows +GS0H 2.52) Teg= 0 Teg = Usonzezpmar Neeg = Vee - Te0Re *Fe) Zov —C.43mAY2.HeR HLS) = LEV ¥, B¥c= | 3-438— mA tases | Ta a BNee =| LAW = 262A mA o3) || 100% = 34.54% 40-76 (9) Fer both Te amd Vee the % change is less for the emiller ~ sTabilizeR « 13. Cay Ig 2 Vee~Ve L 1BV—12¥ 2 1.28mA 4 TRS (b) Ve Te Re S TeRe = U2emA2er) =1SAV Ko gs Vee+Ve 10%e the din Te, omBow Vee. dua To mage RicontT ange jal? will be reo smash, C8) GET c= 2.14% v5. 44.83% for erobleun Mt. de Neg = 2.08% VS. 49.70% for grobleus 1» CO) Vortage divider Umhi sural im, comsiderebly lese seusiTive. TD. the rene Ties Se BT e and % MVee will be peste sas. Vee-Vas_ = 20V-o7tV = 20%A a3, ca) Tes ev Eovy Rat PRette) — GaoeR +100CG 2K +15) M Te = Bp = (100)(20.0%.8) ) Ves Vee Te Be, 330V- (2, 01mAXG.2k2) = BOV= I2.462V = ITSAV ©) Ve eTele 2 Tele = (2omArcusen)=3.02V BD Veg = Vee = Tel Corte) =30V Pom Aer +1.5e2) = 4s2v aS. 1Ms2 2052, Regs Soke Te= Vec- Vee = l2v-oav Bg +Bliexe) iSoeR +CB0) (4712 43.2K2) = 7a Te = Ig = (18000. Wa) = 12BmA Ve = Veo -Te% =12V~ U28mAXH4- Tee) S.48V Fou WAS: Rg= Loooke 150k = LISORS. = SMSZ Te = Vec -Vee \zv-onv Fax Bekerte) ” Misa USOXH TUN +S FER) = 44.36, he=GIg, ceo 3ouA) = O- 1BSmA Nee Vee - TeRe =12v ae TBS mAKATRR) = 8.3 Ve remap from 27. car Zp= Van = Ve“Vee _ evan © ea es Beowst ) Ie = Vee es you c @@-e Z5bmA 196.82 @ Vee =Ve = BY Ts.0%p BF. Be OR, wor sMsfied .. Wor Eade 00620 wy ee heen nN gio: sw ABV To r¥ it : Rm = HOS esses z Zsioks. gsi, Ta taveev, BS.24A L Eo nino Sor+sorn ‘av 181 Em = -lav+ as2quaxsiea) ov ASRA by Te = Tg = (120013454) = LBtmA CO) Ve = —18v +CL8ImAICTSRR) lav +13.58V = -4a2v (ave BV Calm AGiee £2.52) = Zev -30,08V = S-15V D Veg 31. Ca) ye = By-OWV _ 13V 2 3.32mA ZaEX ~ 22ER CD Vea 10V~(3.32m ANBAR) =1DV— 5.97 = 4.02v Veg = \OV +BV—C3.32mANCZ. ZV + LBZ) = 18v-13.28V = AWT2y 33. Te = Nee 2 om Porte AV = 10mA ay Z0V @ mA a> SRe= PY = 2BR Feerte “7 Se ee Smt Re = ME o Hoos Ro = ARE = Loe Tes Te = Sah 2 416 120) Re Veg = 20V=07V— smAlodnn) 193v-2V i A ti HeHA H1eY = ANS NTE Y STandad values! Re = 290%, Re= LOeD, Re=430R2 3S. Ve = -EVec = £(28v) = 5.6¥ Ree Ye = SMa zee Cuoelter) Te” Smeal as Vow Vee nVe = 28¥-nsiey =VVreey = \Qev Vgc = Vee - Ve = 28V 19.60 = 84 Rex Vic = BAY = LeBen (ust LER) Ie Sma Vg = Vae*+Ve = 01V"S.6V .3v Ve="Rrvee ap 63V = Fi(26) C2unkunms) rk, a Re =Te = SO = 3504 @ re sya cigsayy(uiztesn) =1OCR) Ras 15.1 (war SRR) oaths g @.3BV = CIS.HRR C8) (Sear, 33 Seloing R= S21SWsz (war Se) Stamand vabbiest Re = biese Be = Loken R= Ses Rae kR BT Tepe t Oman SY fc R= SY = 02s Beh pend Tem = Test = 828 2 Bouh toe hE CBQRAI= IAA Rg= SV-OW_ TF SR, Fea a STandiad vatiler pe 48ke Rew Ou2ke 34. @ Opencciresit sin the boat cireT Fok emme: A emitter Tevmiva CD) ShovTeR beat emillen jun Tin Open ab coecRoy Teverin R HecneuiT ae boat circuit Open. TramaisTor Ht Ca) Rat Teh Tet, Vet cor G4, Teh Coy unchramaed, Te. < weT «fam Tine: ww aries Need ar Co) Q4, Tet, Vach, Wet, Veet (2) Bg cgen, T amd Ve Vee = \8v Cort Tet, Vect, Veet Veet Co Ret, Tet Tet, Vet CA) Drop Te a rehativ Now verte =F o0.06ev ce) ne wa ha baat le “Fe 45, Qe 210k, C2z0Ko7S¥sz)= toCiekst) OSS Soke Ccheche) ce 43. ber + 82eS2 Ve = Va+02V=-3.54V 0:7 Xe = Te = VE/ee = = Vorsen= 3-850 -2.8av te- Be 3.859 217.540 220 Vow Mee *E% 22V ¥(3.BSmA)C2.2ES2) 3.53V 47. (a) S(Zeo) = P41 = UL ©) S Cee) 40 = — 1.42107 #8 eg Hokse ce) $(B)= Te 2 2.43mA_ g2.5¢ex10 oA ; ° (A) ATe = SCI) ATeg + Spe) Vee + S@UP = GINGOpA-0.240) + 142% 197 4s)(0.5v-0.1V) + C32. SomioAKN2-S -90) = QING. Bn AD +61.42 «1045 )00.-2V) + (32. Somer “AN 22S) = 8.42 x1o4A +0304 x10 4A + 7.326% 104A = 16.63%1040 2 Leama NFG@GRy, = C2eriiiesr = 7I4kSe Sieg) = Ba) LE Ree = Ceogiy (1+ 744 /o.LBeR) (G41) +Pm re (gon) + 7. ER 0.68 = CANCE) = Log Bred &) SCVee) = =@ = _=80__ Sa + G+NRe 744 Rr +( 900.682) Bo —_—_ = 127x107? Tales +ssoven = 270s © s@= Tal weRryee) 5 TimAC 1+ 794 ER/0.68 RZ) COCO +Rmme) — 80C 1109) FAqH EH /0.68 eR) = Tim A268) 2 Bol 12.68) —_— (A) ATe = SCE) AT ee +See) AVeE * sae = (MOBIC top A -0.2 4.0) 4 ( =1.274 1073 S100.5V— oav) > C2sh 1% ro SAC IO0- BO) = N08 4. Gu A) HC 127 mero73S)O.ZV) CZ MIT CPN = Loqeiott + 2SHKIOTHA HOMBTHION TO x07 fA = xo A= Outten si. Tyee S(Teo? SCVee) s@) Colncir Fettece, | 230) —iemo¥s ) hedee’A Emilfer-biao TBA sixio“4s. ai xo Voltage - divider 1.08 2.7104 S 2AIx107 6A Fited-bies a HV.42x10-4S | 32.Sexio7PA SCHn)! Consideretly less for the Voltagg -divider amfiguration compared Uo the other three. See)! The vorTage-divider cam figura Tion is move SeusiTive tau the other three Chi dh have similar levels SomsiTiv ite SB) the vetTage-alividen amfiayration is the leacT seusitive with the fined-Lias configu att oavery smeiTive. \no gpuevall, the volTage- divider cowfisura Tine is the leat sourtive with the find-biee te mad SeasiTive. Chapter ++ C Even) 2. (a) Te =@Tg = BoCHopA)=3.2mA, 0) Re = VR = Vee -Ve = I2V-6V Lev _ Te Zima ~S2mA~ CO Rge Vee _ (2v-O7V_ gv — 2e2.sen, Ze HQwe Hoa D Vee = Ves ev 4. = Vee 2 1eY = 5.93mA Nese Be 2a ©. ca) Tey = Veer Vee _ eyo . Ber G+VRe Soest + HONS ese = 24.18yA OM) Tog =P Teg = 100262418.) 6) Veg = Veo ~TeCBe*Re) = 20V-C2.42mA2uen +152) Pp = 20V-11.388V = B.01V Ves Veo = Te Be = 20V— C2-d2m ANZ. 4 52) =ZOV—7.008V =13y ) Ve Vee - Eg Rg = 20V (241A SIO ke) =ZOV- 4.882V = S1ZV B1Ses2 42mh PD Ve = Ve-Vee = 13V~ B.01V = 44.34 ®cay TeeTe-Me. 2 20amA Pe 0.62 @= Fe = 3.04m8 J isas Te 2.8 ~—— © Nec = Vig+ Vee» Ve wm C2O4mANZ TER) +73V% ZIV = BBGVETIVE ZV = Vee — Vee - Ve ts = UEIHV _ qakese ZopA 10. Ca) Tepe = b.0mas Veo = 24V_ Rerke Pow det Rerizea=24¥ = 3.524es2 SBmA = 11.14 -o4y -21V ZA Re = 23RD 37 e) P= Te a4mA _ 133.53 Te 3%A © By = Ves. Vee - Vee -Ve 2 2V— ony — C4maxi2es) Is” ——xe SoA = 1B.SV 2 Gie.67 ES BoA G@ Re Veep I, = COV) mA) = 4omW (eo PaliFe= Crm A* (2.33 eS), = 39.280W a 12, P&_e 2 10%, (80) (0.6822) 10(4.1K2) 4, aikese Cel) (© Use & groeek! Ry, = Rill, = C2eRNG = T44 ese Ep = Revec . (4ieRXIev) ~ 205v Rixk, Aiea +ezese Tep= Em-Vee = _ z0sy-oav Rn +(PRe Zqu ese + CBIN0.c8en) 420 O Teg = Oleg = (Bonetz nA) co Vekig = Vee- Teg RePe) = IOV = CL TImAKS.I ER 40.6882) 7 A Ne = Vee FeRe = 1OV—CUTImaXS. Fk) TimA =4.33V O Ve = Tee & Whe = 1 T1mA)0.68ez) = Lev WD Ve = ver Vee = Mleveony Lgey Mh Gas T= @Tg~ ‘eoxzopay=ZmO (e) Ze =Terdy = tmA+2OWA = 2.02ma Ve =TeCe = (Z02mAK 1.22) = 2a ©) Neg = Ve +TeBe = 10.6V+ (2m AKateS) = 10.6v+ SAV = lev G) Vee = Ve-Ve = 10.6v -2.42v = BBV (2) Ve= Ve + Vee = 24av+ or = 3. G) Xp.=Te, Ts BA2V_ + 20uA = 380.548 +20, = HO0.SHA \ev-3.12v = SRE = 3Z.10er HOO.SnA ae le. @) Ble 210%, Cizo ter) 2 1008.22) 120 St Z BZKS2 Cohecko) Vg = FeVec . (O2eRIU8V) _ gisy Ree, F4wRF Seer Ve = Ve-Vee = 383V-0-1V = 2.43 Te 2 Te = Ve = 2:48V = 243mA J Vest 0) Vege = Vee - Ee Be +e?) BV (243m ANS: Bee + Nese) A) Ve = TeRe ¥ TeRe = (24SmArciwn) = ZASV 2) Vg =3.130 18. car Vg = Pe. Vee = 22 Gov) = 2.05v Pre GC2ERHAAER Ve = Ve-Vee = Z05V-O71V = 135V Ye a 1SS¥ = 189mA Te 7 oceen Teg #Te = 144m Veeg = Vee - Tet Revte) = NGV— CAMA EARN +0.68R) = 24.88. A () From problem IZ: Tep= Tim A, Vee g = 8.7V, Taye 24a CO the defforences A about MS soyyesT than the ena Aggrool. ald »: Noyes whem aygroeriae. » 20. (a) Fram problem I2b, Te = 'mA From problem 122) Vee = 8.1V Cb) Pchauged Te 120: From problem I20; Ey, = 2.05V, Fm Tg= Em=-Vee | aosv-onv Pn (PNR Faye sCeIKo.caK) 4 lesz = ede nA Te = Tg = C20 014.4e,8)= LBA Veg = Veo~ Te (Re +e) Lev — CL BMA SAR +0.68k52) = 776N CO ypte = | bEmARNTMA y 00% = 5.26% Tim A Te Dieas | TER BM gisore = S08 eat — @ Me ng BAT. 44.83% 3454 He Dee 48-70% HoT faa er pe jor comfigoraTi nn Fah least sem aa. ca Tg= Vec- Vee Se Par OCRerte) HIokm +CI2OVG. Glese + O.SVS2) = 15.8840 ) Te = Pe = (rOKIs.2epA) = Laima © Vez Vee eRe B1Gy— ChAImAIC. CEL) = 42v at (a) Te = Vee~ Vow = 22-00 Per Gere Hoe LAKAI HAAR) = 10.0940 Te = Tp =(40K 10.048) = 0.4 1m A Vee = Vee —TeCRe+Be) = 22V~ (0.4m ANA Ne 44H) = S44V 0) G=185 Te = Neen Vee = 24v-00V RarG Cert) 47oen+Cissaiuns diva) = 128yA Te= @ Ig = (1351 7.28 0) = 0.9830 Vee = Vee — Te(R eRe) = 22V—CO.AS ANAK 4.1L) =A %D 0.983 mA -0.41ImA, Te OA im % BNee=| Saw = Sa 100% = 24-45% © | xt08%= 8.02% GA) “the resoite Jur the colledior dada ombigueaTint, are chaser Tote votagy diver configuration than Tothe ctu Too. Hewcou, Yh vortagy “Aivicl confi gore coil tse Ye awe tee least aeusitivfbiew TW cbeaugen oe. 2b. (a) Ve = Ve-Vae = HV-OV=33N 8. = W2v-0nV Brew C20 MIS RSL OO) Te a @Te = U2OKE2 A) = 0.74 mA C Vee = Vec+ Vee —Te (Re + Fe) = lev + 12y — COT mAKZ TR) AWW Vee = FeRe, = 1OV—CottimAX i212) Zo 30. (a) Tg = Vee+Ver —Vee _ ov+uv-o7v Ber GRe — 330"s 4 G2i).2e2) = 2318.0 Le = G+ Te = (2123.18.01 = 2:88 —Veg +TeRe-Ve=O Ve = Vee +Te@e = -6y 288m AN2R2) = -2s4v 41 = 'WHOWV - so.cese B25uA = Nee -Veey _ 1zv-ev = SY ZSmA 2-SmA = Vee = Weep Ve) = 24V-68V+3¥)_ zaveuv = 13V = 5.2582 Ama am Hema Ve = Ve +Veg =3V407V= 3.10 RFR, Rak wee Re DAR: for sitereased. oTabitiTe (00.152) = 10K. R= B2Sks Choose 2, = %SkSe SubmTTET ag tas Has epove egushin > B1V=1 Ra tuser STandacd. values: Re = O1SkR, Re = BSED, Pr = LSE) Ris ASE 36. Teg = Yee = OY = ATMA Re 24uR Foon craradevirics Tame, # 3A Tg= Vi- Vee. 10V-O7V_ 61.67, ee “Veo yr 7 sueyA>>ry well DATED % ey — Meutoff Te #0-mA = Tek Vo = 10V= CO.imanzarese) y= 0.240 76 4 Z Nefsae_J a2 8B. (a) Fram Fig: 3.28¢ + TesdmA: ty = 38ms, te= 4Ons,ta=l20ns, ty= Noms ton= te+Ta = ABms +I20ns = 1eBas totg ats rte = loms + 38s = 148ns Ch) Ten tom: t= l2ms, tre ISms, tas 228, y= Ions tons ty +ta = 1Sms +22n$= 37S toft = ts+tE = 1zoms+ l2ns =132ms the Turn-on Time has dropped dram loOms:3Ims = 4s iL hile Hae Torn -off Tine is only sli ghey semester WS ms: Bans oliZ ib Wo 18 ton Toff arens eou= Sms tug =is2ne HO. Ca) ‘The bave volToge D GutV reverts thet the 18k resisTer it oT ug Uv Oo AR bane Comin ge Cromer 1h dpevat ergy fey = (Be UCV) = Dody ve. 440 As cr com ilar qe chek Tg= Vee-V8E _ _ toy-o-v Re Erle — Fien+Cioorn v2iese = 72.140 Ves Vee -fg(@,) = \ev- CID YAAKAEL) = 4av CO) Suni Ve > Vg He Transistor shod be " Wet Te-O,R, Vea 18ks2CWv) — 2udy VBteD+ Ake 1». asume beet eineaicT Tegan’ _ A AE ot the exmcillon 13 Hr vo let word 2 if Hes TromdsTov were cherie Loli ts eur. Nes Ween Gov) 2 av V2ka+3Ck2 43 4ACA) oe mnVee oe Em-Vee Rm tue Ema CRE Ice-T = CLES. 2 ae ves Ob Goh Tel Weel Ve. = Vee=Vee. aun Ned O Rerogu, Tet Et Veg = Voc. - Tele +Fe) ow Vee} © Vee +, Vat, Vet, Tet, Ted @ Te-OR, Te=Teeo ao Teik+Me) bie. as with Veg 2 ce =20V_ "So @ vase emitter am Tiae chor “xet WUT Tramstitoy ao Nos and Teo OmPA with Vee = Vee = 20V ot. Fe = Veco Mee = \2v-0-71V = BBV 5 221A Sees ‘Siokse, ay (ote voor tenA) = Z.2i1omA Nee + TeRe © -I2V #02. 21emOKs. er) = 404 Veg =Ne = — 44.640 46 ten V_-Mee _ ev-onv. Sv = zz1zmA Re “RSE FBe Ve =-Vee +TeBe = yy C2nraneXS4eS) = -3.37V 48. Fir the emiTEr—biee? a: = Grn Cie Pelee) 2 Crooe1)C t+ StORSA. Sk) EEK (eH) + Pete ‘ > oot) + SHOR SESE =e. = = cles Be rE Ce — Siokse + (loons Sk2 Hus x1O- 4S WeZ x17 S © s@= Te, 1 Ree) Cis Gz #PB/Re) = 2137x1078 (®) SCVee) A%mAC 1+ 340) o0( 1+ 125 +340) a) ATe = SCIeg) ATeo + SCVee)AVee + sea = (PBIXF.BpA+CLSI2 x10 4S )CO2V) 4621.37 1b K25) = 0.1654 mA +0.03024 + 0.5343 mA, 2 133mA 50. For collector feedlae. bias: z sexe Geos Be) _ aaa ny * SeOKY 5 4es0) (P+ + FB fie G46. 5241)+ SOR Ge) = (147.32) 88D C147. 32 4143.59) = 83.64 (o> Sipe) = = ="e32 Per (PriRe seoensCMO32+NS AE = LATT Kn 4S ATT x10" = 2SomA(SEORR+3.AES) @ SB) = Te, (Be +Re) 196.32 (SLOW + SAR AAS. 4419) Ailes +R CAH) = 4930-6 A @) BT e = slTee)ATco + S0Vee) Vee +s@ae fay CLA TI RI AS K-0.2V) + 4.8310 A) AND =(83.69)¢4. oF = 620x107 4A + 0.24 x10" FA + 2.372 x10 FA = 10.867x10%A = LoBTA $2 ca ” Fixzed-bias? S(Zeq) =U, ATe= 0.8AamA S(Vge) #-1.42x10-4S, BT. = 0.0384 mA S(@) = 32.Sex10#A, AT.= 071326mA (OY Voltage divider bieo! SCiq_) = 1.08, ATe= 0.1090mA 0.254OmA SOVge) = 1.27 «1078S, AT e= S(B) = 241x107 FA, BT = 0.0482 mA ©) For the Sined-bies emfigura Ting there ts gomsiiuit, To dnanges sin Ten amd (Pamd less To chamsys tn Vee: For 02 voiTay divider cmfiguration the opgosite occurs with a high semsiTiviTy To cham gee din Veg amd less To changes da Teg amd Wererad ua volTege-divider configuration is emasiceradeiay wove sTolcie thaw tis” Lipesiias configura Ting. 5 a ST ren. Chapter 5 Codd) rt 3. A) Vps #1 6b) vgs Vg LAV = 233,2390 A Sma = CO Vpg Eley @ vgs V = Lev = 533.3392, TE 3mA © a ® v= 233.332 va = 233332 | _ 233.3352 Li=Ves/vel* fi Cweayyl O.5e25 = Arka OW) rye 233.3352 = 933332 — 933.282 Li-c2veanl 025 Ce ssa.sasn veh 2152 J ve vetich | Gas. aan ws A35.2e0 6 EACH YE we 5. The collector characteristics of a BUT transistor are a plot of the output current versus the output voltage for different levels of input current. The drain characteristics of a FED transistor are also-a plot of the output current versus output voltage. However, the curves are for different levels of input voltage. For the BUT transistor increasing levels of input current result in increasing levels of output current. For JFETs, increasing magnitudes of input voltage result in lower levels of output current, The spacing between curves for a BJT are sufficiently similar to permit the use of a single beta(on an approximate basis) to represent the device for the de and ac analysis. Fo: JFETs, however, the spacing between the curves changes quite dramatically with increasing levels of input voltage requiring the use of Shockley's equation to define the relationship between 1, and Vac. Vogat and VY, define the region of nonlinearity for Bach deG$ce. 5 That Ps, operation at voltage levels less than either quantity will result in a distorted, nonlinear response. L Veg20¥, In= Toss =12mA Vee =¥p=-0¥, Tp =0mA Shockley’: equation: Ves= -'V, Tox 8.mA; Ves=-2¥, Tp= 5-230; Nes= -3V, 'SmA; Ves = HV, Tp =133mA; Vos = SV, Ip = 0.3330 =) . (be) Tpss = 1OmA, Vp= -6V IL Ca) Tp eTpss = Fn 6) Tp =pss1— Vos/vpF = Ama (\- ©2-3.5VI)~ s3mA ©) VegaVp=-3-SV, Ep= mA W Ves< Vp -3.5¥, To= (3. Negeov, Te=Tess=75m0 12, Tp Toss, = 7S mhy, =3.75mA Veg= 0.5 Vp = (OSKAV) =2Y, Tp = Toss/4 = 75m G4 = 1.815 Nes= Vp=4¥, TpsOmA Ip = Tose (1— Ves/vp)* BmA = Tpss (1—C3V/Cev))* 3maA = Tpss (0.25) Toss = (2mA 1. Vos = VoSmae = 25) Ips Tbmae 120m W Hh. BA Vosmee SV T= Tpes=tomQ, Vos Pomer = 2OmW a 12v “Teer mA Ip aT, Vos= Pomy = (2OmW a vty Mtpoeny ES eA 10 ofS io Seo ee Vay 14. AN knees 4 Ves curves + or below Wp =3V Al Ip =Tres U— Ver/up)* = ama — CVY¥3V)* = AmQ which comgares very well with the Level obTannes wows, Fig. S21. 23.— 2s. 31. Nes=0¥, Epa Tors 1eméy; Vet = “84, Eo Yes asv ty sv ev Vv av W) Tp20.8x107% Ves -35)* Ves Ip 3sv av sv ey nN ev 35. From Fig. 6-47, Vr=2.0V For some levelo A Vos, Tp atfaine Twice the current uel ao gart a). Tramtter wre hee sTeeper slope. For both curves, Epa Om® don Ves < 2.5V. AE Tp =6.SmA, Voss FSV 2 Eee OVes-ve)* 6.5m = eC S-Sv¥-2V)* a= s.sini0-* Tp = 5.31x 10" Ves -2* 37. Cpe kves -Ve)* TD 2 Wes-vr* SP = Ves -vr¥ V2 = Ves Vr Neg = Ve + PEs a Sv +f dona ees i Re 606K 10-3 = 2236 FA. Ty ake (Wes Vet = OS R107 Weg -OSV)™ = O4SK1073 (Ves +SV™ Ves = SV, EpeomAs Vos= -6¥) Ips 045m A5 Voss -1¥) Th= Lem A; Vos = 8, Tp = 40Sm03 Ves= -9V; Tp = 7:2mA} Vos= AL 43. 10V, EDs 25a, 48 Chapter 5¢ Even) 2. From Fig. 5.10: Ves = OV, Tp =8mA Nes = -1V, Ep =4.5mA Nos=-1.SV, Ip=3.25mA Vos = -'-8¥, T= 2.58 Nos = -4V,Tp= OmA Ves - 6, Tp = Om A (aes = OV, Tp = BmA (for Vos>VP) Vos =-1V) Ep = 4.SmA Arp= 3.5m 6) Voss <1, Tye 4SmA Nes= -2v, Ip = ZmA DIp=z.Sm0 © Vegs -2v, Zpezma Ves= -3V, Ep = 0.Sm0 Dip = LSmA CD Ves2-3V, Ips 05mA Ness -4V, Ip = OmA, AIp= O.5m0 Ce) As Ves becomes move megative the change uk Tp yt grogrecsively smaller dov the came chamse an Vos. GB) wealimean. Coen theugia Het change sin Vor ts finest ot LV te hows dhe Ep direps dyem a maciower BSmA Te o mimo Qosnke 0S cnamey sin BE. 6. (2) THe"Bagut current 1, for a JFET is effectively zero since the JFET gate-source jun@tion is reverse-biased for linear operation, and a reverse-biased junction has a very high resistance. (b) ‘The input impedance of the JFET is high due to the reverse-biased junction between the gate and source. (c) The terminology is appropriate since it is the electric field established by the applied gate to source voltage that controls the level of drain current. The term "field" is appropriate due to the absence of a conductive path between gate and source(or drain). 8. For a p-channel JFET, all the voltage polarities in the network are reversed as compared to an n-channel device, In addition, the drain current has reversed direction. 10. Ves =OV, Tp=Ipes Vos= Vp=-4#¥, Ip Not = Vp 2-2, Tp= Tass =3m0 Ves= 03Ve2—12V, Ip= bm Ves= -3V, Tp= 01S mA (Shockley's Eg.) 9 12. Ves = OY; Tp= toma Ves 0.3Vp = 0.3(-SV)=-1.SV, Tp= T85/2= BmA Ves= 0.5 Vp= 0.55) = 2Sy ,Tp=Tpsr/f = + Ves = Ye =-SV, Tp = 0mA 1.852m0, wh Cay Ip = Toes C 1- Vot/vp)* = omAc 1- G2vK4.5))* Xp = Toss (1 Ves/vp)*= Gm ACIS Met. sv))> = 024mA CO Veg = Ve C1— 2) =CusvCi- (E28”) = -L3IeVv Vese Vp Ci- J )ecasn(1 — [Sema Toss “Cae 42V -0.5V Fer Voy = OSV, @ Ty = BmA, Vos =07V v= OV _ 23382 ama © we rissa. = 2 ae Vesey Q— ©esv¥eay) = 2SZS vs 23382 Aro part cb) 24. The construction of a depletion-type MOSFET and an enhancement-type MOSFET are identical except for the doping in the channel region. In the depletion MOSFET the channel is established by the doping process and exists with no gate-to— source voltage applied. As the gate-to-source voltage increases in magnitude the channel decreases in size until pinch-off occurs. The enhancement MOSFET does not have a channel established by the doping sequence but relies on the gate-to- source voltage to create a channel. The larger the magnitude of the applied gate-to-source voltage the larger the available channel. 2G. AT Ves=0v, Zp= Oma BX Vese -1v, Ip = OmACI- CVY/e3vy)* = 2.66: Ae Voss HV, Ty = Gm AC I= CHC AVI)" = GmAC.333)*= 10.6 Be Vos = #2V) Dp = Gm A (1— O2VVG3v))* = OmAULECT)?= 16.67mA Mes -Iv ° + +2 Frome -IV TOV, ATp =334mA chile fron HIV Tot2V, BT p=GmA —amosT = 2:1 m. W fark, Wo Vos becomes more ain move positive Tp Or a fastovama Sosy rate Bena To tle sqnancch Term ain Shochleas ee AB, From grobleu 20% A adorenen Vp = Ves. = f= ee Toes F.SmA = sonage ~ he Toanas ~ Se 30. From problens 146), Ver= Wot" () econ (EE, SESV)( 1-2-6206) = CSVYCH1-62¢) = B.A3V 32. (a) In a depletion-type MOSFET the channel exists in the device and the applied voltage V,. controls the size of the channel. In an enhancement-type°HOSFET the channel is not. established by the construction pattern but induced by the applied control voltage V,,- (b) = (c) Briefly, an applied gate to source voltage greater than V, will establish a channel between drain and source for the £1w of charge in the output circuit. a4, cad pe Dew = Atma mA fy escag Vr) GY . Tp= leCVeg-Vr)* = tx1073 Wes V7) “) Nes Tp For Vos vern dost Te SV. Chapter 660dd) 1, (a) Vos © Ov, Fp=Tpss=12mA Ves = Vp= ~44V; p= Oma Vos = Vola = -2v, Tp=Tessiy = 300 Ves = 03V¥p= ~L2V, Ip=Tpss/2= mA tb) Vbsig= Vop~Tpg Pp = 12V- CMAN Ze2) Gsev j@ Toye Toss Ct Yervp\t= ema CL Svea) = Ama Voeg= Vop ~Engbe™ 2V- CAM aXt2ke2) e.stVv ercellent compantsor 3. Tp Toss (1- VoWvp)"=> Ves= VeCi— [Ee ) Neca CAV — (S25 on avr Be) = -.sV + Veo = LSV B. Ves =Vp=-4v o Tpgzome avd Vp= Vpp—- Tap Rp= I8V-(o)@.2k2) \av 7% Ipe Toss (1- Ves/vp)*= ToisC ie 2ERs 4 Tei) Ve VS Toss Bs ° ¢ Se) To em + Tos =O SubstTTimg: 35456 Tp 45ST, +10mA=0 34 Tp = BE (BNR S 10,90, 2.60mA aA Trp =ZomA Coraeh maten™e) Nes = -EsRy= —(Z.60maXorstse) = +t. 4. Cay Top =Ts-Ms i 11V 23.33mA Rs osien — (OP Vesg= — Tags =-(2.23m MOSER) S-1v ©) Ty = Tess (1— Ves/vp)® 3.33m0 = Tpss (1 Chevy)” 3.33mA = Toss (0.381) pss =10.06mA @ Vp = Vop -EepRe = IBV —G.23mMZER) = IBV- 6oOV = .34V (©) Vog = Vo~ Ve = BEV OETV 4.04V MM. Wetwerk redrawn vv Vos 20V, Tp= nes = mA Ves= Vp= -©¥, Zp=OmA 22s Vege Ve. = -3V, Tp=1SmA fos: e TrcesomA Vos=0.3V =-1.8Y, R= 3A Vp= -ev ve yma = Ves=-TpRs = Tooter? 034s For Ep SmA, Voss -145V From graph Thy = 3.55mA Vetg AV Vg = -C Ves, )= (1) = lety 55 13.Q)Ty = Toss = 1OmA, Vp= -3.5v Vos= OV, Ep= Toss: = NORS.(20v), 1OmAL MOkR+F 108. Vos Vp=-3.5¥, Ip= mA = 216 Ves= Ye = -35V_ ~118V, = 2.5mA ete Bo ba “11S, Toe 25 Ves= 0.3Vp =-.0SV, Tp= Sm A Tp ¥5.8mA vs S3mACtI2) Vosg = ~0.85V ve “SV E12) Tog 25.8m0 s — To = 2:1OV 24.24 osEs 3s 2 ot . Vas, % -o.8sv Ce) Ac Rs deoreaser the wa TovseTim om the veaTical oxi dineveazes. “the makimum oceurc or Ips Ipss = 10m Rs puyg = VE = BEY ening tev Thss 1omA 6. 21OSz Tn A (4) Ves=0V) Ty = Toss soma Vorw Vox ~@V, Fp= On Vote Vojg =-3%) Epo) Yesw ose on Ves = Ves ~ Ins Vos = 4V-Tp(2.2ks2) Ves=ov, Tor BY a a Nv oo] Vos = Vop +5 ) BramA (reasomabte) Vboweve; Ta= Ys = C25 a 6.250 x 33mA 7a, Tes Veo =< Tetp = Irby =G.25nA2. 2H) = 3a5v ond. Voge Vang = OPSV HISTSY = zovy =Vop 2 Vps20v be Pesscvie chert cireviT Lone Dos. 2. DeTuak pss amd/er Ve rman be larger win magaitvde Haan ogeatied. FA. 6A) Nig = OV, Tye Tnes = Be Netw Yo ay, 5 oy Nes = Ye 242 Tp =2mA = Mos « 03Ve = 2¥, Tp= 4m Ves = Ip Rs Te tins Vor = Hm AY(0.51R.) = 2.08 Trg = 308, Vorg= LSS Sb) Ve = Von + Te(Pp+Rs) 3 “IBV +C3mAK271kR) -4.8v C2) Vp = Vop- ExRD = =18v Gn G2zka) 39 3 Ves = ~ESY__osas el BY “ Fudd -0.315 m the horigaTak aris. Then move verTi cally Te ae Xp =Tpss (1— Ves/ve)™ curve. Fh rove Werigentatiy Avom tae atin seTiwt. itt the curve T the left Toe To/Tags on 2 20.29 oct Tp = 024(I2mA) = 46 BmA vs mA Vos = Voo- EoRs =12V-(A4.6Bm ANC L2eD) 28V vs 6.27V#I 33. Veg = FaVow _ Woks (ov) Ges 2 = = 216V Rawy WORR HTORL = lel m= Wel 2 35¥0 0 Loa Tos Ry ComAKiien) M= mx Veo = 0.208 (2.160) \vel 35 Fakd 0.146 onthe veTicak opie labeled H amd mare he locaTion Whase heriqonTatiy To the verTieak apis latecled me aud the 388 MT (2 1.318 wn ToTER)- Made “the spS- le whe Tso points locate above = O14o mz 0.318 Te the ver! 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