Clindamycin (Cleocin)

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Drug Order Generi c Name: Clinda mycin Brand Name: Cleocin Classifi cation: Antibio tic ; Antiinfectiv es

Mechanis m of Action inhibits ba cterial protein synthesis by binding to 50Ssubuni t of ribosom e. - hinders or kills susceptibl e bacteria.


Nursing Responsibilities /Precautions -infections caused contrain -assess patients by sensitive dicated infection before and staphylococci, in regularly through out streptococci, patients CV: therapy pneumococci, hypersen Thrombop -before giving first bacteroides, sitive to hlebitis dose, obtain fusibacterium, drug specimen for clostridium or linco EENT: culture and perfringens, mycin pharyngiti sensitivity test, and other sensitive s begin therapy aerobic and -use pending results. anaerobic cautiousl GI: -monitor renal, Organisms. y abdominal hepatic, and -endocarditis in patien pain, hematopoetic prophylaxis ts with Anorexia, functions for dental renal or bloody during prolonged procedures hepatic or tarry therapy. in patients allergic disease, stools, -be alert for to penicillin asthma, constipati adverse reactions -acne vulgaris history on, and drug -bacterial vaginosis of GI diarrhea, interactions disease, dysphagia, -if adverse GI pneumocystis jirove or signif esophagiti reactions occurs, ci icant s, monitor patients h (carinii) pneumonia allergies flatulence, ydration. . nausea, -teach patient how toxoplasmosis(cere psuedome to store oral bral or mbranus solution. ocular)immunocom colitis, -tell patient to take promised patients unpleasan entire t amount prescribed or bitter even after he feels taste, better. vomiting. -warn patient that I.M. injection may GU: UTI be painful HEMATO -instruct patient to LOGIC: report diarrhea and Eosinophil to avoid selfia, threatening psudo thrombocy membranuscolitis topenia -tell patient transientle receiving drug I.V.

Contrain dication

Adverse Effect of the Drug CNS: headache

ukopenia SKIN: maculopa pular rash, urticaria OTHER: anaphylax is, erythema, pain(I.V. use),indur ation, pain;steril e abcess (I.M.use)

to report discomfort at infusion site.

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