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Building Content Background in the Visual Arts Classroom

by Lisa Doslu

What is Background Content Knowledge? formal or informal content knowledge including specific vocabulary and/or general concepts

Building Content Background helps students connect what they already know to new content curriculum. Not all Students Have the Same Content Background, therefore, assessing all students to determine content background is key. Misconceptions Students May Have need to be addressed early to establish an accurate and solid body of content knowledge.

Keys Factors to Building & Activating Content Background

Concepts Linked to Students Backgrounds Links Between Past Learning & New Learning

Developing Key Vocabulary & Academic Language

Content Words

Words to Teach English Structure

Process/Function Words

The following is an example of how content background is built from a lesson on altered books: Link New Concepts to Students Background Information:
1.What is an Altered Book? Students view a brief slideshow of Altered Books done by both professionals and other students their age, with close-up pictures of techniques they will be using in the classroom. Pictures chosen include an artistic range from the simple to the complex and always demonstrate best practices. 2.Students are asked to think/pair/share their experiences with journals, scrapbooks, or any previous altered books projects done elsewhere. 3.Students will then randomly be asked to share ideas with the class as a whole.

Develop Key Vocabulary:

Vocabulary consisting of content words, words to teach English structure and process and function is built and reinforced though the use of the following techniques: 1. 2. 3. colorful word walls daily words posted on board vocabulary is used in both written and verbal lesson instruction The following are vocabulary words relating to the Altered Books Project Content Words Materials
paint, gesso, watercolor, pastel, brad, cover, poem, book, ink, adhesive, stamps, found objects, masking tape

Alter text, collage, niche (cut-out), decorate, block, crayon resist, fold, transfer, layer

Words to Teach English Structure

Alter: to change - vary - modify - shift - transform turn Alteration Alternate Altered Books

Process/Function Words
Explain, Demonstrate, Identify, Critique, Create, Present, Express, Design

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