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Content and Language Objectives in the Visual Arts Classroom

by Lisa Doslu

Content Objectives: identify what specific skills and concepts the standards require students to learn and be able to do as a result of the lesson.

Language Objectives: identify what academic language is required to learn the skills and concepts the standards require students to learn and be able to use as a result of the lesson.

Stated In Clear and Simple Language Posted For the Students to See For the Duration of the Unit Read Aloud At the Beginning of Each Lesson Reviewed At the End of the Lesson

Ways to ensure that content and language objectives are taught and culturally responsible:
1. Utilize backward design process as outlined by authors Wiggins & McTighe in

Understanding by Design and create assessment of what students need to learn before writing lesson plans.
2. Create culturally responsible lesson plans by presenting art from a wide range of

artists and cultures from around the world. (Examples include: Panamanian molas, Spanish murals, Islamic patterns & tiles, Native American clothing, pottery & ceremonial objects, and Japanese, Korean & Chinese silkscreens.)
3. Recognize that most students will be unfamiliar with the academic language

presented in art history texts. Therefore, art terms --such as a movement -- should be clearly identified, defined and reinforced throughout the unit.
4. Provide multiple opportunities for students to critique their work both verbally and

in writing.

The following is an example of language and content objectives from a lesson on altered books:

AR.08.AC.03 Explain the distinctive ways that essential elements and organizational principles from various arts disciplines are used in an integrated work of art and identify their impact on that work. AR.08.CP.04 Critique the artistic choices made in creating a work of art and their impact on the aesthetic effect, orally and in writing. AR.08.CP.03 Create, present and/or perform a work of art by controlling essential elements and organizational principles to express an intended idea, mood or feeling.

Based on the skills in the above standards, the content and language goals are as follows: Content Objectives: 7th & 8th grade students will create an altered book that that expresses an overall intended idea, mood or feeling predetermined by the student. Students will present their books orally through classroom gallery walks and critique their own work in writing through written reflection, using words from the vocabulary focus, to explain their artistic choices made to achieve their desired effect or message. Language Objectives: Through a classroom

gallery walk, students will verbally explain their overarching theme for their altered books and use at least three words from the unit vocabulary bank in their description. Through a written reflection, students will write three to five complete sentences using a minimum of

five words from the vocabulary bank to explain their creative process and the overall theme of their altered book.

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