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Cancer Basics

Term cancer derives from observation by Hippocrates Cancer is a group of diseases All involve uncontrolled division of the bodys cells

Cancer Basics
Tumors originate from a single cell

Mutation that occurs usually in 1 of 2 types of genes: proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor genes

The Bodys Natural Defenses

DNA proofreading and repair

The Bodys Natural Defenses

DNA code redundancy

Fig. 12-19

The Bodys Natural Defenses

Anchorage dependence

Density-dependent inhibition

Density-dependent inhibition

25 m

25 m

(a) Normal mammalian cells

(b) Cancer cells

The Bodys Natural Defenses

Cell suicide (apoptosis)

The Bodys Natural Defenses

Cell suicide (apoptosis)

Cancer is a Multistep Process!

Tumors originate from one cell, but as a tumor develops the cells within it can start to change / evolve becoming increasingly unstable!

Famous Tumors 4:25min
1. How is cancer a multistep process? What are some of the steps involved?

2. How does evolution / natural selection relate to cancer?

3. Can cancer be contagious?

Cancer is a Multistep Process!

Increased incidence with age Increased incidence with exposure to environmental carcinogen or inherited mutation Lag time between exposure and cancer development

Cancers Toll
2nd leading cause of death in the U.S. Men have a 1 in 2 lifetime risk of developing cancer; and women have a 1 in 3 risk Only about 25% of all cancers are hard core

New Treatments?
Immune-mediated tumor destruction pagewanted=all

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