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Feedback English

Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar 1. Spelling incorrect 2. Grammatical error 3. Punctuation error Sentence & Structure 4. Topic sentence needed 5. Problem with sentence structure 6. Sentence does not make sense 7. Does not address task question 8. Link needed to question 9. Link needed to previous idea /analysis 10. Word choice / Not the right word 11. New paragraph needed 12. No paragraphs ! 13. Phrasing / refinement of sentence needed 14. Refinement of paragraph needed 15. Refinement of ideas / analysis / textual understanding Analysis 16. Quote needed 17. Too descriptive 18. Argument does not follow logically 19. Argument / analysis not sustained 20. Expand point 21. Watch accuracy of statement 22. Disjointed ideas 23. Synthesise argument 24. Repetition analysis / phrase Language Features & Form 25. Literary forms and features needs to be evaluated 26. Not using appropriate features of language for text type 27. Dont refer to the composers first name. Use surname. 28. Use third person 29. Avoid first person 30. Informal expression 31. Avoid contractions in formal writing Introduction & Conclusion 32. Ineffective introduction / conclusion 33. Introduction / conclusion does not address task question 34. Expand introduction / conclusion 35. Hand writing is not legible

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