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Revised Tuesday, 11-27-12

NEW! G2G website:

To All G2G Advisors

U p d a t e d Calendar and Information!

**** ALL writings should remain @ school in their G2G folder in the G2G group classroom****

News!!! The score sheet has been converted to a Google Docs spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has been organized by group, and you can access the spreadsheet anyplace & at anytime. Multiple people can simultaneously update the sheet. Please
check for accuracy - you have editing permission so you can make changes as needed. Monday, December 3rd: 1. Writing Prompt #2 is Due to each G2G Advisor 2. ACTIVITY: Shells for NJ Shores. Students will create the Shells for NJ Shores Art. The Art templates are in the Teachers Lounge along with samples of shell images. Additional copies of the template can be found on this website under the December 3rd activity tab. Since we are meeting every Monday afternoon, please announce to students that they should give their essay directly to their G2G Advisor. Please note, this is a change from our prior procedure.) Once you receive the essays you can begin to score them using the rubric. If you need any assistance with scoring, please see one of the LA teachers(Cathy S., Garth F., Carol T., or Joe O.) or an experienced G2G advisor prior to the due date. There are usually 2 weeks to score and upload the scores to the spreadsheet. December 10 - SPELLING BEE during G2G period December 17 - WP#2 - Conference with students/input scores onto the G2G spreadsheet G2G Activity: DEAR time while conferencing December 21 - WP#2 Scores are due - They should be place in the G2G file on the server. G2G Activity: To Be Determined Scoring Rubrics can be found on top of the G2G mailboxes, as well as, the feedback sheets if you use them, and on the website. Where Do I input the scores? The score sheets are now Google Doc spreadsheets. Accessible 24/ 7 from anyplace. Each writing prompt has a separate score sheet. Each score sheet has its own link. The Links can be found below, or on the G2G Website. Link to WP #1 Score Sheet key=0AqrIajEY7sA_dHk2TGdfR3VoaEd6RmdSUzhNendZelE Link to WP #2 Score Sheet - Dec. 17, 2012 key=0AqrIajEY7sA_dDRUS0NSRFJXQ2kxMEVxbmJQLTQ5U2c

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Link to WP#3 Score Sheet - January 2013 key=0AqrIajEY7sA_dG9sX0oyeXlXTG9oWVJta1BoSUlzbUE G2G - 11-27-12 Revision

The Missing or Late Recording Sheet is now Electronic. Please record any missing or late work here. You are able to edit the form once the student has handed in their work. You can also add a comment if you need. Missing or late scores recording sheet. click here. (also found on the G2G website) Dates at a Glance: 12/03 WP#2 is Due to G2G advisor *make sure to fill in missing & late recording sheet. look for the tab on the g2g website. Spelling Bee WP#2 Conference with students Enter Missing or late scores recording sheet. click here. TBD Happy Holidays! 01/07 Welcome Back! First G2G of the New Year Activity: TBD Activity of the Day Shells for NJ Shores - Drawing activity

12/10 12/17

during G2G period upload scores to the Google Docs spreadsheet.



Need help scoring the essay? Seek out one of our Language Arts teachers: Cathy Sousa, Carol Testa, Joe Olcott, Garth Ferrante or an experienced G2G advisor for help. Other questions re G2G? Seek out one of the experienced advisors. ** If there is anything that needs revision on this document, please email Ursula at:

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