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Weekly Practice Journal

Name: Graeme McFarlane

Dates: October 15 to 21
Weekly goals 1. Learn 3 new notes/fingerings for both instruments (trombone & French horn) now know (6 notes) 2. Play over all exercises on pg. 4 & 5 3. Play and hold long-tone lowest & highest learned notes -Yes, although I had to go back to the piano after I switch my right hand position for Horn, because I couldnt hear the right note -I also let Stephanie borrow the instruments to show her class instruments of the orchestra, so I had to practice on the weekend, which doesnt speed up the learning process. Method book pg. 6 & 7 Learn 3 new notes on the French Horn Learn 3 new notes on the Trombone -Method Book 1, pg. 1-5 & back of book fingerings and slide positions -I found it hard to correctly play the C(F) on the Horn. To get the right note and hold a consistent C -To stress using larger muscles(not throat) to pressurize the air into the instrument, through a great tight embouchure -Karly helped the position of my right hand in the bell of the Horn - the Trombone can be difficult with the precise amount of airstream required to play diff. notes, however memorizing the positions is key -My throat is still tense but not as tense as it was last week. Oct 15: 0 minutes Oct 16: 35 minutes Oct 17: 0 minutes Oct 18: 0 minutes Oct 19: 35 minutes Oct 20:15 minutes Oct 21: 35 minutes TOTAL:120 minutes

Self-assessment: I.e. did you accomplish your goal(s)? How well? What will you work on next week?

Material practiced: What did you learn as a learner on a brass instrument? What did you learn that will guide you as a future teacher of brass instruments?

General comments: Minutes practiced:


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