Reaction Times Lab

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On the first experiment we did which was ball throwing. My reaction time was just over 0.1 seconds. For our second experiment our partner would drop a ruler and we would have to catch it where our finger landed was our score, I caught the ruler at 8cm that is 0.12 seconds.

Mr.McKinney told everyone about the ruler experiment. Everyone did this experiment. Then Mr.McKinney helped me come up with the ball throwing idea.

For our first ball experiment If I throw the ball with a different hand every time my partner might take longer to react. For our ruler experiment I could hold the ruler from higher up it might be harder to catch the ruler and the reaction time will be different.

The materials you need for the ball experiment are: A partner A ball (soft) A chair (if you want to do it sitting down) A mac laptop For the ruler experiment you need: A ruler A partner to drop the ruler of catch it A sheet with the reaction times on A mac laptop

To do the the ball experiment you need to use the soft ball then you either pretend to throw the ball or actually throw it. If you want to know your reaction time you record it on iMovie. For the ruler experiment you need to hold the ruler with 0cm facing down your partner has their hand in a u shape under the ruler then you drop the ruler for your partner to catch, then you see what number you are holding. Finally you can see how many seconds it took you to catch the ruler.

Whats different about the 2 parts of your experiment? The difference is mostly the reaction because they are different because you would react different if someone thew a ball at you that catching a ruler, you would go down but with a ruler you need to look concentrated at the ruler and know how to pick it very quickly if your partner lets go.

What are all the same things that stay the same in your 2 experiments? The things that stay the same are mostly that for both you need to react quickly not really slow otherwise you will get hit or the ruler will drop on the floor

You are measuring your reaction time? It is very important that you measure your reaction time because otherwise you will never know how quick you got it done.


Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial Trial 3 4

Average -Mean (add your four four Trials together and divide by four)



0.01 0.35


Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4

-Mean (add your four four Trials together and divide by four)

4cm=0.0 6cm=0.11 12cm=0.1 14cm=0.1 0.13 sec9 5 7 onds

Did you ever go of topic and do stuff thats not related to science? Played mine craft changing skin colours. What do you think makes us react so fast? Its a natural human response? Why does reacting help us? If you play dodge ball you can dodge the ball so you dont get hit.

We have been working on a lab which is looking at reaction times. We started this lab on the 18th of November and we finished it on November 23rd. The purpose of this Lab that I did with Lauren was to see the reaction, people

would have to a ball being thrown and a ruler drop. I learnt that we react really quickly, but each reaction time will be different, most of the time. For our first ball experiment If I throw the ball with a different hand every time my partner might take longer to react. For our ruler experiment I could hold the ruler from higher up it might be harder to catch the ruler and the reaction time will be different. When Lauren and I were deciding what experiments we would choose we thought it would be nice to choose one each. So Lauren chose the ruler experiment and I chose the ball throw. When we conducted the lab experiment the variables included: the human reaction time, because some people are quicker than others (this is an independent variable) the strength of the throw will affect the speed (this is a dependent variable) Which hand we throw with (this is a controlled variable) The only issues we encountered was dropping the ruler. This data shows the difference of each of my reaction times. I feel like for the ball throw I ended up with 1 second because I knew the ball was coming and I didnt really think about reacting quickly. I learnt that people react to different things quicker than others do.

For our first ball experiment If I throw the ball with a different hand every time my partner might take longer to react. For our ruler experiment I could hold the ruler from higher up it might be harder to catch the ruler and the reaction time will be different. For our ball experiment no. Because throwing is throwing, I do have a bit more force to throw a little harder with my right hand but that didnt change the scoring. For the ruler experiment it did change. The ruler is higher up and it comes down quicker which makes it harder to catch with one hand. I learnt that different people will react differently to different things, that will give them quicker or longer reaction times. The part I enjoyed most is the experiment. I liked this part most because it was fun seeing how fast Lauren and I would react to the drop of a ruler or a ball being thrown us. I think the bit I need to focus on most will be writing down the reaction times for each of the activities. I will do this by bringing a pencil with me when I do another experiment.

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