Test Units 4 & 5

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Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEnsenyament Institut dEducaci Secundria Torre del Palau


1 -Complete the dialogue with verbs in the PRESENT PERFECT OR THE PAST SIMPLE. 5POINTS A: Have 1 _______________ (ride) a horse? B: Yes, I have. My cousin 2_______________ (have) a horse when I was younger. I used to ride it sometimes. A: I 3_______________ (never / be) on a horse, but I've ridden a camel. B: A camel? When? A: When I went to Morocco last year. We 4_______________ (spend) three days in the desert. B: What was it like? A: It was good fun, but camels aren't easy animals to ride. They're very temperamental. I'm sure it's easier to ride a horse, but I 5_______________ (be) afraid of horses since I was a little child.

2- Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 4POINTS 1 _______________ (do) your homework yet? No, I'll do it in a minute. 2 My brother _______________ (not / used to / like) rap music, but now he plays it all day. 3 My exam results _______________ (be) worse than I expected. I failed three subjects. 4 I _______________ (write/just) a poem. Do you want to read it? 3-Write sentences and questions in the present perfect or past simple. 4POINTS 1 I / go / to Germany last month ______________________________ 2 your daughter / ever / see / an elephant? ______________________________ 3 you / see / John yesterday? ______________________________ 4 we / not eat / yet ______________________________ 4- Write sentences and questions in the present perfect with yet or already, for or since. 6 POINTS 1 Do you want to this CD? No, can you play something different? (we / hear it) _________________________________ 2 Are you hungry? Yes, I am. (I / not / have breakfast) ______________________________ 3 Do you want to visit the cathedral? No thanks. (I / be / to the cathedral) _____________________________________ Can't we go to the cinema? 4 (you / clean / your teeth?) _________________________________ No, I'll do it now. 5 Aisha _________________________________ (know) Frank ____________ 5 years. 6 I _________________________________ (learn) English ___________ 1997. 5-Are the the following sentences are true or false? 5 POINTS
1-We use the Present Perfect tense for actions that took place in the past time and are now finished. 2-We use the Past Simple tense for actions that took place in the past and are now finished. 3-The Past Simple tense does not specify the exact time when the action took place. 4-The Present Perfect tense is usually used with the adverbs: yet and already 5-The adverb already is used when the action is expected to happen in the future.


6-VOCABULARY. Write the name of the following objects. 4 POINTS

7- Complete the following definitions with words from the crime vocabulary in this chapter. 5 POINTS 1. A thief who steals things from peoples pockets is a _______________ . 2. A person who enters a house and steals things is a _______________ . 3. A person who goes into a store and steals things is a _______________ . 4. Someone who hasnt committed a crime is _______________ . 5. The place where criminals are held is called a _______________ . 6. Someone who steals is called a _______________ . 7. A person who has been affected by a crime is a _______________ . 8. Someone who has seen a crime is a _______________ . 9. To prove that someone is guilty you need _______________ . 10. How do you say denunciar un delicate in English: ________________ 8-Read the text and answer the questions. Write complete answers. 12 POINTS In 2005 a 19-year-old boy from Scotland received treatment to cure an addiction to sending text messages and e-mails. The teenager was sent to an addiction centre after texting about 100 times a day and getting a phone bill of 4,500 in one year. He also lost his job after sending as many as 500 e-mails a day from his office computer, many to his ex-girlfriend. She ended their relationship because he constantly sent texts and e-mailed her. The boy's doctor said that he was now trying to reduce his mobile phone spending from 60 to 10 a week. The doctor said that people should speak to friends and family if they thought they were texting or e-mailing too often. In Britain the average number of texts sent has more than doubled since 2001. Twenty-eight billion texts were sent in 2004, with 15 to 34-year-olds sending more than any other age group. An estimated 40m mobile phones are in circulation among the UK population of 55m people and some people believe that overuse of mobile phones by young children may cause long-term health problems. 1 What happened to the boy after he sent lots of e-mails from work? 2 Which age group sent the most text messages in 2004? 3 How many mobile phones are there in the UK? 4 What did the doctor say you should do if you think you're sending too many e-mails? 5 What was the boy addicted to? 6 Why did his girlfriend leave him?

9- WRITING. Write a news article with the information given in this police report. Use the correct tense and the NEWS ARTICLE STRUCTURE. 10 POINTS



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