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Character Analysis

Introduction - Introduce the following information: the author and title, your character and setting, summary statement and thesis (thesis statement: in one sentence state your character's traits and how/why they affect the scene/theme/other characters). Body Dialogue Example: Find quotations featuring key dialogue. Explanation: What do other characters say about your character? First Example Second Example

Traits Identify two dominant character traits in your scene. Example: What evidence supports this character trait (stage directions or quotations)? Support evidence with actions - what does the character do in the scene? Explanation: How do actions and words illustrate the traits?

First Example

Second Example

Relationships Identify two significant relationships that your character has within the scene. How does the previously identified character trait affect these relationships? Does it help or hurt the characters relationship with others? Does it help or hurt your character personally?

First Example

Second Example

Does it get your character into or out of trouble? Conclusion - Synthesize your ideas in the following order: 1. Restate the thesis statement 2. As an actor, describe how you will effectively communicate this role.

Sample Character Traits

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