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Epos: Webwerf: www.goedverwacht.

com Tel: 022 9124410 Sel: 0718891121

GTOF Kerkstraat 65 Goedverwacht 7323

a Catalyst to develop and self-sustain our working village

26 November 2012 Goedverwacht Slawe dag program 10: 30 Verwelkoming : Me Lillian Jansen Opening met die dagwoorde : mnr Goliath ( leraar ) Basuin items Gesang (gemeente) : Saaier is elke mens Gasspreker : Elize Fortuin ( ATKV) Sangstuk : Goedverwacht Primr Kort slawe geskiedenis : Me Lorraine Cornelius 1 Desember 2012 (5 min) (20 min ) (5 min) (5min) (5 min) (10 min)

Kranslegging - gemeente beweeg na grafte waar die kranse gel word. (10 min) Juffrou Maggie en meester Farao

11:30 Optog van begrafplaas na die kerk Bejaardes sangstuk Sangstuk : Goedverwacht primr Gasspreker : minister Ivan Meyer

Mnr TJ Booys (15 min) (5 min)


12: 00 Lui van die klok : mnr Ivan Meyer Ligte verversings word bedien

Hallo Kelly Goedverwacht is a Moravian Mission Station nearby Piketberg on the N 7.It is one and a half hours drive from Cape town. Every year during 24September we celebrate our Heritage day.We have a very rich Slave history and our celebration is around the impact they made on our lifes of today.We have a old grave yard where the last slave is buried.During the ceremony we lay wreaths at the graves of the old people in the graveyard of which the slave is the centre. This year however we want to concentrate on skills that we identified needs attention because it is fading out of our community.In the old days almost every house had somehow a music instrument (ghitar,pianocordian,mondfluitjie) .They were making their own music and arrange their own housedances.We lost that in the meantime.That is why we are asking you to please come and assist and be our rolemodels to start the music in our community with the presence of your jazz musicians on the 22 September 2012 so that our kids can learn from them.You can take inisiative and invite more musicians if they are willing to come. I will suggest that if you can come beforehand to see for yourselfs what the place is about and what we still can do for the event .We will appreciate it. The rest of the day will be demonstrations of old artefacts still in workingcondition at the old millmuseum. Thank you for your commitment to help us.We are are awaiting you. Regards Lorraine Cornelius.

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