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PHRASAL VERBS ask after someone ask for back out of ask about a person, his health, etc. request withdraw from Lucy has asked after your mom. The sales manager asked for a new extension.

He had to back out of the deal owing to his recent misfortunes. not keep (a promise, agreement, deal) Sam backed out of the agreement at the last second. 1) support (a claim or a person), confirm 2) move in reverse, reverse a car 3) make a protection copy All of us will back you up at the election.

back up

Could you please back up your car a little? Before my computer crashed, I could back my files up. I'm afraid Sheila is away for the weekend.

be away

be far from home, from this place (for at least a night) be at home, be here or there in this building be very interested in something 1) destroy by explosion, explode 2) fill with air, inflate, pump up 3) become angry

be in

I want to see Mr. Delaware. Is he in?

be into blow up

Davids really into classical music. Suddenly the whole barrel blew up. Laura's father blew up all the balloons for the party. He blew up when his secretary told him about the mistake. A storm suddenly blew up in the Caribbean. The thief broke down the front door. The engine has broken down. When she heard the news, she broke down and wept.

4) arise, take place in break down 1) smash, demolish 2) stop functioning, stop working 3) collapse through ill-health or great emotion, lose control 4) analyse break in 1) enter by force (also break into) 2) interrupt someone (colloquial) 3) tame, train for use. train to labour break off 1) separate by breaking

We need to break this problem down in order to solve. Two thieves broke in and stole the car.

I was telling Paul about Venice when she broke in..

It took many men to break in that wild horse. He took the chocolate and broke off a piece.

2) stop, disrupt break out 2) Before the war some countries broke off diplomatic relations. 1) Several prisoners managed to break out of prison.

1) escape by using force

suddenly begin wars, fires, epidemics 2) War broke out in 1939. 3) appear suddenly 4) utter, exclaim break up 1) break into pieces 2) stop, finish 3) depart, disperse (separable when transitive) 4) break a relationship bring about bring back cause to happen 1) recall (not separated with a noun) 2) return bring in 1) introduce 2) produce as profit, yield 3) earn 4) pronounce a verdict bring out bring round publish make someone wake up from unconsciousness or an anaesthetic educate, raise, rear mention as a topic of discussion build up develop a company 3) The sun finally broke out and the rain stopped. 4) Suddenly he broke out into terrible curses. 1) The old ship was broken up by the waves 2) Classes broke up and students went back home. 3) The police managed to break the angry crowd up.

4) Mary and James broke up their engagement. What has brought about all this disaster? 1) He always brings back his trip to Paris. 2) She brought back her four library books. 1) The foreigners brought in many customs 2) The sale has brought in an interesting sum. 3) His business brings in a lot of money every month. 4) The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. When are you bringing out your next novel? The doctors brought him round a few hours after the operation. Bringing up children is never easy We decided to bring the matter up at the next meeting. She built the business up from nothing into a market leader in less than a decade Two thieves burst into the bank and pointed their guns at the cashiers. He burst out laughing at the end of the speech. Tom is calling for me at 8 pm.

bring up

burst in / into

Move somewhere suddenly and forcefully suddenly show emotion visit a place to collect someone or something

burst out call for

require, demand call in send for someone to come ask to assist 1) cancel something scheduled 2) divert, distract call on 1) ask someone to do something 2) visit care about care for be concerned about like, want look after, take care of carry off carry on win, succeed 1) continue 2) continue with carry out catch on catch up (with) perform, put in practice become popular (colloquial) stop being behind This situation calls for tact and a deep analysis. It was too late to call in an electrician.

call off

1) The couple decided to call off the wedding. 2) Please, call off your dog at once !! 1) The president called on his people to make some sacrifices. 2) Call on me if you have any problems. This movie star cares about his reputation. 1) He doesn't care for films about war 2) This house looks well cared for. . She carried off the first prize in the competition 1) The widow carried on as if nothing had happened. 2) Both brothers carried on with their boring conversation. It is not easy to carry out this task. He invented an electric car, but it never really caught on. Go on ahead. I'll catch you up. Jack took a taxi to the hotel and checked in. Jack checked in. Jack checked in at the hotel. Jack checked in to the hotel.

check in(to) at a hotel, an report one's arrival; register for / at a airport etc. (inseparable) hotel, conference, etc.; let someone know officially that you check out (of) (1. inseparable)

have a follow procedures for leaving (a When Jack left the hotel he checked out. My plane will arrive around 5:00 PM. I should be able to check into hotel, etc.) the hotel by 6:00 Don't forget to take your room key to the front desk when you check out examine sth carefully to make sure that Check over your work for mistakes. it is correct or acceptable: make sure that sb is doing what they My parents are always checking up on me. should be doing make sth empty and clean by removing We cleared out all our old clothes things or throwing things away 1 (of the weather) to become fine or I hope it clears up this afternoon bright: 2 (of an illness, infection, etc.) to disappear to find (unexpectedly) or meet by chance (be in the end a matter of) Has your rash cleared up yet? A lucky tramp came across a wallet full of money as he was walking down the street. It all comes down to whether you are prepared to accept less money.

check over check up (on sb/sth) clear out clear up

come across Come down to

come forward Come off come on offer your help, services, etc: Several people came forward with information. * Police have asked witnesses of the accident to come forward. I'm afraid that deal didnt come off after all.

take place successfully Be successful 1 (of an actor) to walk onto the stage 2 (of a player) to join a team during a game Owen came on for Fowler ten minutes before the end 3 to improve or develop in the way you of the game. want: 4 used in orders to tell sb to hurry or to The project is coming on fine. try harder: Come on! We don't have much time. Come on! Try once more. appear All the flowers have come out. When the news came out, everyone was shocked. My photos didn't come out very well. to regain consciousness James fainted when the air-conditioning stopped working. Two of his colleagues took care of him until he came round (came to). (occur- usually a problem -colloquial) Look, something has come up, and I can't meet you. (meet a difficulty) We've come up against a bit of a problem. I'm counting on you to wake me up tomorrow. I know I won't hear the alarm. Count these figures up once more. We can't afford to buy everything on your shopping list, so I've crossed all the unnecessary things out. You drink too much coffee. You should cut back. Last year Peter was very ill and his doctor told him to cut down on the number of cigarettes he smoked. Never try to cut in during rush hours. It's really dangerous Cut those jokes out, please! She cut the cake up and gave each of us a piece She is really lucky, so she can deal with this situation Dog licenses have been done away with.

Come out come round or come to Come up Come up against count on (inseparable)

depend on; rely on; trust that someone will do as expected count up sb/sth phrasal add together all the people or things in verb a group cross out (separable) show that something written is wrong or unnecessary by making an X across it cut back (on) use less of something cut down on smoking / to reduce in size or amount. cigarettes / drinking / spending / production etc cut in pass one car when there isn't room to do it safely cut out cut up. deal with Do away with Do out of do without Draw in draw out Draw up drop by drop in stop cut into pieces handle successfully (abolish-colloquial)

Cheat somebody out of something that They lied on the reference and did me out of any is rightfully theirs chance of getting the job. manage in the absence of They did without food and fresh water Get dark earlier The nights are drawing in now it's winter.

prolong something (usually far beyond The speaker could have said everything important in the normal limits) about five minutes, but he drew the speech out ! come to a stop A white sports car drew up outside the door. visit informally pay a short visit, often without warning. If you're in town tomorrow. Please try to drop by the house. Laura was shopping near her friend, Lynn, and decided to drop in and see her.

drop on drop off something or someone drop off drop off (separable) visit informally Drop in any time you 're passing. stop a vehicle and let someone get out; David drove his wife, Sue, into town and dropped her to take someone to a place and leave it off in the cinema. there. fall asleep (often unintentionally). The baby has just dropped off. John sat in his favourite armchair and dropped off. deliver something; deliver someone (by I can take those letters to the post office. I'll drop them giving him/her a ride) off as I go home from work. "You don't have to take a taxi. You live fairly close to me, so I'll be happy to drop you off." withdraw from, or stop taking part in Sam dropped out of the race because he felt tired and (a competition, a social group) ill. stop attending / leave school or an Paul isn't at the university. He dropped out. organization have courage to deal with - especially You have to face up to your responsibilities. You'll responsibilities have to face up to the fact that you're failing it. (use as a last resort) If the worst comes to the worst, we've got our savings to fall back on. be deceived by - colloquial It was an unlikely story but h e fell for it. fall in love with - colloquial to quarrel (quarrel with) (fail to come to completion) be willing to, want to feel strong enough or comfortable enough to do something add information to a form; to complete (a form) complete a form by adding required information learn / get information (about) Get on in a group of people Have enough time or space for something make something understood; communicate something understandably have a friendly relationship (with); be friendly (toward) avoid having to do something imply - about personal matters make to feel depressed enter a small, closed vehicle leave a large, closed vehicle I fell for you the moment I saw you. George and Sam went out for dinner together. The evening ended badly because they fell out over who should pay the bill. Peter has fallen out with his boss. The plan fell through at the last minute. I don't feel like going to the movies tonight. Old Mr Smith didn 't feel up to walking all that way. I know the accident was a terrible shock. The office needs to know your address and phone number. Could you fill them in on this form? Of course I completed my application! I filled it out and mailed it over three weeks ago! I'm sorry that you didn't know the meeting had been canceled. I didn't find out (find out about it) myself until just a few minutes ago. She doesn't fit in with our group

drop out drop out (of) face up to Fall back on Fall for Fall in with fall out Fall out with Fall through feel like feel up to fill in fill out find out (about) Fit in

get across get along (with) get around Get at Get down get in get off

Alan is really intelligent but sometimes he has problems getting his ideas across. Why can't you and your sister get along? Everyone else gets along with her just fine! Teresa got around the required math classes by doing well on a math proficiency test. What are you getting at exactly? This cold weather really gets me down. I don't know where Carole was going. She just got in her car and drove away. When you get off the bus, cross the street, turn right on Oak Street, and keep going until you're at the corner of Oak and Lincoln Boulevard.

Get on get on Get on with get out get out of Get over get round Get round to get through get together Get up to Give away give in Give off Give out give up Go after Go by go down go for Go in for Go off (make progress - especially in life) enter a large, closed vehicle Have a good relationship Continue or start doing something leave a small, closed vehicle escape having to do something be surprised Sue is getting on very well in her new job. I She got on the plane about 20 minutes ago. I get on well with my flat mate, and you? You have to get out of the car. Lisa had a terrible headache and got out of giving her speech today. I couldn 't get over how well she looked.

a problem / a difficulty etc. to solve or Dan couldn't move the wardrobe because it was too avoid a problem heavy. He got round the problem by putting the wardrobe on a trolley and pushing it. find time to do - also around Sorry, but I haven't got round to fixing the tap yet. to contact someone (usually by telephone) meet for a social purpose Jim (phoning his friend Roger): Hello, Roger. I've been trying to get through to you for hours! Roger: Sorry, Jim. I had to make a lot of calls this morning. Our family used to get together to celebrate Christmas.

do something - usually bad when about The children are getting up to something in the garden. children - colloquial What have you been getting up to lately? betray His false identity papers gave him away. to stop resisting; to surrender send off a smell - liquid or gas be exhausted The fight between Tom and Dick stopped when Tom hurt his hand and had to give in. The cheese had begun to give off a strange smell. When our money gave out we had to borrow.

stop doing something (usually a habit) He knows smoking isn't good for his health, but he can't give it up. Chase, try to get They went after the thief and caught him. use information about something to help you make a decision about the best thing to do to become less swollen a person, an animal to attack make a habit of (become bad - food) You can't go by anything she says. The dentist treated his bad tooth and his swollen cheek soon went down. The dog went for Joe and hurt his arm. I dont go in for that kind of thing. This milk has gone off.

go off (of explosive to explode or fire; (of alarms or alarm Many people were killed when the bomb went off. The devices e.g. bombs, guns clocks) to ring suddenly bomb went off. etc.) Go on happen - usually negative Something funny is going on. Do something else after other go out with (inseparable) have a date with go through go with go without examine (something) to match or suit (something); look pleasing together. (Note: for clothes, furniture, etc.) not have something that you usually have After shopping I want to go on to have a beer. You went out with Sharon last night, didn't you? When Ben entered this country, a custom's officer went through his suitcase. You should buy that shirt. It will go well with your dark brown suit. They went without food for four days.

grow out of grow up hand in hand out hand over hang about hang on hang up have sth back Have someone on hold on Hold out hold up (1. separable) Hold up (2) hold up (2) a person / a bank / a vehicle etc. join in (sth) join up become too big for become an adult, mature My son has grown out of most of his clothes He wants to be a pilot when he grows up.

submit homework, an assignment, etc. You know that you have to hand your report in at 8:30 tomorrow morning! distribute The teacher handed list of assignments out on the first day of class. transfer Strange to say, the enemy finally handed over the town to its inhabitants. remain walking in the streets of There are lots of men hanging about at street corners for the pubs to open. continue to do something "Can you hang on while I change my clothes?" end a phone conversation by replacing I'd like to talk longer, but I'd better hang up. My sister the receiver needs to make a call. receive sth that sb has borrowed Youll have your files back after we've checked them deceive (cheat, lie) to wait (especially on the telephone) (offer - especially with hope) raise; lift to a higher-than-normal position (use as an example - i.e. a model of good behaviour) to rob, especially using a weapon (e.g. a gun) I don't believe you. Youre having me on. George phoned his office because he wanted some information. 'Hold on a minute and I'll get it for you,' said his assistant. We don't hold out much hope that the price will fall. The winner of the race proudly held his trophy up for all to see. Jack was always held up as an example to me.

join up keep back (sb/sth) or keep (sb/sth) back

Earlier today a masked robber with a gun held up the bank and escaped with a hundred thousand pounds. A robber held up the bank. A robber held the bank up. A robber held it up. to become involved in an activity with She watches the other kids playing but she never joins other people in.You all seemed to be having such a good time that I thought I'd join in the fun. if two organizations or groups of The two design companies are planning to join up and people join up, they start working create a new range of footwear. together, or they meet in order to go somewhere or do something together We joined up with another couple from the hotel and hired a boat for the day. [often + with] to join the army, navy, or air force He joined up as soon as he'd left school.

to not go near something, or to prevent Barriers were built to keep back the flood water. someone or something from going past a particular place Once a firework is lit, you should keep well back. keep back sth or keep sth to not tell someone everything you I suspected she was keeping something back. back know about a situation or an event that has happened keep back sth or keep sth to not use the whole amount of Fry the onions in two-thirds of the butter, keeping back back something so that there is a small a third for the sauce. amount to use later keep back sth or keep sth (mainly British & Australian) to not Your employers will keep back 7% of your salary to back pay someone all the money you owe pay into your pension. them so that you can use part of the money for another purpose keep (sb/sth) off sth to not go onto an area, or to stop Motorists have been advised to keep off the busy main someone or something going onto an roads. area I wish she'd keep her dog off my lawn.

keep off sth or keep sth to stop something from touching or off (sth/sb) harming something or someone She wore a hat to keep the sun off. He'd put a cloth over the plates to keep flies off the food. to not eat, drink or use something that I'm keeping off cheese and fatty food generally. can harm you, or to stop someone from eating etc. things that can harm them (mainly British & Australian) to not I tried to keep him off politics because once he starts, talk about a particular subject, or to there's no stopping him. stop someone from talking about a particular subject to continue to do something, or to do She kept on asking me questions the whole time. something again and again I keep on thinking I've seen him before somewhere.

keep (sb) off sth

keep (sb) off sth

keep on doing sth

keep on sb or keep sb on to continue to employ someone

They got rid of most of the staff but kept one or two people on. keep on sb or keep sb on to continue to employ someone They got rid of most of the staff but kept one or two people on. keep up to go at the same speed as someone or She was walking so fast that I couldn't keep up with something that is moving forward, so her. [often + with] that you stay level with them keep up to increase or to make progress at the Prices have been rising very fast and wages haven't same speed as something or someone kept up. else so that you stay at the same level as them Because I'm new to the job, I have to work twice as hard as everyone else just to keep up. He finds it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class. [often + with] keep up (with) to be able to understand or deal with something that is happening or changing very fast We've received so many orders for our products that our staff can't keep up. (= can't deal with the orders fast enough) My Italian friends talk so fast, I simply can't keep up with what they're saying. [often + with] A nine-year-old boy was knocked down while crossing the road in Holbeach. [usually passive]

knock down sb or knock to hit someone with a vehicle and sb down injure or kill them

She got knocked down by a motorbike. knock down sb or knock (mainly American & Australian) to He punched his attacker in the face and knocked him sb down cause someone to fall to the ground by down. pushing or hitting them knock sb out to make someone feel a lot of I've never been so impressed by a performance - it admiration really knocked me out. knock out sb or knock sb to make someone become unconscious Those sleeping tablets knocked me out for 15 hours. out or to make someone fall asleep He was knocked out by a punch in the first round. Leave in Dont touch the original or dont take it Wash your hair but leave the conditioner in. out Leave on Not turn off LEAVE the TV ON; I want to hear the football results. Leave out let down sb or let sb down let down sb/sth or let sb/sth down Not include He was LEFT OUT of the side because he hasn't been playing too well lately. to disappoint someone by failing to do I promised to go to the party with Jane, and I can't let what you agreed to do or what you her down. were expected to do Many farmers feel the government has let them down badly in the negotiations. to make someone or something The film has a good script but is let down by poor unsuccessful by failing to achieve a acting. good enough standard Becker said that he had lost the match because his

forehand had let him down. let in sb/sth or let sb/sth to allow a person or animal to enter a in room or building, usually by opening the door for them let off sb or let sb off to not punish someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong, or to not punish someone severely I knocked on the door and Michelle let me in.

I'll let you off this time, but I don't ever want to catch you stealing again. She thought she would be sent to prison, but the judge let her off with (= gave her) a 1000 fine. [often + with] The police only gave him a warning - he was let off lightly. (= he was given a less serious punishment than he deserved) let out sb/sth or let sb/sth to allow a person or animal to leave I stopped the car to let Susie out. out somewhere, especially by opening a Rosie lets her hamster out of its cage every night. locked or closed door [often + of] He was let out after serving just two years of his fouryear prison sentence. let me through. let me pass "I am a hopeless driver, but the examiner let me through." live on sth to have a particular amount of money He and his family live on 70 a week. in order to buy the things you need I had to take an evening job because we didn't have enough money to live on. live on sth to only eat a particular type of food Martin lived on peanut butter sandwiches while we were staying in New York. live through sth to experience a difficult situation or My grandparents lived through two world wars. event He had lived through a horrible ordeal with great courage. live up to sth if someone or something lives up to Did the trip live up to your expectations? people's expectations or a particular He's striving to live up to his reputation as a worldstandard, they are as good as they were class athlete. expected to be Lock up Close all doors, windows, etc. She LOCKED UP after everyone had left and went home. Lock up Put in prison or a mental hospital They LOCKED him UP for burglary. look after sb/sth to take care of someone or something Do you think you could look after the cat while we're by doing what is needed to keep them away? well or in good condition If you look after your clothes, they last a lot longer. Don't worry about Jenny, she can look after herself. to read something quickly and not very Would you mind looking at my report before I submit carefully it? to consider a subject carefully in order We need to look carefully at the advantages and to make a decision about it disadvantages of the new system. We are looking at all the options. if an expert [e.g. doctor] looks at Did you ask the doctor to look at your knee? something, they examine it and decide We'll have to get a plumber to look at the central how to deal with it heating. to consider something in a particular I suppose if I'd been a mother, I might have looked at way things differently. He's either being very foolish or very brave, depending on the way you look at it. to think about or remember something It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on it. that happened in the past Old people often look back on over their lives. to try to find something or someone, Have you seen my gloves? I've been looking for them either because you have lost them or all week. because you need them I was looking for Andy. Do you know where he is? How long have you been looking for a job?

look at sth look at sth look at sth look at sth

Look back on look for sth/sb

look forward to sth / doing sth look in to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen to visit a person for a short time, usually when you are on your way somewhere else We're really looking forward to seeing Andy again. I'm not looking forward to Christmas this year. I thought I might look in on Sally when I'm in York. [often + on] Can you look in on the kids before you go to bed and make sure they're alright? to investigate or discover and examine Police are reported to be looking into the case. the facts about a problem or situation We're looking into the possibility of merging the two departments. to watch an activity or event without Demonstrators tore down the statue as police calmly becoming involved in it or watch looked on. something like a crime without helping The crowd looked on in disbelief as the player walked off the pitch. [often + in] The crowd just looked on as the old lady was mugged. Be careful LOOK OUT; you're going to drop that! to carefully watch the people or things Remember to look out for Anna - she said she'd be around you so that you will notice a there. particular person or thing Can you look out for a present for Ed while you're out shopping? Inspect or to quickly examine They came to LOOK the house OVER with a view to something or someone buying it. I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he'd written. to carefully examine the contents of I've looked through her drawers but I can't find the something or a collection of things in letter. order to find something Why don't you look through these files and see if the document's there? to read something quickly and not very Could you look through these figures and see if I've carefully made any obvious errors? if a situation is looking up, it is Things are looking up now you've got your promotion. improving [usually in continuous tenses] Consult a reference work (dictionary, I didn't know the correct spelling so I had to look it up phonebook, etc.) for a specific piece of in the dictionary information to respect and admire someone Kate has always looked up to her father. Head in a certain direction We made for home when it started raining.

look into sth look on

look out look out for sb/sth

look over

look through sth

look through sth look up look up look up to sb make for make for sth

to cause a particular result or situation Poor service does not make for satisfied customers. Ironically, food rationing made for a healthier population. make up sth or make sth to say or write something that is not I'd made up some story about having to go home to see up true [e.g. excuse, report, story] in order my sick mother. to deceive someone Can't you make up an excuse? make up to invent something [e.g. story, game] Sometimes I'll read her a story from a book and sometimes I'll make one up. make up Put on cosmetics She went to the bathroom to make her face up. make up for sth to replace something that has been lost, This year's good harvest will make up for last year's or to provide something good in order bad one. to make a bad situation better He seems to be making up for an empty childhood by surrounding himself with expensive possessions. Confuse I always mix those two sisters up because they look so like each other. Make something lively The DJ mixed up the night with some hard techno. to combine different substances And the next thing you do is you put the chocolate, together, especially food, so that they butter and egg in a bowl and mix them all up. become one substance

mix up mix up mix up

move in, move into sth move in, move into sth move out move out move out own up pass away pass away pass off pass off pass out to begin living in a new house or area They've made a lot of alterations to the house since they moved in. Some friends of mine have just moved into our street. become involved in a particular In 1984, Renault moved into the executive car market. business for the first time The drugs trade increased rapidly during the 1960s and London gangsters soon moved in. stop living in a particular house She wants to move out and find a place on her own. stop being involved in a particular business The company has decided to move out of the electronics business due to increased competition. [often + of] if a vehicle moves out, it moves to the As I moved out to overtake the truck, I suddenly saw a right or left side of the road, usually in car coming towards me at high speed. order to go past another vehicle confess or admit that you have done Someone obviously broke the machine but no-one will something wrong, especially something own up to it. [often + to] that is not important to Come on, own up! Who's been using my mug? die She passed away peacefully in her sleep. I've lived on my own since my husband passed away five years ago. if a period of time passes away, it stops The great age of coal mining in the region has long existing since passed away. Convince something that something is I managed to pass off the fake money in the real market. Happen in a certain way The demonstration passed off peacefully become unconscious, faint

pass out pay back pay back pay in sth or pay sth in, pay sth into sth pay off pay off pay up informal

Distribute Repay money borrowed

Take revenge on

It was so hot in the stadium that I thought I was going to pass out. He came back drunk from Gav's party and passed out on the sofa. The protesters passed out leaflets to the growing crowd I paid back the twenty pounds I'd borrowed. I'm going to pay him back for that insult

put money into a bank account

pay up sth or pay sth up American pick out pick out

I still haven't paid that cheque in. I've just got to pay some money into my account if something that you have done to I was pleased to hear about your job offer - all that try to achieve something pays off, it hard work has obviously paid off. is successful Completely repay a debt The mortgage will be paid off in twenty-five years. give someone the money that you If he doesn't pay up, I'll throw him out. It's as owe them, especially when you do simple as that. not want to That's fifty bucks you owe me. Come on, pay up! [often an order] to pay all the money that you owe We've finally paid the mortgage up. for something Choose She picked out the ones she wanted to take and left the rest. recognize a person or thing from a A witness picked out the attacker from police group of people or things photos. See if you can pick out the drawing that Joe did. Improve Sales PICKED UP a bit during the Christmas period.

Pick up

12 Pick up Pick up Pick up Pick up point out point out Learn quickly Collect She PICKED UP Spanish in six months. While you're in town, can you PICK UP my trousers from the Dry Cleaner? Receive (a broadcast) When we rent a holiday cottage in Cornwall, we can't PICK UP Channel 5. collect (a person) Can you PICK me UP and take me to The George when you go to the party? Make someone aware of something He POINTED OUT that I only had two weeks to or interested in. get the whole thing finished. make a person notice someone or If you see her you must point her out to me. [often something, usually by telling them + to] where they are or by holding up one I'd made one or two mistakes that she pointed out of your fingers towards them to me. Demolish They PULLED the old cinema DOWN to build a new shopping mall. Make someone depressed Losing her job PULLED her DOWN. Earn When a train arrives at a station Attract Stop a car by the side of the road He's PULLING DOWN a fortune. The train PULLED IN and we rushed to meet her as she got off Their last tour PULLED IN millions of fans. I PULLED IN to let the passengers out

Pull down Pull down Pull down pull in pull in pull in pull in Pull off Pull off Pull out Pull out

arrest or take someone to a police The police PULLED them IN after the trouble. station for questioning Manage to do something difficult or No-one thought that she would be able to do it, but tricky she PULLED it OFF in the end. if a vehicle pulls off, it starts I watched as the car pulled off and sped up the moving road. Start moving (train) The train was PULLING OUT when I got there. Move into traffic

The traffic was so bad that it took me ages to PULL OUT. Pull out Withdraw (stop being involved in The project was going badly and they decided to an activity or agreement) PULL OUT Pull out Remove soldiers from an area If we pull our troops out now, we are admitting defeat. Pull up Slow and stop a car often for a short A car pulled up next to the church and two men time got out. Pull up Inform someone that they are wrongHe PULLED me UP because I had got my facts wrong. She pulled me up on my use of the term 'mankind' instead of 'humankind'. [often + on] put aside sth or put sth to ignore a problem or a The opposition parties have finally put aside their aside disagreement so that you can differences and formed an alliance. achieve something put aside sth or put sth to keep something so that you can Pour half of the milk into the mixture and put the aside use it later rest aside for the sauce. put aside sth or put sth to save money for a particular She puts aside 100 a month for clothes. aside purpose Put away Put something back in the correct He PUT the dictionary BACK on the shelf after place he'd finished the crossword.

13 Put away The judge PUT him AWAY for ten years for robbery. put by sth or put sth save an amount of money in order If you put a little by every week, it soon adds up. by to use it later Put down Kill an animal because it's old, ill, He had his dog PUT DOWN because it was in a etc. lot of pain from its tumours. Put down Stop holding (but withdraw support PUT the gun DOWN slowly and keep your hands gently) where I can see them. put down sb or put sb make someone feel stupid or Why do you have to put me down in front of down unimportant by criticizing them everyone like that? You put yourself down too much. [sometimes reflexive] put down sth or put to pay part of the total cost of Have you got enough money to put a deposit down sth down something on a house? put down sth or put write something If anyone wants to go to the seminar on Friday sth down afternoon, could they put their name down on this list, please? Put off Postpone The concert's been PUT OFF until next month because the singer's got a throat infection Put off Stop liking something or somebody I was really PUT OFF by the way he eats with his mouth open. What put me off him was the way he only talked about himself. Put on Get fat He's PUT ON a lot of weight since he gave up smoking Put on Deceive, lie (pretend to have a I am not PUTTING you ON. particular feeling, or to behave in a I don't think he's really upset - he's just putting it way which is not real or natural for on. you) Anna often puts on a funny voice when she answers the phone. Put on Start wearing I PUT my coat ON before we went out. Put on give someone the telephone so that they can speak to the person who is on it put out sth or put sth to make a light stop shining by out pressing a switch put out sth or put sth to make something that is burning out [e.g. fire, cigarette] stop burning put out sth or put sth out put out sth or put sth out put out sth or put sth out put out sth or put sth out put out sth or put sth out Can you put Wendy on? When she felt herself beginning to cry, she put Laurie on the phone I'm rather tired - shall we put the light out? Could you put that torch out? You'd better put your cigarette out. Ben grabbed the fire extinguisher and put the fire out. to put something in a place where Did you put clean towels out for the guests? people will notice it so that they can I thought I'd put out some food for people to have use it if they want to with their drinks. to produce information [e.g. Earlier in the day the palace had put out a statement, warning, press release] statement denying the rumour. and make it available for everyone Police have put out a warning to people living in to read or hear the area. to put something outside the house, I must remember to put the rubbish out on especially so that it can be collected Wednesday night in time for the collection. Did you put the cat out last night? to produce or publish something for The sort of books that they put out are never likely the public to buy or use to be best-sellers. to broadcast a programme or film Most of the films that they put out on the movie on television or radio channel you wouldn't even want to watch. Put someone in prison

put out sth or put sth to injure a part of your body [e.g. out back, shoulder] by making a bone move from its usual place Put through Connect someone by phone

14 Careful how you lift those boxes or you'll put your back out.

Could you PUT me THROUGH to extension 259 please. put sth/sb through sth to test something or someone in We put all new models of car through a rigorous order to see if they can do what they series of tests. should be able to do Put up Allow someone to stay at your She PUT me UP for the night because I'd missed house for a night or a few days. the last bus and there were no night buses running. Put up Increase prices, taxes, duties, etc. The government has PUT tuition fees for undergraduate students UP again. put up sth or put sth to build a structure [e.g. wall, Most of the old buildings were pulled down so that up building, statue] blocks of apartments could be put up. They're putting up a statue in town in his honour. put up sth or put sth to stick or fasten a piece of paper They put staff notices up on the board near up [e.g. notice, poster] to a wall so that reception. it can be seen This room looks very bare - I might put up one or two posters. put up sth or put sth to fasten a piece of furniture [e.g. I might ask Guy to put some shelves up in the up shelves, cupboard] to a wall lounge. put up sth or put sth to spread something that is folded Are you any good at putting tents up? up or rolled up [e.g. tent, umbrella] so I'll just put my umbrella up. that it is ready to be used put up with Tolerate I can't PUT UP WITH my neighbour's noise any longer; it's driving me mad Ring off Finish a phone conversation Dave RANG OFF guiltily when he saw his boss coming. Ring up Telephone Helen RANG me UP earlier. rub out rub out run away with sb Delete ink or pencil with an eraser He RUBBED OUT the figure and wrote the correct one in Kill The gangsters RUBBED him OUT for stealing from them. secretly leave a place with someone She ran away with him when she was just in order to live with them or marry seventeen them, especially when other people think this is wrong if something [e.g. emotions, It's important when you're making a speech not to imagination, enthusiasm] runs away let your emotions run away with you. with someone, it makes them do or Sometimes my imagination runs away with me think stupid things and I convince myself they're having an affair. Hit a pedestrian with a vehicle The minicab RAN him DOWN on the zebra crossing. Lose energy or power You should only recharge the battery when it has fully RUN DOWN. Criticise, disparage They're always RUNNING me DOWN and I am sick and tired of it. Cost The project has RUN INTO millions of dollars without any prospect of a return on this investment. Meet by accident I RAN INTO James in a bar in the City on Friday. Have none left We've RUN OUT OF sugar; I'm going to the

run away with

Run down Run down Run down Run into Run into run out of

15 shops for some. Run over Run over Run over see about sth See off See off See through See through see to sth/sb Explain quickly Hit with a vehicle. Exceed a time limit Could you RUN OVER that point again; I'm afraid I didn't quite understand it. The driver couldn't stop in time and RAN the fox OVER when it ran in front of his car. The meeting RAN OVER by twenty minutes.

Send for send for sb send for sb send out sth or send sth out send out sth or send sth out send out sth or send sth out set back sb/sth or set sb/sth back

Set back set in

set in set off set off

to deal with something, or to It's getting late - I'd better see about dinner. arrange for something to be done You should see about getting your hair cut. Chase somebody or something A cat came into the back garden but the dog soon away SAW it OFF. Go to the airport, station, etc., to sayI went to the station to SEE them OFF. goodbye to someone Continue with something to the end Example: They had a lot of difficulties in implementing the project, but the team SAW it THROUGH successfully. Realise someone is lying or being The police quickly SAW THROUGH her disguise deceitful and arrested her. to deal with something that needs The cats need feeding twice a day, but Paula's doing or to help someone who seeing to that. needs your help Please see to it that no one enters without identification. Ask someone to come and help I had to SEND FOR a plumber because the radiator was leaking. to send someone a message asking Do you think we should send for the doctor? them to come to see you I was really worried when my boss sent for me. Ask someone to come and help I had to SEND FOR a plumber because the radiator was leaking. send something to a lot of different How many invitations are you sending out? people at the same time Electricity bills are sent out every three months. produce light, a sound, or a signal The torch sends out a powerful beam of light. The ship's crew sent out a distress call. if a plant sends out something [e.g. This plant sends out long roots and so it needs to roots, shoots], it grows be planted in deep soil. to make something happen more A war would inevitably set back the process of slowly, or to make something reform. happen later than it should happen We've had a couple of staff leave so that's set us back a few months. The completion date for the project has been set back by a few weeks Cost The car repairs SET me BACK eight hundred pounds if something unpleasant sets in, it This rain looks as if it has set in for the rest of the begins and seems likely to continue day. It was when I realised how many people I was speaking to that the panic set in. Change season noticeably Winter has SET IN; it's started snowing start a journey Explode a bomb What time are you setting off tomorrow morning? I'm just about to set off for the station. [often + for] Terrorists SET OFF a car bomb in the city centre last night. Fortunately, no-one was hurt or killed.

16 set off set out set out Ring an alarm The smoke SET the fire alarm OFF. start a journey (synonym of set off) It was quite sunny when we set out. They said they'd set out at about 7 o'clock, so they should be here soon. start an activity, especially when She'd set out with the aim of becoming the you have already decided what you youngest ever winner of the championship. [often want to achieve + with] Like so many young people before them, they set out to change the world. [often + to do sth] Prepare equipment, software, etc., The technician SET UP the computer network for use perfectly. Start a company They SET UP a dot com company, floated it a couple of years later on the Stock Exchange and made an absolute fortune. Behave in a way so as to attract The children were SHOWING OFF and irritated attention me. Display something you are proud of He wanted to SHOW OFF his new sound system. Make the qualities of another thing The shirt really SHOWED OFF his new tie. more apparent Attend something or arrive Very few SHOWED UP at the meeting somewhere Become clear or apparent The downturn in sales SHOWED UP in the company's accounts. Make someone feel embarrassed or He SHOWED us UP when he arrived drunk and ashamed started arguing. Support someone He STOOD BY her throughout the trial as he believed her to be innocent. Be ready and waiting for something The emergency services were STANDING BY to happen waiting for the plane to land. Accept or tolerate behaviour I'm not going to STAND FOR their rudeness any longer. The words represented by certain WHAT do the letters BBC STAND FOR? initials 'British Broadcasting Corporation.' Substitute someone temporarily She had to STAND IN FOR the editor while he was on holiday. Be extraordinary and different She STOOD OUT from the crowd in selection and was offered the job. Defend, support He's the kind of manager who will always STAND UP FOR his staff. be strong enough not to be damaged We need a carpet that will stand up to everyday by something use. This type of plant stands up to the most severe winter weather. Keep your principles when Example: She STOOD UP TO the police when challenged by an authority they tried to corrupt her. remain at home, especially in the I think I'm going to stay in tonight and have a evening quiet one. not come home at night, or to come I've got to be up early in the morning so I don't home late want to stay out too late. if workers who are on strike not The miners are prepared to stay out until their working because of an argument demands are met. with their employer stay out, they

Set up Set up Show off Show off Show off show up show up show up stand by stand by Stand for Stand for Stand in for Stand out Stand up for stand up to sth

stand up to sth Stay in stay out stay out

17 continue to refuse to work Stick out Stick out Stick out stop off Be easily noticed
Extend part of your body

He's so much better than the others that he STICKS OUT

He STUCK his tongue OUT at me.

Continue doing something difficult or unpleasant visit a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else

stop over switch on (sth) or switch (sth) on switch off (sth) or switch (sth) off switch off

take away

Take back Take back Take in Take in Take in Take in Take off Take off Take off Take off Take off Take on Take on

I STUCK it OUT even though I hated every minute of it. We could stop off in Paris for a couple of days before heading south. [often + in] I'll stop off at the supermarket on the way home and get some wine. [often + at] stop somewhere for a period of time We stopped over in Los Angeles for two nights on when you are on a long journey the way to New Zealand. turn on an electrical device [e.g. He switched on the bedside lamp and sat up. light, radio] or an engine by using a The heating switches on automatically at 6 am. switch Could you switch the TV on? turn off an electrical device [e.g. Could you switch that light off? light, radio] or an engine by using a The heating switches off automatically at 9 pm. switch Don't forget to switch off before you leave. stop giving your attention to When he starts going on about his emotional something or someone problems I just switch off. Most people in stressful jobs find it difficult to switch off when they come home. Remove The police TOOK the protestors AWAY. A waiter came to take our plates away. he report claims that large supermarkets are taking business away from small shops. Make someone nostalgic That song always TAKES me BACK to when I was at university. Retract a statement, admit that I had to TAKE BACK everything bad I'd said something was wrong about them when I learned how they'd helped out. Absorb information : The lecture was rather boring and I didn't TAKE IN much of what the lecturer said. Deceive She TOOK me IN with her story until someone told me the truth. Make clothes smaller The jacket was far too big around the shoulders, so I had it TAKEN IN so that I could wear it. Assume care or support The family TOOK IN the three homeless kittens Make great progress The software house really TOOK OFF when they produced the latest version of their DTP package Reduce the price of an item They've TAKEN ten percent OFF designer frames for glasses When a plane departs or leaves the The flight for Dublin TOOK OFF on time. ground Remove clothes you are wearing It was hot, so I TOOK my jacket OFF. spend time away from your work I'm taking Friday off to get one or two things done around the house. He needs to take some time off and get some rest. Allow passengers on a ship or plane The plane stopped at Zurich to TAKE ON some passengers. Assume a responsibility She TOOK ON the task of indexing the book

Take on take on sth take on sb or take sb on Take over Take over

Employ begin to have a particular quality compete against someone or fight someone Assume control of a company or organization

take to sb/sth Take to take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up take up sth or take sth up Talk over Think about Think of think out/through sth or think sth out/through think over throw away sth or throw sth away

become more successful or powerful than something or someone else that is involved in the same type of activity start to like someone or something I really took to him - I thought he was lovely. I tried cycling to work for a while but I didn't take to it. Make a habit of something He's TAKEN TO wearing a baseball cap since his hair started thinning more noticeably. start doing a particular job or He's taken up golf in his spare time. activity Have you ever thought of taking up acting? use a particular amount of time, This desk takes up too much room. space or effort I'll be quick, I don't want to take up too much of your time. remove something that is fixed to a We're going to take up these carpets and lay some surface [e.g. carpet] different ones. (literary) to lift something and hold Charlotte took up her pen and began to write. or carry it discuss something, or to deal with A leading law firm took up his case. something I can't give you an answer, you'll have to take the matter up with your supervisor. [often + with] accept an offer or opportunity to do I think I'll take up Ann's offer to baby-sit. something I'm not sure I'm ready to take up the challenge of motherhood just yet. move to a particular position so that As the crowd grew, riot police took up their you are ready to do something positions. continue with an activity that has Ian took up the story where Sue had left off. been interrupted shorten a piece of clothing [e.g. Her dress was too long for me so I had to take it skirt, trousers] up a couple of inches. Discuss :We TALKED OVER the problems in our relationship, but couldn't sort things out. have on one's mind, think about "I'm thinking about my friends abroad" actively remember: keep in mind for Think of the starving children in India! attention or consideration Think of calling your mother every day think carefully about something you He obviously hadn't thought it out properly. are planning to do and to consider It sounds like a good idea but we need to spend the possible results of it some time thinking it through. Consider something carefully I've THOUGHT it OVER and have made up my mind; I'm going to take the job in Leeds. get rid of something because you do I'm going to throw away those magazines if you've not want or need it any more finished reading them.

18 The council has had to TAKE ON twenty extra employees to handle their increased workload Her voice took on a troubled tone. Words take on new meanings all the time. I might take you on at tennis some time. The government took on the unions and won. The bank was TAKEN OVER by a Hong Kong bank that needed to buy a bank to get into the British market. France has taken over from Spain as Europe's favourite holiday destination. [usually + from]

Throw out Throw out Try on

19 Discard something when no longer These potatoes are past their best - I'd better throw needed them away. Get rid of I THREW OUT all my old clothes to make some space in my wardrobe. Dislocate Edward slipped on the ice and THREW OUT his shoulder. Put clothes on to see if they fit I TRIED the jacket ON before I bought it.

Try it on (Br & Aust.) if someone tries it on, they behave The kids often try it on with a new babysitter. informal badly, especially in order to find out how badly they can behave before other people become angry Try out Test Scientists are TRYING OUT a new drug in the fight against the disease. Try out Test something to see if you like it I TRIED OUT the program before I bought it. or want to buy it try out American & to compete for a position in a sports Luke's trying out for the college football team. Australian team or a part in a play by playing [usually + for] or performing in front of other She once tried out for the lead role in a television people series. turn back sth or turn to fold a part of something which She'd turned the sheet back neatly over the sth back bends easily [esp. pages, sheets] so blanket, like they do in hotels. that it covers another part turn back (sb) or turn to return to the place that you came We ran out of money halfway across America and (sb) back from, or to make someone do this had to turn back. Boatloads of refugees are being turned back before they reach the port. turn back to change your plans Once we've committed ourselves to this, there's no turning back. [usually negative] Turn down Reduce volume, temperature, etc. The room was too hot, so she TURNED the heating DOWN. Turn down Reject an offer, invitation, etc. They offered her the job, but she TURNED it DOWN. Look, I'm offering you a free meal - you're surely not going to turn me down? turn (sth/sb) into to change and become something or There are fears that this minor conflict could turn sth/sb someone different, or to make into a full-scale war. something or someone do this They're going to turn the old warehouse into a nightclub. Tadpoles TURN INTO frogs. turn off (sth) leave the road you are travelling on You need to turn off at the next exit. and travel along another one We turned off the motorway and drove to a nearby garage turn off sth or turn sth touch a switch so that a machine or Turn off all the lights before you leave. off a piece of electrical equipment stops We turned the water off at the mains when the working, or to stop the flow or pipes burst. supply of something Can you turn the TV off before you go to bed? turn off sb or turn sb make someone decide that they are Bad teaching can turn children off poetry for life. off (sth) not interested in something The title of the lecture was enough to turn most people off. Turn on Cause someone to feel attraction or He really TURNS me ON. pleasure / make someone feel sexually excited Aftershave really turns me on.

20 Turn on Turn on Turn out Turn out Turn out Turn out turn over (sb/sth) or turn (sb/sth) over Start a machine Attack Produce Produce an unexpected result Stop a light Attend I TURNED the radio ON to get the weather forecast. The neighbour's dog TURNED ON me when I tried to stroke it. The factory TURNS OUT three thousand units a day. It looked as if we were going to fail, but it TURNED OUT well in the end. She TURNED OUT the lights and went to bed. Thousand TURNED OUT for the demonstration.

move so that you are facing in a Surely you're not going to just turn over and go to different direction, especially when sleep? you are lying down, or or to move Turn the postcard over and read what it says on the someone or something in this way back. turn over sb or turn sb take a criminal to the police or other A convicted terrorist was eventually turned over to over authority the police, twelve hours after he had taken refuge in the Swiss Embassy. [usually + to] turn over sth or turn give something to someone, All documents are to be turned over to the court. sth over especially someone in authority, or [usually + to] to make someone responsible for He had intended to turn the business over to his something son when he retired. Turn up Appear She didn't TURN UP for class today. Turn up Turn up Turn up Increase volume, temperature, etc. I TURNED the music UP full blast. discover something, especially information, after a lot of searching shorten a piece of clothing [esp. trousers], by folding back and sewing the bottom edge of the material Clean everything used to prepare food and eat it When something in the sea or river is left on the shore or bank Wash face and hands Be careful (imperative) be careful to notice something, especially something that might cause you problems Police have failed to turn up any new evidence about the murder. My legs are so short I've had to take up every pair of trousers I've ever bought. The children WASHED UP after lunch. After the crash, several bodies WASHED UP on the beach Be sure you and the kids WASH UP before dinner. Watch out- there's ice on the road.

Wash up Wash up Wash up Watch out watch out for sth

Drivers were told to watch out for black ice on the road. Vegetarians should watch out for animal fat in biscuits. Wear off Stop having an effect The anaesthetic WORE OFF and my tooth started hurting Wear out Use something until it stops She played the video so many times that she working WORE the tape OUT. wear out sb or wear sb make someone very tired Looking after six small children is enough to wear out anyone out. wipe off sth or wipe sth reduce the value of something [e.g. The news has wiped nearly a third off the value of off (sth) British & shares, prices] by a particular the company's shares. Australian amount Wipe out Make someone very tired Revising for the exam last night WIPED me OUT.

21 Wipe out Kill all of a population, make A meteor crashing into the planet WIPED the extinct dinosaurs OUT. Wipe out remove information stored on part A sudden power cut wiped out my hard disk. of a computer [esp. memory, hard disk] wipe up sth or wipe sth remove a substance, usually a Can you wipe up that mess on the kitchen floor? up liquid, with a cloth wipe up (sth) or wipe dry washed plates and dishes with a If you wash, I'll wipe up. (sth) up British & cloth Could you wipe up the dishes? Australian work out sth or work do a calculation to get an answer to Can you work out the total cost of the trip? sth out a mathematical question work out sth or work understand something or to find the We couldn't work out why they looked so guilty. sth out answer to something by thinking [often + question word] about it I couldn't WORK OUT all the answers to the crossword puzzle. work out sth or work think carefully about how you are We need to work out how we can fix it to the wall. sth out going to do something and to make [often + question word] a plan or decision Negotiators are trying to work out a peace settlement. work out sth or work continue to do your job until the endHe has a three month notice period to work out. sth out of a fixed period of time work up sth or work gradually produce something I can't work up much enthusiasm for this trip. sth up With the wind behind us we managed to work up some speed Let's go for a walk to work up an appetite. (= to make ourselves hungry) work up sth or work produce or improve a piece of The commission has promised to work up sth up writing proposals by the end of the year. I'm hoping to work these notes up into a longer article. [often + into] work up sth or work develop an area of activity, I'm hoping to work up the language teaching side sth up especially part of a business of our business. write down sth or write something on a piece of paper I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of write sth down so that you do not forget it paper. He told me his address but I forgot to write it down. write in write a letter to an organization The presenter invited students to write in with ideas for raising money Write off sth or write accept that an amount of money The World Bank is being urged to write off debts sth off [esp. debt, investment] has been lost from developing countries. or will never be paid Write off sth or write damage a vehicle so badly that it That's the second car he's written off since he's sth off cannot be repaired been driving. Write up Make complete written version I WROTE UP the report and submitted it

Get at
Meaning: Criticise Example: His boss is always GETTING AT him for arriving late.
Notes: - Inseparable - International English

Phrasal Verb: Get at

Meaning: Mean Example: What do you think she's GETTING AT? I've no idea what she wants.
Notes: - Inseparable - International English


Phrasal Verb: Get at

Meaning: Be able to reach, find, access Example: It's on the top shelf and I can't GET AT it.
Notes: - Inseparable - International English

Phrasal Verb: Get at

Meaning: Use threats, payments, bribes, etc, to affect someone's testimony or decision Example: The gangsters GOT AT the jury, who found them not guilty of all charges despite the evidence presented in court.
Notes: t*1+0&dict=P

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