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Mucks are must Laws excepted are very forces. More in natures all are very fixations.

Laws with complexes all are lords. Lords that lord are fit at fixes. Cyprian nobles CURILO named. Some enjoy our colds and stiff for comforts just are wet. Crimes that wetted are not that called. Nature calls are easy things. Bloods that fetch or cashes that seize are politic trickery. Complete apathy all may suffer as die. All to stir the leaders wrongs are mucks that must. MUCKAMUCK is social must. Mucks in heaps are moneys ranks. Johnny cashes are goddess poses are mercy all are MACKAMUCK. See our grasses that show the ways of winds that blow. Do our things by hooks or crooks. WENJIABAO bribes and set up treaties clear to send

benefits to the nabob and his wife were found to obtain Tens of millions of U.S.A currency dollars as one to eight Hong-KONG dollars. WENJIABAO bribes are covered all by ways of cleaning up deny. WENJIABAO made his unforced confessions all by conventions sigh. At first before evidence all show up WENJIABO refused that he and his wife has large amounts of moneys but latter evidence come out as facts when WENJIABO wife did posses a large amount of moneys also quite neat to believe there are profits transmitted. Me-mine-cauchy3 had also sometimes does the wrong. However cauchy3 is poor and need the pity of publics. -----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3------------

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