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Lauren Ponting

BBFC research
Our film is going to be rated 15 as the target audience is 15-25 year olds. So we need to be aware of the content in our production as to make sure it doesnt become an 18.

In our film there will be no discrimination so we dont need to be careful about how we use this.

There are no drugs involved in our film so we do not need to be aware of these issues.

In our film we will be using horror, as it is a horror-based film. There will be strong threat and menace used when people get threatened with knives however these are permitted so it is okay. Our film does not contain sadistic or sexualized horror, so it is allowed in this age rating.

Imitable behavior
There are elements of imitable behavior as someone commits suicide. There is also murder used in our film, we will make this so it is a 15 rating as we will not dwell on the detail so the audience cannot copy these actions. Knives and a cattle prod will not be glamourized as people are just using them as weapons and not advertising them.

There will be no strong language used during the filming of our film so we do not need to be aware of the language we can and cant use.

There is no nudity throughout our production, so this is not a problem.

There are no sexual scenes in our production.

As there are no prohibited themes this is also not a problem. We are using a theme of mental illnesses and insanity.

We have people being stabbed in our film but to allow this film to be a 15 we will not dwell on the infliction, pain or injury. We wont have any strong gory images, as there are not necessary. There is no sadistic or sexualized violence throughout our production and there will be no verbal references to sexual violence or the portrayal of sexual violence.

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