Title:: Assignment of Reading

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Cycle: 9

Schedule: 5:30 7:00



MRS A: oh, dear my watch has stopped. Can you tell me the right time, john?

MR A: ITS just two minutes past nine.

MRS A: two minutes did you say?

MR A:yes, two minutes.

MRS A: just two minutes past nine?

MR A:yes, exactly two minutes past.

MRS A: well now, whod have thought that? I thought it was much earlier.

Thats the time the train used to leave for little twitterington before the war.

You remember the one that used to stop at every station and a few other places as well. Let me see now, what time was it that the train left? John, at what time did the morning train leave for little twitterington? Before the war, I mean.

MR A: two minutes past nine.

MRS A: oh, yes thats right two minutes past nine. Whats the time now, dear?

MR A: three minutes past nine-

MRS A: but just now you said it was two minutes past nine.

MR A: yes, that was when the train left and when you first asked me the time

MRS A: asked you the time for what?

MR A: the time now, top put your watch right.

MRS A:oh, yes, of course. I wonder why we didnt hear the time on the wireless just now.

MR A: the wireless wasnt on.

MRS A: it wasnt well, i suppose that explains it . Now, let me see, its three minutes past nine, isnt it?

MR A: four minutes past nine.

MRS A: but you said it was two minutes just now. Or did you say three? Im sure you didnt say four.

MR A: It was two and it was three and now its four.

MRS A: oh, jhon, do make up your mind. What is the time?

MR A: five minutes past nine.

MRS A: five past? Are you quite sure?

MR A: oh, well, then, Ill set my watch to six minutes past. its better to be fast , isnt it ?

MRS A:not for women.

MR A: no for women? What a strange thing to say! Surely times the same for all us, men and women? Oh, goodness, this watch isnt going. What shall I do with it?

MR A: oh, go and boil you watch!

MRS A: boil it? Do you really think thatll make it work? Well, its guaranteed waterproof so it cant harm it, and perhaps the heatll do something to it and make it tick again.

John, how long should I boil my watch?

MR A: not more than five minutes or itll be hard-boiled.

MRS A: will three minutes do?

MR A: yes.

MRS A: should I bring it to the boil and keep it boiling or bring it to the boil and let it simmer?

MR A: oh, stew it!

MRS A: stew it? I suppose he means simmer. Men do use words loosely. John, john. I cant take my watch out; its too hot for my fingers

MR A: fish hit out with a spoon and put it under the cold water.

MRS A: what a good idea! But perhaps a forkll do better. I can get hold of the strap more easily with it.

There! Now its cold oh john, my lovely watch, its still not working. And you said three minutes was enough.

MR A: bring it here.

There now, now its working. Ticking away fine. All needed was winding up. Now Ill put it to the right time. Quarter past nine.

MRS A: how clever of you, john! Youre always so handy with your hands. But are you sure its quarter past nine? I thought I heard you say it was five past just now?

MRS A: oh, go and, fry big Ben!

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