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assessment Subjective:

Nursing diagnosis Impaired urinary elimination related to decrease urine output gland as evidenced by 430 ml of urine.

Scientific explanation

planning Short term: After 4 hours of nursing intervention the client will demonstrate improvement in urine elimination. Long term:

intervention -monitor vital signs

Scientific rationale -to obtain baseline data

evaluation Short term: After 4 hours of nursing intervention the client will demonstrate improvement in urine elimination. Long term:

-note condition of skin

and mucous membranes, color of the urine

-to help determine level of hydration

Objective: -430 ml of urine After 4 days of nursing intervention the patient will have return to normal voiding pattern and elimination.

-provide fluids at frequent intervals

-to help maintain renal function, hydration and formation urinary stone

Collaborative: -discuss possible surgical procedures and medical regimen. -assist with physical examination

After 4 days of nursing intervention the patient will have return to normal voiding pattern and elimination.

assessment Subjective:

Nursing diagnosis Acute urinary elimination related to as evidenced by small/ frequent voiding

Scientific explanation

planning Short term: After 6 hours of nursing intervention the clinet will be able to: -verbalized understanding of causative factors and appropriate interventions for individual situation -demonstrate techniques or behaviours to alleviate or prevent retention. -void in sufficient amounts with no palpable bladder distention.

intervention -assist client sit upright on bedpan or commode, or stand -Encourage intake of cran berry juice everyday

Scientific rationale -to provide functional position of voiding -helps prevent infection because cranberry juice metabolizes to hippuric acid

evaluation Short term: After 6 hours of nursing intervention the client will be able to: -verbalized understanding of causative factors and appropriate interventions for individual situation -demonstrate techniques or behaviours to alleviate or prevent retention. -void in sufficient amounts with no palpable bladder distention.


- Have patient listen to sound of running -this stimulates water,or place hands urination in warm water

Collaborative: - collaborate in treatment of underlying conditions -instruct client to in intermittent self catherization techniques.

Long term:

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