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NAME: _______________________

DATE: _________________

Extra Reading Comprehension Questions

(Unit 3, page 34)
A. Look at the Reading on page 34. Based on the information in the Reading,
check the statements that are true. Correct the statements that are false.
1. Most North Americans dont expect their children to move out of the house.
2. More adult children live with their parents today than in the past.
3. Adult children usually come home with their children.
4. Mr. Dad says you shouldnt ask how long your child plans on staying.
5. Mr. Dad thinks its OK to ask children to pay for some living expenses.

B. Answer the following questions. Explain your reasons.
1. Do you think parents should expect children to move out at eighteen?
2. Do you think children should expect always to be able to come home?
3. Do you think children who move home should pay for expenses and do some of
the household chores?

Top Notch 1, Second Edition

Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Unit 3

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