November 2012 Newsletter

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Partners in ministry

making a difference

November 2012

Dr. Marc Bouchard, a family physician from Vermont, examining a young boy's back in Port-au-Prince, Haiti during our CMDA Atlanta medical mission

Dear Ministry Partner,

God is so good! As we look back this past year (in the infographic to the left), it has been exciting to see how God has used CMDA Atlanta in reaching out into the world bringing the mercy of medicine coupled with the love of the gospel of Jesus. Will you consider joining us on one of our medical mission trips in 2013? We need physicians, dentists, medical students, pharmacists, nurses, PAs, and nonmedical personnel on all of our trips. Two trips that you may want to consider are: Go to for more information. Tela, Honduras March 23-31, 2013 Port-au-Prince, Haiti June 22-30, 2013
Serving Him Together,

I trust you know and believe that CMDA Atlanta is making an ETERNAL and KINGDOM impact in peoples lives around the world! Therefore we need your help. CMDA Atlanta relies entirely on the generous support of Christians within the Atlanta community. Would you consider giving a gift to CMDA Atlanta by using the coupon below in the enclosed envelope? Thank you!
(678) 350-

Thank you very much for your faithful support of this CMDA ministry.
My check is enclosed Please charge my: Please send information on automatic bank and credit card draft options Please remove me from the monthly Heartchangers update

Bill Reichart Atlanta Area Director

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Contributions are made with the understanding that the donee organization has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds.

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