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Appendix 1 Forms Form 3 Scheme of work


Aminder K Nijjar

Course/ Qualificatio n

Group Job-hunting

Elderly Care Job Applicants

Duratio n: from to

1 hour

No of Sessions

Delivery hours 6

10.00-11.00 am

Venu e

Halesowen College

Aim of course

Learners to improve their knowledge of and confidence in applying for a job, through: 1. Reflecting on their strengths and areas for development 2. Producing an up-to-date tailored CV 3. Producing an up-to-date tailored cover letter 4. Practising interview questions 5. Creating an individual action plan

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

Date s Wk 1

Objectives/learning outcomes The learner will: Introduction & SWOT Analysis: Gain an overview of the course and expectations (during sessions and homework requirements) Complete a SWOT analysis and describe its role within the job application process Create ground rules for the group

Activities and resources Teacher activities: 1. Overview of todays session: Aims and objectives (power-point presentation) 2. Overview of course: Give out course handbooks Aims and objectives Icebreaker Ground rules Explain emphasis of course on participation and practical application Topics to be covered (week by week) Rationale for the topics (tie in with pre-course assessment) 3. SWOT: Explain importance of self-awareness in securing a job 4. Homework: To read through course handbook and note any questions - bring to next lesson 5. Evaluation of todays session: Ask what worked well Ask what they have learnt from lesson Learner activities: 1. Overview of todays session: Listen to aims and objectives 2. Overview of course: Receive course handbook, skim through & read


Completion of SWOT Learner participation Questions to assess learning taken place Observation Note-taking by learners Questions learners ask Ground rules created

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

relevant sections Look at page listing aims & objectives Take part in icebreaker activity Discuss and agree ground rules 3. SWOT: Undertake SWOT analysis (requiring selfreflection) Ask questions 4. Homework: Read through course handbook and note any questions - bring to next lesson 5. Evaluation of todays session: Answer what worked well Say what you have learnt from todays lesson Resources needed: 1. Icebreaker activity worksheets 2. Course handbooks 3. Student register 4. Power-point presentation 5. Overhead projector, lap-top, screen 6. Whiteboard 7. Whiteboard marker pens & eraser 8. Paper & pens Teacher activities: 1. Re-cap of last weeks session: Ask what learners remember from last session Address any questions from homework 2. Overview of todays session: Aim and objectives 3. Analysing a job advert: Ask what is known about job adverts, person Standard of analysis of job description, person specification and job advert Attendance level Completion and standard of homework Learner participation Questions to assess learning taken place

Wk 2

Analysing Job Adverts: Recognise the relevance of a job description, person specification and job advert when applying for a job Evaluate a job

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

description, person specification and job advert Use a job description, persona specification and job advert in a job application process

specifications and job descriptions Demonstrate an analysis of one sentence in the job description and a couple of lines from the job advert and person specification In pairs, learners to analyse Discuss analysis as a group Provide worked through example 4. Homework: Create a summary sheet of the key requirements of the job 5. Evaluation of todays session: Ask what worked well Ask what 2 new things they have learnt today Learner activities: 1. Re-cap of last weeks session: Listen and state what you remember from last session 2. Overview of todays session: Listen to and read aim and objectives 3. Analysing a job advert: Share what you already know about job adverts, person specifications and job descriptions Pay attention to the demonstration of an analysis of one sentence in the job description and a couple of lines from the job advert and person specification Work in a pair and analyse the job Share your analysis with rest of group and listen to and note their ideas Receive and keep a copy of a worked through example 4. Homework:

Observation Note-taking by learners Questions learners ask

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

Create a summary sheet of the key requirements of the job 5. Evaluation of todays session Resources needed: 1. Job adverts 2. Job descriptions 3. Person specifications 4. Course handbook 5. Student register 6. Power-point presentation 7. Overhead projector, lap-top, screen 8. Whiteboard 9. Whiteboard marker pens & eraser 10.Paper & pens 11.Ground rules Creating a CV: List at least 5 dos and 5 donts of CVs Create an outline for their CV Choose the salient points from a job description, person specification and job advert and apply them to their CV Teacher activities: 1. Re-cap of previous sessions: Ask what learners remember from last session 2. Overview of todays session: Aim and objectives 3. Creating a CV: Administer true/false CV quiz, go through answers Refer to summary sheet from homework Outline structure of CV In pairs, decide on sections and outline content 4. Homework: Produce a first draft of your CV 5. Evaluation of todays session: Ask learners to give 3 dos and donts of CVs Learner activities:
Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303) 5

Wk 3

Standard of CV outline Attendance level Homework Learner participation Questions to assess learning taken place Observation Note-taking by learners Questions learners ask

1. Re-cap of previous sessions: Listen and state what you remember from last session 2. Overview of todays session: Listen to and read aim and objectives 3. Creating a CV: Complete true/false quiz Refer to and use summary sheet from homework Follow structure of CV In pairs, discuss and decide sections and basic content of your own CV 4. Homework: Produce a first draft of your CV 5. Evaluation of todays session: State dos and donts of CVs Resources needed: 1. CV true/false quiz 2. Computer lab/lap-tops & printer 3. Internet access 4. Course handbook 5. Student register 6. Power-point presentation 7. Overhead projector, lap-top, screen 8. Whiteboard 9. Whiteboard marker pens & eraser 10.Paper & pens 11.Ground rules Writing a Cover Letter: Demonstrate knowledge of the layout of a standard Teacher activities: 1. Re-cap of previous sessions: Ask what learners remember from last session 2. Collect homework (mark and write feedback after

Wk 4

Creation of draft cover letter Attendance level Homework Learner participation Questions to assess learning taken place Observation Note-taking by learners Questions learners ask

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

letter Produce a first draft of their cover letter for a specific job

lesson) 3. Return marked homework 4. Overview of todays session: Aim and objectives 5. Writing a cover letter: Ask learners to help me create a standard letter template Identify through discussion the main features of a cover letter Refer to summary sheet from week 2 homework Oversee learners create a cover letter on the computers/lap-tops 5. Homework: Complete cover letter Amend CV in-line with feedback 6. Evaluation of todays session and course thus far Learner activities: 1. Re-cap of previous sessions: Listen and state what you remember from last session 2. Hand-in homework 3. Overview of todays session: Listen to and read aim and objectives 4. Writing a cover letter: Contribute to creation of standard letter template Discuss and make notes on main features of a cover letter Refer to summary sheet from week 2 homework Create cover letter on the computer/lap-top 5. Homework: Complete cover letter Amend CV in-line with feedback

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

Wk 5

6. Evaluation of todays session and course thus far: State what you have learnt about cover letters Give feedback on how you are finding the course Resources needed: 1. Computer lab/lap-tops & printer 2. Internet access 3. Course handbook 4. Student register 5. Power-point presentation 6. Overhead projector, lap-top, screen 7. Whiteboard 8. Whiteboard marker pens & eraser 9. Paper & pens 10.Ground rules Teacher activities: 1. Re-cap previous sessions: Ask what learners remember from previous sessions 2. Collect homework (mark and write feedback after lesson) 3. Return marked homework explain we will be revisiting this next week 4. Overview of todays session: Aim and objectives 6. Preparing for a job interview: Ask learners to share their experience of interviews discuss what they learnt from the experience Explore learners main concerns about interviews Give out list of typical interview questions ask

Engagement in role play Attendance level Completion of homework Learner participation Questions to assess learning taken place Observation Note-taking by learners Questions learners ask

Preparing for a Job Interview: Practise asking and answering job interview questions Use a structure to help answer interview questions

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

learners to add to the list Explore different approaches to answering the questions and identify and note a format to answering Ask learners to form pairs and ask each other 2 questions from the list, in the form of a role play move around and provide support as required Discuss the general rules of etiquette around job interviews 7. Homework: Ask learners to note any concerns and outstanding issues they want addressing in the last session Learners to update their cover letter Learners to bring cover letter, CV, SWOT analysis and notes to final session 8. Evaluation of todays session: Re-visit aim and objectives of todays session Learner activities: 1. Re-cap of previous sessions: Listen and state what you remember from previous sessions 2. Overview of todays session: Listen to and read aim and objectives Share your homework from last week 3. Preparing for a job interview: Talk about your experience of interviews think about and discuss what you learnt from the experience Share your main concerns about interviews Read through the list of typical interview questions add any others youve been asked to the list

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

Wk 6

Action Planning: Breakdown the steps involved in action planning Produce an action plan that will help them in their job applications Reflect on their own learning

Engage in the exploration of the different approaches to answering interview questions and make notes Work in a pair and take turns in asking and answering two job interview questions, in the form of a role play ask the tutor any questions Note the general rules of etiquette around job interviews 4. Homework: Note any concerns and outstanding issues to be addressed in the last session Update your cover letter For last session, take cover letter, CV, swot analysis and notes 5. Evaluation of todays session and course thus far: State what you have learnt about interviews Resources needed: 1. Typical interview questions sheets 2. Course handbook 3. Student register 4. Power-point presentation 5. Overhead projector, lap-top, screen 6. Whiteboard 7. Whiteboard marker pens & eraser 8. Paper & pens 9. Ground rules Teacher activities: 1. Re-visit previous sessions: Ask what learners remember from previous sessions 2. Overview of todays session: Aim and objectives

Action plans created Completed evaluation forms Attendance level Completion of homework Learner participation Questions to assess learning taken place Observation Note-taking by learners Questions learners ask


Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

Incorporate learners individual concerns and outstanding issues 3. Action Planning: Present an action planning cycle Learners to complete an action plan template for their job application Re-visit on a one-to-one and small group basis learners CVs, cover letters, outstanding issues 4. Evaluation of todays session and course: Re-visit aim and objectives of todays session Re-visit course aims and objectives Administer evaluation form Learner activities: 1. Re-visit previous sessions: State what you remember from previous sessions 2. Overview of todays session: Aim and objectives Share your concerns and outstanding issues 3. Action Planning: Follow the presentation on an action planning cycle Complete an action plan template for your job application Discuss your action plan with another learner Speak to the tutor about your CV, cover letter and any outstanding issues 4. Evaluation of todays session and course: State what youve learnt during todays session Re-visit course aims and objectives state what youve learnt Complete a course evaluation form

Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)


Resources needed: 1. Action plan templates 2. Course handbook 3. Student register 4. Power-point presentation 5. Overhead projector, lap-top, screen 6. Whiteboard 7. Whiteboard marker pens & eraser 8. Paper & pens 9. Ground rules


Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303)

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