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Note-making Rubric CRITERION FORMAT [10] EXEMPLARY - properly set up, presented neatly and logically - all headings/

titles are present - key Scientific terms are in bold and color-coded - notes show selective and accurate paraphrasing; beneficial for studying - appropriate use of logical abbreviations, symbols and charts - advanced review & thinking questions related to the notes & videos are stated PROFICIENT - properly set up and neat - most headings/titles are present - key Scientific terms are in bold or colorcoded DEVELOPING - mostly set up properly, some illogical arrangements - some headings/titles are present - most key Scientific terms are in bold and/or color-coded - notes either lack accuracy or paraphrasing - limited use of logical abbreviations and/or symbols and/or charts - basic review questions related to the notes & videos are stated EMERGING - some Cornell format; very mixed up - few headings/titles are present - some key Scientific terms are in bold and/or colorcoded - notes lack accurate meaning AND much is copied - attempted use of abbreviations and/or symbols and/or charts but lack logic - basic knowledge questions are stated, some unrelated to the notes - a limited number of connections to the Science performance task are stated 0


No Questions No bold/ colorcode


CONNECTIONS - connections [5] to the Science performance task are stated throughout

- a number of connections to the Science performance task are stated at the end of each section

- few connections to the Science performance task are stated


NOTES [20]

- notes show accuracy, but some information is copied; beneficial for studying - some use of logical abbreviations and symbols - basic review and curiosity questions related to the notes & videos are stated


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