Law 503 Agency

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Agency is a legal r/ship under which one person (the agent) acts on behalf of another (the principal). The existence of the r/ship is a matter of law, in that there is no need for the parties to intend to create a r/ship of agency for one to exist, nor is the fact that they have labeled their r/ship as one of agency conclusive. Agency is the r/ship that exists between two persons when one, called the agent, is considered in law to represent the other, called the principal, in such a way as to be able to affect the principals legal position in respect of strangers to the r/ship by the making of contracts or the disposition of property. (GHL Fridman, The Law of Agency [6TH Ed, 1980]).

Sec 135 of CA- An agent is a person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealing with third persons. The person for whom such act is done, or who is so represented, is called the principal. In agency there are in effect two contractso Between the principal and the agent from which the agent derives his authority to act for and on his behalf; o Between the principal and the third party through the medium of the agent.

Who may be the agent and principal? Agent- Sec 137 of CA: As between the principal and third persons, any person may become an agent; but no person who is not of the age of majority and of sound mind can become an agent,so as to be responsible to his principal according to the provisions in that behalf herein contained. Principal- Sec 136 of CA: Any person who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject, and who is of sound mind, may employ an agent.

A contract of agency can be expressed or implied from the circumstances and the conduct of the parties. The r/ship of principal and agent may be created in 1 of 5 ways:

By express appointment by the principal. Sec 140 of CA-An authority is said to be express when it is given by words spoken or written. By implied appointment by the principal. Sec 140 Of CA-An authority is said to be implied when it is to be inferred from the circumstances of the case; and things spoken or written, or the ordinary course of dealing, may be accounted circumstances of the case. (See Illustration).

The r/ship of principal and agent may exist between a husband and wife. Sec 7 of Partnership Act-Partners are each others agents when contracting in the course of the partnership business. By virtue of Sec 7 PA, every partner is each others agent when contracting during the course of the partnership business. By ratification by the principal. The concept of ratification allows a principal to adopt the actions of an agent who has acted without authority. It can be applied(i) Where a person who is in fact an agent acts outside his authority; (ii) Where a person who is not an agent at all.

Sec 149 of CA-If the principal ratifies them, the same effects will follow as if they had been performed by his authority. Sec 150 of CA-Ratification may be expressed (oral or in writing) or be implied from principals conduct. Requirements: The act done by agent must be unauthorized. The unauthorized act must be one which is recognized by law. Case: Brook v. Hook (1871) Court held that principal cannot ratify his forged signature.

The principal can only ratify if at the time of the contract the agent expressly acted as an agent. Principal must be in existence at the time of agents act. The principal must be a competent principal at the time when contract was made. Principal must have full knowledge of transaction and of all material facts. Sec 151 of CA- No valid ratification can be made by a person whose knowledge of the facts of the case is materially defective. Ratification must be of the entire contract. Sec 152 of CA- A person ratifying any unauthorized act done on his behalf ratifies the whole of the transaction of which the act formed a part.

Ratification must take place within a reasonable time of making the contract with third party. Case: Grover & Grover v. Matthews (1910) The principal attempted to ratify a contract of fire insurance after a fire had destroyed the property concerned. It was held that the contract could not be ratified, because at the time of the purported ratification the principal would not have been able to make the contract himself. Ratification must not injure a third party. Sec 153 of CA-An act done by one person on behalf of another, without that other persons authority, which, if done with authority, would have the effect of subjecting a third person to damages, or of terminating any right or interest of a third person, cannot, by ratification, be made to have that effect.

By necessity An agency may arise by necessity regardless of any intent or contractual r/ship between the parties. Bowstead on Agency-Agency of necessity arises by operation of law in certain cases where a person is faced with an emergency in which the property or interests of another are in imminent jeopardy and it becomes necessary, in order to preserve the property or interest, to act for that person without authority. Sec 142 of CA- An agent has authority, in an emergency, to do all such acts for the purpose of protecting his principal from loss as would be done by a person of ordinary prudence, in his own case, under similar circumstances.

Conditions: Generally, it is recognized that there must already be some contractual r/ship between the two parties. Case: Great Northern Railway Co v. Swaffield The railway company carried the defendants horse to its contracting destination. When it arrives there is no one to meet the horse. The station master did not know the defendants address and the agents address. He ordered the horse to be put in the stable. Later, the station master claim for the stable charges. The defendant refused to pay. Held: There is an agency by necessities.


It is impracticable for the agent to communicate with principal and to get instructions from principal. Case: Springer v. Great Western Railway Company The defendant agreed to carried the principals tomatoes from Jersey to Covent Garden Market. Owing to the bad weather, the tomatoes arrived late at Weymouth. Since defendants employees were on strike, the tomatoes were unloaded by some casual labourers. Some of the tomatoes were found bad. The defendant decided to sell the tomatoes locally since he was afraid that it could not arrive at Covent Garden Market in a saleable condition. The defendant did not contact or even try to communicate with the plaintiff. The plaintiff claimed for damages in conversion based on the tomatoes market price in Covent Garden Market, the court allowed the plaintiffs claim as no agency by necessities arise.

The action is necessary to prevent the principal from any loss. There must be a real emergency. Case: Sachs v. Miklos Sachs stored furniture in a room belonging to Miklos without charge. He then did not visit Miklos nor inform him of his change of address. Miklos wishing to let the premises try to get in touch with Sachs by telephone and letter, but failed, as his whereabouts were unknown and there was nothing to show that he received the letters. Miklos then sent the furniture for sale by auction, he wanted for other purpose the space which was occupied by the furniture and fail to get further instructions from Sachs. Held: Miklos was not an agent of necessity and therefore he was guilty.


Case: Munro v. Wilmott and Co. The defendant, without asking for payment, allowed the plaintiff to park her car in the defendants garage. It was left there for some years, after which time the defendant found it was too inconvenient to keep it and was unable to locate to ask her to take the car. The defendant sold the car. Held: The defendant was liable. No real emergency arose permitting the owner of the garage to send the car to an auction after he had been unable to get in touch with the owner. *The relevant time to consider whether there is an emergency is the time when the existence of the supposed emergency became apparent.

Agent had acted in good faith. The agent has acted in the interest of the principal, not of the third party. The action taken by the agent is reasonable and prudent.

By estoppel Sec 190 of CA- When an agent has, without authority, done acts or incurred obligations to third persons on behalf of his principal, the principal is bound by those acts or obligations if he has by his words or conduct induced such third persons to believe that those acts and obligations were within the scope of the agents authority.


In certain circumstances, the court will prohibit the parties from denying that an agency exists, by invoking the doctrine estoppel. If a person behaves in such a way that another person appears to be his agent and then he stands by while a third party contracts with the agent then he is estopped from denying his liabilities as a principal.



To obey the principals instructions. Sec 164 of CA. Case: Turpin v. Bilton The agent did not act sufficiently quick to insure a ship, with the result that when it was lost the owner was uninsured. The agent was liable for the failure to act. In the absence of instructions from principal, to act according to the custom which prevail. To exercise care and diligence in carrying out of his work and to use such skill as he possesses. Sec 165 of CA.


Case: Keppel v. Wheeler The defendant was employed by the principal to sell a house. The principal got an offer and accepted by the principal subject to contract. A few days later, a higher price was offered by X but this was not disclosed to the principal. The principal signed a contract of sale with the first offeree. The court held that the defendant is liable for the difference between the two offers. The defendant should possesses his skills and get the best price for the plaintiff.
To render proper accounts when required. Sec 166 of CA.


To pay to his principal all sums received on his behalf. Sec 171 of CA. To communicate with the principal. Sec 167 of CA and Sec 142 of CA. Not to let his own interest conflict with his duty. Case: Wong Mun Wai v. Wong Tham Fatt and Anor (1987) The court found that the first defendant failed in his duty as agent of the plaintiff on two counts; First, he sold the plaintiffs half share of land well below the market value and second, he failed to inform the plaintiff that he had sold it to the second defendant who was his wife. The court expressed the view that the first defendant had a duty to act in good faith in protecting the interests of the plaintiff and could not use his position as agent to profit at the plaintiffs expense.

Not to make any secret profit out of the performance of his duty. Case: Armstrong v Jackson If the agent is instructed to buy shares, he can not sell his own shares to the principal. Only if the principal consented to it he can sell the shares to the principal. If not, the principal had the right to repudiate it. Not to disclose confidential information or documents entrusted to him by his principal. Not to delegate his authority. Delegatus Non Potest Delegare-A delegate cannot delegate. Sec 143 of CA.


Case: De Bussche v. Alt (1878) The principal appointed an agent to sell his ship in China. The agent was unable to do so and sought the principals consent to appoint a sub-agent to sell the ship in Japan.



To pay the agent the commission or other agreed remuneration unless the agency r/ship is gratutious. When to pay the amount? Refer to contract. Example: In advance, etc.

Case: Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v. Cooper (1941) A company wished to sell some cinemas and Cooper agreed to try to provide a purchaser. The agreement stated that he was to be paid a fee of 10,000 on completion of the sale. Cooper provided a willing purchaser, but the company decided not to go through with the sale. Cooper sued for his commission. The House of Lords held that everything turned on the express terms of the contract between Cooper and the company. Since the express terms referred to completion of the sale and this had not taken place, Cooper was not entitled to any commission.
* Sec 172 of CA.

Not to wilfully prevent or hinder the agent from earning his commission. To indemnify and reimburse the agent for acts done in exercise of his duties. Sec 175 of CA. For losses or liabilities incurred in the performance of his duty. The principal will indemnify the agent as long as the agent act within his authority and as long as the agent did not act in a negligent manner. Where the agent causes injury to the third party in the course of his employment. When the agent himself is injured, he is entitled to indemnify. Where the agency is for a fixed period of time but the principal terminates before the expiry date then the principal is to compensate the agent.

Sec 154 of CA-An agency is terminated by the principal revoking his authority; or the agent renouncing the business of the agency, or by the business of the agency being completed; or by either the principal or agent dying or becoming of unsoundmind; or by the principal being adjudicated or declared a bankrupt or an insolvent.




Literally wakalah means protection or delegation. Legally wakalah refers to a contract where a person authorizes another to do a certain well-defined legal action on his behalf. The contract of Wakalah is about the provision of service. The main features of agency are service, representation and power to affect the legal position of the principal. An agent performs a service for his principal.


The principal should have the power and competence to deal and own the property. If the principal is not competent to perform a certain action, he cannot delegate the doing of that action to another person. For example, an insane or a minor cannot appoint agents to act on their behalf. The agent should also be a competent person. The thing or act should be known. This is to avoid uncertainty or gharar. That the action is a lawful action. That the action is such on which the agency is accepted. Agency, for e.g. is not accepted with regard to salat, fasting, taking ablution or with regard to public (mubah) property.

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