A2 Jazz Screenplay 8

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A2 Jazz screenplay EXT.

10 WESTFIELD AVENUE - LATE EVENING ESTABLISHING Average house with two cars, stone patio, David and his wife (Andrea) get out of the car and walk into the house. Cut to inside of house David and his wife walk through the front door, he is in his mid 50s, got mostly grey hair, wearing a smart suit with a police hat on his head. His wife looks a bit younger than him, shes wearing a smart dress. They walk into the front room with lots of presents and cards which makes them look like theyve been to a leaving party. ANDREA (reflective) Well that was good, wasnt it.. David?

DAVID (reflective) Yeah..

ANDREA (question) You sure youve made the right decision?

DAVID (answer) Of course, Ive done my 30 years now its time to move on.

A moment passes then he walks out the room. The shot fades out.

INT. STUDY ROOM A FEW MINUTES LATER WS OF THE ROOM Police Batons and his uniform are hung up, various police awards on the wall, a few army figures are on display. David is sitting down at the desk, he takes off his police hat and stares at it for a moment, he puts it on a shelf and leaves the room. He turns off the lights and closes

the curtains then goes to bed. As his eyes close there is a long fade out.

EXT. WESTFIELD PARK A MONTH LATER, LATE MORNING ESTABLISHING Large field, swings, nobody around, overcast, cold. David is unshaven and is heavily wrapped up in a thick coat, scarf and gloves. He is walking in the park. He sits down and hears police sirens going off in the background, this irritates him so he gets up and walks away.

EXT. WESTFIELD AVENUE A FEW MINUTES LATER ESTABLISHING David walks into the house and his wife (Andrea) is making a cup of tea.

ANDREA (curious) Where have you been?

DAVID (fed up) Just for a walk. I thought you were at work today?

Andrea is pouring a cup of tea as she talks

ANDREA Im off on a Tuesday, I thought you knew that? Do want some tea?

DAVID (fed up) Please Andrea pours his tea and brings it over to him. She puts her hand on his shoulder.


(thoughtful) Are you ok? You seem a bit down. DAVID (down) I just need something to do, Im so bored and it feels like I have no purpose.

ANDREA (attentive) Then go back t.. David butts in her sentence DAVID (Irritable) He stands up and looks at Andrea. Andrea. Im not going back to the police! Ive worked there for over 30 years and now I need something else to do! David puts his hand on Andreas arm. I know there is something else out there; I just havent found it yet. David walks out of the room.

EXT. LIVING ROOM EVENING ESTABLISHING Dark outside, television, sofa, a couple of lamps on, wooden floor, blinds half closed. David is sitting down and flicking through channels, he looks fed up and he eventually leaves the room, as he walks through the corridor he hears a saxophone being played on a television programme. He pauses and listens to it for a moment and goes back to the living room to watch it. He looks fascinated by the sound of the instrument. He picks up his laptop and immediately starts searching for second hand saxophones on EBay, he finds a Selma Tenor Saxophone that he likes and orders it. He continues to watch and be immersed by the tenor saxophone playing. The shot fades out.


Bright outside, Kettle and the radio are on, Shows David turning up the jazz music that he is playing. He looks eager for the postman to come with his saxophone. There is a knock at the door and David is quick to answer it.

POSTMAN There you go sir

David (excited) Thanks David is about to shut the door when the postman interrupts

POSTMAN Your signature please

DAVID (excited) Oh, right David writes his signature POSTMAN Thank you The postman leaves and David shuts the door David takes the saxophone to the music room and opens the case. He gets it out and is amazed at how shiny and complicated it looks. He puts it together and attempts to play it, only making a few squeaks and loud noises. He then continues to look at it. He then goes to walk out the room and hits the reed on the door. He sighs and the shot cuts to a montage sequence. Montage sequence 1. He looks at some tutorials on the internet 2. He tries but fails to put a new reed on 3. He orders some jazz/blues Books

4. He is practicing with one of his books and he is really chuffed with himself because he can play a bit of the melody. He gets Andrea to come in and listen. 5. He is playing along to some jazz music on his iPod and is getting into it. End of montage sequence INT. MUSIC ROOM A FEW DAYS LATER - LATE EVENING CU OF SAXOPHONE BOOK Dark outside, Its quiet in the house, David is learning some scales from his book, he keeps on getting one of them wrong and gets frustrated. DAVID Playing a scale and he gets it wrong again (frustrated) Come on! He attempts to play the scale again and Andrea walks in

ANDREA (irritated) Can you keep it down, its very loud

DAVID (Annoyed) Loud?

ANDREA (irritated) Yes, its nearly half 11!

DAVID (frustrated) Well, I can show you what loud really sounds like

ANDREA (shocked) David!

David gets up and walks out of the room DAVID (apologetic) Sorry, I just need some rest

INT. BEDROOM A FEW MINUTES LATER WIDE SHOT OF ROOM Dark room, lamps are on. David closes the curtains and sits down with a book. He falls asleep and has flashbacks of the video he was watching earlier. The phrase You can know all the saxophone technique in the world, but to become the best youve got to relax, and connect with the music. Fade to Black

INT. FRONT DOOR MORNING CU OF LETTER BOX David gets the newspaper when the post comes and sits down in the dining room, he spots a section in the newspaper for musicians to send in a video of themselves performing to get a chance to play at The Royal Albert Hall. He stares at this article for a moment then shakes his head like he has no chance of winning. He goes to walk out the room, but he opens the door half way and pauses for a moment, he walks back to the newspaper and looks at the section again. CUT to David setting up a tripod. He puts the camera on the tripod and attempts to play one of the jazz songs with the CD, he plays a wrong note and tries again, He gets further through the song this time but plays another wrong note, he tries again and plays the first note wrong this time. DAVID (shouts) This is ridiculous! David is very frustrated and sits down.

A moment after he sits down, he thinks about the DVD he was watching the other day and the words relax, and connect with the music come into his mind. He composes him self and gets ready to have another try.

DAVID (composed) I wont be needing this. He puts the CD controller and music stand to one side. DAVID Right.. you can do this He goes for attempt number 4 and plays the piece flawlessly. After he finishes playing the smile on his face indicates that he is happy with what he has done. EXT. WESTFIELD POSTBOX AFTERNOON LS DAVID POSTING HIS VIDEO David has gone to send his video; he puts half of the letter in the post-box then hesitates and takes it out, He thinks for a moment then posts it. Long FADE to black EXT. WESTFIELD AVENUE FEW WEEKS LATER - LATE AFTERNOON ESTABLISHING David is in the kitchen. He hums some jazz tunes whilst reading the newspaper. The shot then cross cuts to Andrea in the living room doing some ironing whilst watching television. The Phone rings and Andrea picks it up. ANDREA Hello

CALLER Hello, this is Sarah calling from The Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gardens. Is Mr. David Johnson available?


(taken by surprise) Can I ask what for?

CALLER The Royal Albert Hall music competition results.

ANDREA (taken by surprise) Competition results?! Im sorry but there must be some sort of mistake, my husband hasnt entered a music competition As Andrea says competition results it cross cuts to David walking past the living room. He gets just past the door and pauses.

DAVID (mutters to himself) How could I forget, the competition results. Cross cuts to Andrea Caller Weve got the information here Mrs Johnson, Im certain that your husband has entered. A long shot shows David walking swiftly towards the living room as Andrea is on the phone. He grabs the phone off Andrea. ANDREA (surprised) Whats going on David? David cuts her sentence short.

DAVID (tense)

Hello its David Johnson, Is this about the Royal Albert Hall music competition results? We can only hear David talking DAVID (anxious) Yes. Yes thats correct. No way. This, this cant be true. (overjoyed, he shouts) Yes! David is ecstatic and puts his arms up in the air. The shot cuts to black Non-Diegetic upbeat Jazz music is played for the ending credits

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