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Metaphors on metaphors My dad is a very curious man, who likes to share whatever interesting he hears with such enthusiasm

that even when he's telling the same story for the third time, it's still amusing. When I was a child, he liked to explain to me everything he found fascinating about the world which was a lot. I remember him once telling me how the whole world is actually made out of little pieces, that consist of positive and negative even smaller pieces and that the negative really really small (so small that they are without weight, imagine that!) pieces circle around the positive core yes, I was about six and learning about the basics of chemistry. He was speaking as though the little atoms had a will of their own though their motivation was a fairly simple one: to become perfect. Perfect, if you are an atom, would mean that your outer circle is full. To become so, they need to connect if one has an electron too many and another is missing one, they become so close that the Na gives one electron to Cl and we get salt. Amazing, isn't it? As a six year old child I understood what actually happens when you put salt into water and it disappears. By the time I got to the seventh grade, I forgot all about the love life of atoms. The teacher was standing in front of a class, telling us to learn the periodical system by heart, including the combinations of atoms that can form salts and blah blah blah. On training delivery We have a professor in our university who is an expert in two things publishing tons of books and putting students to sleep. He comes to class in his worn out suit and a too long tie, projects 200-words slides at a rate of 50 per lesson, walks up and down 5 steps with his look tied to his shoelaces and talks into his chin. At one point, I suspect he got some feedback of his lessons not being interactive enough, he started awarding cooperation by adding a few points in the final exam. To prove that we have cooperated in class we had to write down questions that arose during the lecture and hand them to him at the end of each lesson. ??! On outcomes Alice korenkov palek On flexibility The plane is off it's track 95% of time.


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