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Precision Nutrition

Body Transformation for Men

Carter Schoffer

2006, Science Link, Inc. All rights reserved. You may not copy, share or distribute this work in any format or media without the express written consent of Science Link, Incorporated. For inquires, contact

Please recognize the fact that it is your responsibility to work directly with your physician before, during, and after seeking consultation with Science Link or any other specialized consulting group. As such, any information shared by Science Link, its agents, officers, and employers and any affiliated companies is not to be followed without the prior approval of your physician. If you choose to use this information without the prior consent of your physician, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and are agreeing to hold harmless Science Link, its agents, officers, and employers and any affiliated companies from any liability with respect to injury to you or your property arising out of or connected with your use of the information discussed By accepting your comprehensive exercise and nutrition program, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Science Link and its subsidiary and other affiliated companies, and their employees, contractors, officers, and directors from all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including attorney's fees, that arise from your use or misuse of your comprehensive exercise and nutrition program.

Table of Contents
Intro to Body Transformation for Men ....................................................... 4 Program Details / Requirements ..............................................................4 Phase 1: The Exercises .............................................................................6 Phase 1: Set/Rep Schemes .......................................................................7 Phase 2: The Exercises .............................................................................8 Phase 2: Set/Rep Schemes .......................................................................9 Phase 3: The Exercises ...........................................................................10 Phase 3: Set/Rep Scheme ......................................................................11 Energy Expenditure Guidelines ................................................................12 About Carter Schoffer.............................................................................15

Body Transformation for Men Designed by Carter Schoffer

To cut or not to cut is that the question? Err, to bulk or not to bulk maybe thats it? Lets see, oh yes thats right, now Ive got it instead of debating whether to bulk up or get cut first, how about we just get your butt into better allaround shape! If youre like most of my clients, Im guessing you want both fat loss and muscle gain, so lets go about achieving them simultaneously. Now, how are we going to do this? Well, since my only experience with plastic surgery is seasons 1 through 4 of Nip/Tuck, were going have to do this the old fashioned way by bustin ass in the gym. Specifically, were going to meld high intensity with relatively high volume, and were going to stick almost exclusively to compound lifts. For those of you well versed in strength training lingo, were going utilize a form of concurrent periodization, running a 4-day split 2 upper and 2 lower organized via movement planes. If I lost you with that last sentence, no worries; as we get down to the brass tacks, the meat and potatoes, the nuts and bolts, err you get the pictureitll all become clear.

Program Details / Requirements

Below youll find some tips and requirements for following this program. Dont get started on this plan until you fully understand all of the following:

First and foremost, you must fully adhere to our Precision Nutrition eating guidelines during this plan. If you dont, youre wasting your time. Nutrition is critical to Body Transformation and anyone that tells you otherwise is lying to you. Body Transformation often requires an increase in energy expenditure. However, I havent included an across the board energy expenditure prescription (some call this cardio but I dont like calling it this and youll see why later). Instead, Ive put together some basic guidelines for you to follow depending on your body type and needs. Now, theres going to be some onus on you to individualize the type and amount of work you do


Body Transformation for Men

but the guidelines will get you in the right ballpark.


This program is targeted to intermediate trainees. Reason being, it makes use of intermediate exercise selection and set/rep manipulation. Furthermore it requires what Id categorize as an intermediate level of fitness. Youre going to be required to lift heavy, using compound movements, in relatively high volume. That said, if you consider yourself a beginner but can execute 90% of the lifts provided correctly, by all means, feel free to throw your hat into the ring. You must have access to a fully equipped gym. Dont waste your time trying to emulate this plan with a Bowflex, bosuball and a couple kettlebells. If you cant squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press, row, etc., due to an injury or equipment limitation, you shouldnt do this plan. The plan assumes that if you have any imbalances, theyre the common ones. So the plan will help correct some issues but isnt specific in this regard. Please dont waste your time with patchwork replacement exercises. For instance, if pressing movements hurt your shoulder, dont work around it using different exercises seek professional treatment. its never enough to just remove the exercises that cause the acute pain. In other words, you need to treat the problem, not the symptom. Rather than provide a generic warm-up, I strongly recommend you put together one suited to your individual needs. But thats a topic for another book altogether. Fortunately a few of our colleagues, Bill Hartman, Mike Robertson, and Eric Cressey, have put together what is by far the best resource available. Their DVDs, Magnificent Mobility DVD (lower body) and Inside Out DVD (upper body) will teach you how to put together post-workout stretching routines and pre-workout dynamic warm-ups perfectly tailored to you particular weaknesses, injuries and inflexibilities. Highly recommended. Read our full review here.




Now that weve covered the prerequisites, lets move on to the programs themselves.

Body Transformation for Men

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4 The Exercises

Day 1 (Monday) (1) Sumo deadlift (2) Single-leg Romanian deadlift dumbbells in each hand (3a) Swissball leg curls (3b) Reverse hyperextension (non-loaded) Day 2 (Tuesday) (1) Scarecrow (2a) Chin-up medium-width grip (2b) Seated dumbbell shoulder press (3a) Renegade row - alternating (3b) Telle-fly (4) Barbell rollout from standing if able; from knees otherwise Day 3 (Thursday) (1) Barbell front squat (2) Barbell hack squat (3) Barbell forward lunge alternating (4) Contralateral superman Day 4 (Friday / Saturday) (1) T push-up (2a) Bent-over barbell row pronated; hip angle 90 (2b) Slighting incline dumbbell press (3a) Scott press seated on swissball (3b) V-bar chin-up (4) Plank feet on bench; forearms on swissball Notes: If unable to perform the set/rep requirements for any of the pull-up or chin-up variations, you can make up for the missed reps by performing an equal number of 8-10 second negatives. Short of this, opt to mimic the movement on a counterweight machine. If no counterweight machine is available, perform the corresponding movement pattern using a cable pulldown unit.

Body Transformation for Men

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4 Set/Rep Schemes

Day 1 Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2 3a 3b Sets 6 4 4 4 Week 1 Reps 6 8 AMRAP AMRAP Week 1 Reps 12 6 6 8 8 AMRAP Week 1 Reps 6 8 8 AMRAP Rest 120 90 10 10 Sets 7 4 4 4 Week 2 Reps Rest 5 120 7 90 AMRAP 10 AMRAP 10 Week 2 Reps Rest 12 60 5 60 5 60 7 10 7 90 AMRAP 60 Week 2 Reps Rest 5 120 7 120 8 90 AMRAP 75 Week 2 Reps Rest 12 60 5 60 5 60 7 10 7 90 ALAP 60 Sets 8 4 4 4 Week 3 Reps Rest 4 120 6 90 AMRAP 10 AMRAP 10 Week 3 Reps Rest 12 60 4 60 4 60 6 10 6 90 AMRAP 60 Week 3 Reps Rest 4 120 6 120 8 90 AMRAP 75 Week 3 Reps Rest 12 60 4 60 4 60 6 10 6 90 ALAP 60 Sets 4 3 3 3 Week 4 Reps 8 12 AMRAP AMRAP Week 4 Reps 6 8 8 12 12 AMRAP Week 4 Reps 8 12 8 AMRAP Rest 120 90 10 10

Day 2 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 Sets 3 6 6 3 3 2

Rest 60 60 60 10 90 60

Sets 3 7 7 3 3 2

Sets 3 8 8 3 3 2

Sets 3 4 4 2 2 2

Rest 60 60 60 10 90 60

Day 3 Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2 3 4 Sets 6 4 3 3

Rest 120 120 90 75

Sets 7 4 3 3

Sets 8 4 3 3

Sets 4 3 3 3

Rest 120 120 90 75

Day 4 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 Sets 3 6 6 3 3 2

Week 1 Reps Rest 12 60 6 60 6 60 8 10 8 90 ALAP 60

Sets 3 7 7 3 3 2

Sets 3 8 8 3 3 2

Sets 3 4 4 2 2 2

Week 4 Reps Rest 6 60 8 60 8 60 12 10 12 90 ALAP 60

Notes: Because the telle fly (Day 2, ex 3b) is actually 3 distinct movements in 1, youre to perform 8 reps of the first movement (135 flys) followed by AMRAP of each of the following 2 movements (90 fly and press, respectively). There is to be no rest in-between movements and the load is to remain constant throughout the entire 3-movement set. AMRAP stands for As Many Reps As Possible. In other words, perform as many reps as you can for that particular exercise; stop a technical concentric failure (when you cant perform another technically correct, concentric rep) ALAP stands for As Long As Possible. Specifically, youre to hold the given position for as long as you can. Stop the set when you lose the ability to maintain correct form. There are a number of single-sided or unilateral movements with this plan. Keep in mind that the set/rep scheme provided is to be completed by each side. For example, 3 sets of 8 for a forward lunge means that youre to perform 8 reps with each leg for a total of 16 reps.

Body Transformation for Men

Phase 2: Weeks 5-8 The Exercises

Day 1 (Monday) (1) Overhead forward lunge alternating (2) Barbell front squat (3) Barbell Bulgarian split squat (4a) Barbell step-up alternating (4b) Reverse hyperextension Day 2 (Tuesday) (1) T push-up (2a) Flat barbell bench press (2b) Bent-over barbell row supinated grip (3a) Renegade row (3b) Dumbbell punches (3c) Barbell rollout from standing if able; kneeling otherwise Day 3 (Thursday) (1) Overhead rear lunge alternating (2) Conventional barbell deadlift (3) Glute-ham raise (4a) Swissball leg curl single leg if able; hold & squeeze contraction for 3s (4b) Plank feet on bench; forearms on swissball Day 4 (Friday / Saturday) (1) Scarecrow (2a) Standing barbell shoulder press slight leg drive (2b) Wide-grip pull-up (3a) See-saw press (3b) Chin-up (3c) Hanging leg raise Notes: If unable to perform the set/rep requirements for any of the pull-up or chin-up variations, you can make up for the missed reps by performing an equal number of 8-10 second negatives. Short of this, opt to mimic the movement on a counterweight machine. If no counterweight machine is available, perform the corresponding movement pattern using a cable pulldown unit.

Body Transformation for Men

Phase 2: Weeks 5-8 Set/Rep Schemes

Day 1 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2 3 4a 4b Sets 2 2 3 3 3 Week 5 Reps 8 8/6/4 8 12 AMRAP Week 5 Reps 6 8/6/4 8/6/4 8 8 AMRAP Week 5 Reps 8 8/6/4 AMRAP AMRAP ALAP Week 5 Reps 8 8/6/4 8/6/4 8 8 AMRAP Rest 90 120 90 10 120 Sets 2 2 3 3 3 Week 6 Reps 8 7/5/3 7 10 AMRAP Week 6 Reps 6 7/5/3 7/5/3 7 7 AMRAP Week 6 Reps 8 7/5/3 AMRAP AMRAP ALAP Week 6 Reps 8 7/5/3 7/5/3 7 7 AMRAP Rest 90 120 90 10 120 Sets 2 2 3 3 3 Week 7 Reps 8 6/3/1 6 8 AMRAP Week 7 Reps 6 6/3/1 6/3/1 6 6 AMRAP Week 7 Reps 8 6/3/1 AMRAP AMRAP ALAP Week 7 Reps 8 6/3/1 6/3/1 6 6 AMRAP Rest 90 120 90 10 120 Sets 2 2 2 2 3 Week 8 Reps 8 10/5 12 15 AMRAP Week 8 Reps 6 10/5 10/5 12 12 AMRAP Week 8 Reps 8 10/5 AMRAP AMRAP ALAP Week 8 Reps 8 10/5 10/5 12 12 AMRAP Rest 90 120 90 10 120

Day 2 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 3c Sets 3 2 2 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 2 2 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 2 2 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 2 2 2 2 2

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Day 3 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2 3 4a 4b Sets 2 2 4 3 3

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Sets 2 2 4 3 3

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Sets 2 2 4 3 3

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Sets 2 2 3 2 2

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Day 4 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 3c Sets 3 2 2 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 2 2 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 2 2 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 2 2 2 2 2

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Notes: AMRAP stands for As Many Reps As Possible. In other words, perform as many reps as you can for that particular exercise; stop a technical concentric failure (when you cant perform another technically correct, concentric rep) ALAP stands for As Long As Possible. Specifically, youre to hold the given position for as long as you can. Stop the set when you lose the ability to maintain correct form. If you cant perform at least 4 reps of the glute-ham raise, perform AMRAP and then perform 3 additional 8 second negatives. There are a number of single-sided or unilateral movements with this plan. Keep in mind that the set/rep scheme provided is to be completed by each side. For example, 3 sets of 8 for a forward lunge means that youre to perform 8 reps with each leg for a total of 16 reps.

Body Transformation for Men

Phase 3: Weeks 9-12 The Exercises

Day 1 (Monday) (1) Single-arm dumbbell snatch (2) Overhead rear lunge (3) Barbell Romanian deadlift (4) Glute-ham raise negatives eccentric/yielding phase to last 8-10 secs per rep (5a) Side / Suitcase deadlift barbell if able, otherwise dumbbell (5b) Side plank / Side bridge Day 2 (Tuesday) (1a) Reverse push-up feet elevated on swissball (1b) Push-up feet on swissball (2a) Bent-over barbell row - pronated (2b) Flat barbell bench press (3a) Renegade row (3b) T push-up (3c) Barbell rollout from standing if able; kneeling otherwise Day 3 (Thursday) (1) Overhead barbell squat (2) Barbell back squat to low box (3) Barbell forward lunge - alternating (4a) Pistol (4b) Reverse hyperextension Day 4 (Friday/Saturday) (1a) Dumbbell Cuban rotation and press (1b) Straight-arm cable press down (2a) Barbell push press (2b) Med-wide grip pull-up (3a) Barbell corner press (3b) Barbell corner row (3c) Barbell corner twist

Body Transformation for Men


Phase 3: Weeks 9-12 Set/Rep Scheme

Day 1 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2 3 4 5a 5b Sets 4 2 3 3 1 1 Week 9 Reps 3 6 10/5 AMRAP 15 ALAP Week 9 Reps 12 12 10/5 10/5 8 8 AMRAP Week 9 Reps 6 10/5 10 AMRAP AMRAP Rest 90 90 120 120 10 120 Sets 4 2 3 3 1 1 Week 10 Reps 3 6 8/4 AMRAP 15 ALAP Week 10 Reps 12 12 8/4 8/4 7 7 AMRAP Week 10 Reps 6 8/4 8 AMRAP AMRAP Week 10 Reps 6 8/4 8/4 7 7 7 Rest 90 90 120 120 10 120 Sets 4 2 3 3 1 1 Week 11 Reps 3 6 6/3 AMRAP 15 ALAP Week 11 Reps 12 12 6/3 6/3 6 6 AMRAP Week 11 Reps 6 6/3 6 AMRAP AMRAP Week 11 Reps 6 6/3 6/3 6 6 6 Rest 90 90 120 120 10 120 Sets 4 2 2 3 1 1 Week 12 Reps 3 6 12/6 AMRAP 15 ALAP Week 12 Reps 12 12 12/6 12/6 12 12 AMRAP Week 12 Reps 6 12/6 12 AMRAP AMRAP Week 12 Reps 6 12/6 12/6 12 12 12 Rest 90 90 120 120 10 120

Day 2 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 3c Sets 2 2 3 3 3 3 3

Rest 10 60 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 2 2 3 3 3 3 3

Rest 10 60 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 2 2 3 3 3 3 3

Rest 10 60 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Rest 10 60 60 60 10 10 120

Day 3 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2 3 4a 4b Sets 3 3 4 3 3

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Sets 3 3 4 3 3

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Sets 3 3 4 3 3

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Sets 3 2 3 2 2

Rest 90 120 120 10 90

Day 4 Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 3c Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3

Week 9 Reps Rest 6 90 10/5 60 10/5 60 8 10 8 10 8 120

Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Sets 3 2 2 2 2 2

Rest 90 60 60 10 10 120

Notes: AMRAP stands for As Many Reps As Possible. In other words, perform as many reps as you can for that particular exercise; stop a technical concentric failure (when you cant perform another technically correct, concentric rep) ALAP stands for As Long As Possible. Specifically, youre to hold the given position for as long as you can. Stop the set when you lose the ability to maintain correct form. There are a number of single-sided or unilateral movements with this plan. Keep in mind that the set/rep scheme provided is to be completed by each side. For example, 3 sets of 8 for a forward lunge means that youre to perform 8 reps with each leg for a total of 16 reps.

Body Transformation for Men


Energy Expenditure Guidelines

Wouldnt it be just grand if everyone had the same goal(s) and responded the same way to exercise and dietary manipulation? If that were true we could put together one resistance training program, one set of meal plans and one energy expenditure protocol culminating into a single allaccomplishing plan - and youd all be set. Unfortunately, my chicken hasnt begun to lay golden eggs. And theres no one plan that will work for everyone. Fortunately for you, weve put together Precision Nutrition to cover your dietary needs. Better still, weve outlined 12 weeks of resistance training thatll fit your goals and needs. And not to be remiss, the energy expenditure plan will help you round out the rest of your program.

Energy Expenditure Plan for the Next 12 Weeks

Choose your highest priority muscle gain or fat loss?
While the point of this plan is to achieve both ends, well still prioritize by coming up with a hierarchy of needs. In other words, youll devote slightly more attention to one goal over the other by tailoring your total energy expenditure. This is very different than the all-or-none, bulking vs. cutting dogma. To do this, pick which group you belong to: muscle gain group or lose fat group. Quick tip: if youre 6, 150lbs @ 20% body fat, you need to gain muscle more than you need to lose fat; if youre 6, 250lbs @ 20% body fat, you need to lose fat more than you need to gain muscle.

Weeks 1 & 2
Fat Loss Group: Add 10 minutes of low intensity energy expenditure efforts to the end of each resistance training bout. Muscle Gain Group: Omit all non-resistance training energy expenditure.

Weeks 3 6
Fat Loss Group: If youve managed to drop fat while preserving lean mass in a 2:1 ratio (2 parts fat lost to 1 part lean mass lost), continue as is, manipulating the diet as needed. If you havent achieved a fat loss to muscle preservation ratio of at least 2:1, add a single interval sprint bout to the week (guideline below). Muscle Gain Group: If youve managed to pack on at least 1lb of muscle per week without gaining body fat, continue as is. If you have put on fat, add 10 minutes of energy expenditure efforts to the end of each workout. If

Body Transformation for Men


you havent put on any muscle, increase kcals according to PN and keep additional energy expenditure to a minimum.

Weeks 7-10
Fat Loss Group: If youve managed to drop fat while preserving lean mass in a 2:1 ratio (2 parts fat lost to 1 part lean mass lost), continue as is, manipulating the diet as needed. If you havent achieved a fat loss to muscle preservation ratio of at least 2:1, add a second interval sprint bout to the week (guideline below). Muscle Gain Group: If youve managed to pack on at least 1lb of muscle per week without gaining body fat, continue as is. If youre continuing to put on fat, add a single, steady state, medium intensity bout to the week (guideline below). If you havent put on any muscle, increase kcals according to PN and keep additional energy expenditure to a minimum.

Weeks 11 & 12
Fat Loss Group: If youve managed to drop fat while preserving lean mass in a 2:1 ratio (2 parts fat lost to 1 part lean mass lost), continue as is, manipulating the diet as needed. If you havent achieved a fat loss to muscle preservation ratio of at least 2:1, add a bout of steady state, medium intensity energy expenditure to each resistance training day (removed from the resistance training bout by at least 4 hours). Muscle Gain Group: If youve managed to pack on at least 1lb of muscle per week without gaining body fat, continue as is. If youre continuing to put on fat, add a single interval sprint bout to the week (guideline below). If you havent put on any muscle, increase kcals according to PN and keep additional energy expenditure to a minimum.

General Notes:
Diet plays a huge role here. If you dial it, you may very well be able to get away with no additional energy expenditure. Each step above builds on the previous. For example, when I say in to add a single interval sprint bout, this is on top what was assigned in previous weeks. Please realize that the above is just a general guideline. If youve experimented in the past and have found strategies that have worked well for you, by all means go forth and slay dragons with them. If you expect a high output such as losing 20lbs of fat in 12 weeks for instance, youll need to equal that with a high input. In other words, you may need to implement the most aggressive strategies right off the bat and you may even have to add to them.

Body Transformation for Men


Protocols for the Next 12 Weeks

Steady state, Medium Intensity Work: These are to be conducted at 70-80% of max heart rate and are to last for 40-60 minutes depending on your needs / goals. Stay off of the recumbent bikes and elliptical machines. Challenge yourself by using a treadmill, reverse escalator, upright bike or rowing machine. Switch up what you use from bout to bout. Sprint interval: Novice to intermediate: Use a 1:2 ratio of sprint to jog and have the bout last 15 minutes. In other words, youre working with 900 seconds (15 minutes x 60 seconds) 300 of which should be dedicated to sprinting at max effort; 600 of which should be performed at a jog of about max effort. For example, your intervals can be 15s (sprint): 30s (jog); 30s (sprint): 60s (jog); 60s (sprint): 120s (jog), etc. Just stick to the 1:2 ratio and make sure youre working at maximal capacity for the sprint portion. Intermediate to advanced: Use a 1:1 ratio of sprint to jog and have the bout last 20 minutes. In other words, youre working with 1200 seconds 600 of which should be performed at a sprint of max effort, 600 of which should be performed at a jog of about max effort. For example, your intervals can be 15s (sprint): 15s (jog); 30s (sprint): 30s (jog); 60s (sprint): 60s (jog), etc. Just stick to the 1:1 ratio and make sure youre working at maximal capacity for the sprint portion.

Body Transformation for Men


About Carter Schoffer

Carter Schoffer is a strength and conditioning coach living in London, Ontario, and the Director of Sports Nutrition and Performance for Science Link, Inc., the parent company of Precision Nutrition. As Director of Sports Nutrition and Performance, Carter designs and manages the training and nutritional programs of clients from around the globe, from recreational exercisers of all levels to elite athletes competing in collegiate, Olympic and professional sport. Formally, Carters education comes from the Biological Sciences program at the University of Western Ontario, where he also worked as an assistant to Dr. John Berardi in the Exercise Nutrition Laboratory. Carter has pioneered a method of distance-based coaching that allows clients of all walks of life to access world-class training and nutrition expertise regardless of geographical bounds. To learn more about the coaching program, to hear clients describe their own body transformations, or to find out more how to become a client yourself, read about Body Transformation Coaching.

Body Transformation for Men


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