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Group Members; Liam Cranfield, Luke Wilkes Project Title; The Unknown Shot No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Shot/Framing Medium shot Close up Medium shot Close up/Extreme Close up/Extreme Close up Medium shot Medium shot Medium shot Close up Close up Close up Medium shot Medium shot Close up Action Friends at home, cameras showing the two girls Newspapers flying in, showing headlines based on abandoned site Friends walking towards location, male holding the camera Camera shows old images and notices that have been left behind on walls and doors More images on walls Camera focusing on floor with flashlight Heading into a room View of the room, torches still on Door slams Male hands over camera to female Male heads over to the door (Pretends to be dragged) Male comes back into the room laughing All 3 friends walking down corridor, torches go out Torches are turned back on, female is missing Remaining male and female runs Info (Costumes, Props, Locations) House, normal clothing Newspapers Location, casual clothing, torches Images, notices, torches Images, torches Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Camera, torches Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing Torches, casual clothing

Medium/Close Snapshots of male and female looking for their friend Long shot Devil/monster standing at the end of the corridor Close up Males turns around (lost friend is in the corner) Extreme close up Turns back, devil/monster right in front of them

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