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Massachusetts Department of Revenue

Division of Local Services

FY2010 Local Aid Estimates


FY2009 Cherry Sheet FY2010 Governor’s

Estimate Budget (House 1) Difference
Chapter 70 1,723,370 1,723,370 0
School Transportation 0 0 0
Retired Teachers’ Pensions 0 0 0
Charter Tuition Reimbursement 26,132 2,168 (23,964)
Offset Receipts:
School Lunch 1,471 1,645 174
School Choice Receiving Tuition 0 0 0
Sub-Total, All Education Items 1,750,973 1,727,183 (23,790)

General Government:
Lottery Aid 381,264
General Fund Subsidy to Lottery 58,375
Additional Assistance 13,114
Unrestricted General Government Aid 452,753 323,498 (129,255)
Revenues from Meals Tax Increase 0 43,085 43,085
Revenues from Rooms Tax Increase 0 8,358 8,358
Local Share of Racing Taxes 0 0 0
Regional Public Libraries 0 0 0
Police Career Incentive 0 0 0
Urban Renewal Projects 0 0 0
Veterans’ Benefits 0 0 0
State Owned Land 23,586 23,569 ( 17)
Exemptions: Vets, Blind, Surviving Spouses &
Elderly 20,998 20,996 ( 2)
Offset Receipts:
Public Libraries 4,323 3,527 ( 796)
Sub-Total, All General Government 501,660 423,033 (78,627)

Total Estimated Receipts 2,252,633 2,150,216 (102,417)

FY2010 Local Aid Assessments

FY2009 Cherry Sheet FY2010 Governor’s

Estimate Budget (House 1) Difference
County Assessments 0 0 0

State Assessments and Charges:

Retired Employees Health Insurance 0 0 0
Retired Teachers Health Insurance 0 0 0
Mosquito Control Projects 5,187 5,268 81
Air Pollution Districts 333 346 13
Metropolitan Area Planning Council 0 0 0
Old Colony Planning Council 0 0 0
RMV Non-Renewal Surcharge 960 1,400 440
Sub-Total, State Assessments 6,480 7,014 534

Transportation Authorities:
MBTA 0 0 0
Boston Metro. Transit District 0 0 0
Regional Transit 11 4 ( 7)
Sub-Total, Transportation Authorities 11 4 ( 7)

Annual Charges Against Receipts:

Multi-Year Repayment Programs 0 0 0
Special Education 0 111 111
STRAP Repayments 0 0 0
Sub-Total, Annual Charges 0 111 111

Tuition Assessments
School Choice Sending Tuition 52,350 60,000 7,650
Charter School Sending Tuition 55,100 20,576 (34,524)
Essex County Tech Sending Tuition 0 0 0
Sub-Total, Tuition Assessments 107,450 80,576 (26,874)

Total Estimated Charges 113,941 87,705 (26,236)

For information about how the estimates were determined and what may cause them to change, click: Local Aid Estimate Program Summary.

Please note that final Charter School and School Choice assessments may change significantly when updated to reflect spring enrollment data
and final tuition rates.

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