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Psilocybin Mushrooms of North America

By Alan Rockefeller Revision 1.4 09/07/12

Psilocybin Mushroom Basics

There are roughly 200 species of psilocybin mushrooms known to science. The majority of these are in the genus Psilocybe, pronounced sigh-lah-seh-bee, however psilocybin is found in ten genera of mushrooms. All Psilocybes contain psilocybin, but not all psilocybin mushrooms are in the genus Psilocybe. All psilocybin mushrooms contain the hallucinogenic tryptamines psilocybin, psilocin, baeocystin and nor-baeocystin. The ratio of these chemicals varies by species and is likely to contribute to different effects. Psilocybin is metabolized in the body to psilocin, which causes most of the hallucinogenic effect. The amount of blue staining is directly correlated with the concentration of psilocin. The identity of the blue color is unknown. 99.9% of the psilocybin mushrooms available on the black market are Psilocybe cubensis.

All psilocybin mushrooms are saprotrophs except for Inocybe species, which are mycorrhizal. The main substrates for psilocybin mushrooms are wood, dung, and grass. All psilocybin mushrooms have attached gills (except for Pluteus) and non-white spores. All the mushrooms in this presentation stain blue when damaged unless noted otherwise. Psilocybin mushrooms grow in unusual places. Often they can be found in the landscaping around police stations, libraries, city hall, fire stations and other seemingly unlikely spots. In Mexico they are primarily found in landslides.

Psilocybin Mushroom ID
All mushrooms that have a black or dark purple brown spore print and stain blue where damaged are psilocybin containing species. There are toxic blue staining mushrooms. Most are boletes. Psilocybin mushrooms retain their blue color when dried. There are no toxic mushrooms which contain psilocybin. Often a microscope is required to ID Psilocybes to species, however a microscope is not required to determine if a mushroom contains psilocybin. Do not mistake greenish or bluish colored mushrooms for blue staining.

How to Find Psilocybin Mushrooms

Find out which psilocybin mushrooms grow in your area.


Research the mushrooms. Find out what time of year they grow, which habitat they prefer, which substrate they grow on, how rare they are, and what they look like. 3.Visit the proper habitat at the right time of year. Bring a digital camera (not cell phone) and always enable macro mode. Bring the mushrooms home and make spore prints.

Psilocybin Genera
The following genera have species which contain psilocybin.

Copelandia (11) Galerina (1) Galeropsis (1) Gymnopilus (13) Inocybe (6)

Panaeolopsis (2) Panaeolus (3) Pholiotina (4) Pluteus (6) Psilocybe (161)

Copelandia bispora Copelandia cyanescens Galeropsis sp. Gymnopilus luteofolius Gymnopilus luteus Gymnopilus spectabilis Inocybe corydalina Panaeolopsis sp. Panaeolus cinctulus Panaeolus olivaceus Pluteus salicinus Pholiotina smithii Psilocybe allenii Psilocybe azurescens Psilocybe aztecorum Psilocybe baeocystis Psilocybe caerulescens group Psilocybe caerulipes

Psilocybe cubensis Psilocybe cyanescens Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa Psilocybe fagicola Psilocybe herrerae Psilocybe hoogshagenii var. hoogshagenii Psilocybe mexicana Psilocybe muliercula Psilocybe neoxalapensis Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata Psilocybe quebecensis Psilocybe semilanceata Psiocybe stuntzii Psilocybe subtropicalis Psilocybe pelliculosa Psilocybe yungensis Psilocybe zapotecorum

Copelandia bispora
Habitat: Grass or dung. Until recently, thought to be only a tropical species. Recently found in Southern California and Washington. Has two spored basidia. Black spore print.

Copelandia bispora

Photo: Lipa

Photos: Lipa, Workman

Photo by Lipa, Microscopy by Workman

Copelandia cyanescens
Also called blue meanies. A subtropical species. Found in cow or horse dung. Known from Texas, Florida and Mexico. Commonly cultivated but not often sold.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Workman, Alan Rockefeller

Pholiotina smithii
Habitat: Grass and moss. Occurs in the northern USA and Canada. Identification features: White stem which bruises blue, rust colored spores. A very small mushroom. High psilocybin content.

Christian Schwarz

Photos: Wiscokid (3) Psylosymonretuns (bottom right)

Gymnopilus luteofolius
Prefers conifer wood but also known on cottonwood and oak. Widespread. Probably in all 50 states, Mexico and Canada. Most common on the west coast. Purple cap when young, fades to yellowish in age. The cap often has green spots. Purple stem and cap context. Common. Found on mulch piles, phone poles, conifer logs, fence posts, roofs, drains, plants. Bitter, not potent.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photo: Darvin Deshazer

Photos: Alan Rockefeller and Tim Sage

Photos: Alan Rockefeller

Gymnopilus luteus
Common on hardwood logs in the midwest and eastern US. Often has green stains on base of the stem. Swollen stem base. Bitter, not potent. But often there are many.

Photo: John Carl Jacobs

Photos: Hamilton (3) and Dan Molter

Gymnopilus junonius
Collections from the east contain psilocybin. Collections from the west do not contain psilocybin. Also contains bis-noryangonin and hispidine, which are structurally related to alpha-pyrones found in kava. Has a well developed annulus. Sometimes has greenish stains. Bitter. Potency variable but generally low.

Photo: Hugh Smith

Photo: Ron Lawrence

Inocybe corydalina

Forms a mycorrhizal assosciation with Oak and Willow. The only mushroom in this presenation which can not be grown in a lab.

Odor of cinnamon.
Untested locally.

Photo: Irene Andersson

Photos: Subbedhunter420, Roberto

Photos: Alan Rockefeller

Panaeolopsis sp.
Common in lawns in southern California. Widely distributed in the United States. Probably an undescribed species. Perhaps a secotoid form of Panaeolus fimicola. Sometimes stains blue. Forms blue sclerotia in culture.

Photos: Alan Rockefeller, Johnnyblaze2316, CptnGarden

Photos: Alan Rockefeller, Workman

Panaeolus cinctulus
The most common psilocybin mushroom in California according to Mushrooms Demystified. Can be found in all 50 states and most countries. Common on lawns, piles of horse manure, and gardens fertilized with horse manure. Not found in cow manure. The lawn variety is smaller and less potent. The manure variety is roughly as potent as Psilocybe cubensis. Black spore print. Rarely staining blue, usually at the base of the stem. Often lacks band on cap.

Photo: Angryshroom

Photos: Tim Sage, Herbert Baker

Microscopy: Workman

Pholiotina smithii
Habitat: Grass and moss. Occurs in the northern USA and Canada. Identification features: White stem which bruises blue, rust colored spores. A very small mushroom. High psilocybin content.

Christian Schwarz

Photos: Wiscokid (3) Psylosymonretuns (bottom right)

Photo by Trigger, Microscopy by Workman

Panaeolus olivaceus
Grows in grass and on dung. Very widely distributed. Slightly roughened spores. Commonly misidentified as Panaeolus castaneifolius.

Photos: Mikael, Mushroomexplorer

Photo by Mikael, Microscopy by Workman

Pluteus salicinus
Habitat: On logs in the forest. Very widely distributed. Not rare, but not commonly found because of its small size and dull colors. Has pink spores and free gill attachment.

Photo: Bob Zimmer

Photos: Darvin Deshazer, Weiliiiii, Bobzimmer

Micrograph by Zaca

Psilocybe allenii
Habitat: On wood chips in cities. Found along the west coast from San Diego to Washington. Most common in the San Francisco Bay Area. Never reported from the woods. Usually within 50 miles of the coast. Fruits early in the season. Requires cold temperatures to fruit. A newly described species similar to Psilocybe cyanescens and P. subaeruginosa. Formerly Psilocybe cyanofriscosa. Very potent. Easy to cultivate in outdoor patches.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Alan Rockefeller, Peter Werner

Pleurocystida micrograph by Peter Werner

Psilocybe azurescens
Habitat: Occurs naturally only on coastal dune grasses within a few miles of the Oregon/Washington border. Occurs at the same time as Psilocybe cyanescens. Requires cold temperatures to fruit. Sometimes cultivated on wood chips, usually outdoors. The most potent psilocybin mushroom known. Known as flying saucers, closely related to Psilocybe cyanescens and P. cyanofriscosa.

Photo: Workman

Photo: Bryan Warman

Photos: Shobimono, Workman, Anno

Psilocybe aztecorum
Habitat: Woody debris at high elevation. Known only from the high mountains of central Mexico. Fruits late in the season, September to mid October. Like all members of section Aztecorum, the cap turns almost white when it dries. Mango shaped spores.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Alan Rockefeller

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Alan Rockefeller

Psilocybe baeocystis
Habitat: Lawns and wood chips. Occurs in Maine, British Colombia, Washington, Oregon, and far northern California Like all members of section Aztecorum, the cap turns almost white when it dries. Begins to fruit earlier in the season than P. cyanescens. Interesting pleated cap margin. Mango shaped spores. Very small and potent.

Photo: Tim Sage

Photos: Mushroomexplorer , Cyan-shaman, Tim Sage

Microscopy by Workman

Psilocybe caerulescens
Habitat: Often fruits in open sandy disturbed areas where few other mushrooms grow. Common in landslides. Rare in the southeastern US. Common in central Mexico. Its range extends south to Venezuela. Fruits June through October. Often shares the same habitat with Psilocybe zapotecorum. Stem with floccose mycelium on the bottom half.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Alan Rockefeller

Photo by SEmushroomHunter (South Carolina collection), Microscopy by Workman

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Psilocybe caerulipes
Found in woody forest debris and wood chips. Widely distributed on the eastern half of the US and south east Canada. A small species which has a striate margin and lacks an annulus. Intense blue staining when damaged. Easily confused with Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata and P. quebecensis.

Photo: Christian Schwarz

Photos: The Thinker, Dan Molter

Photo by vjp, Microscopy by Workman

Psilocybe cubensis
Habitat: Usually on cow dung but sometimes on horse, elephant or water buffalo dung. Found in subtropical areas around the world including the southeast US and Mexico. Never grows wild on the US west coast or in the north. A large species with medium potency. Very easy to cultivate. The only species commonly found on the black market.

Photos: Alan Rockefeller, Mycophiliac

Photo: Billbraski

Photos: Alan Rockefeller

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Psilocybe cyanescens
Habitat: On wood chips in cities and coastal dune grasses. Found along the west coast from San Diego to Alaska. Almost never found in the woods. Usually within 50 miles of the coast. Fruits early in the season (October through February). Requires cold temperatures to fruit. In the PNW the season peaks in November, in California around Christmas. A small to medium sized species with high potency. Easy to cultivate in outdoor patches.

Photo: Fahkface

Photo: Nightflyer

Photo: Tim Sage

Photos: Psillygirl, Nightflyer, Alan Rockefeller

Micrographs by Peter Werner

Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa
Habitat: On wood chips and lawns in cities. Not common. Found along the west coast from Northern California to Washington. Almost never found in the woods. Commonly confused with Psilocybe cyanofriscosa.

Photo: Ganymede

Photos: bfogg7806

Photo by Ganymede, Microscopy by Workman

Psilocybe fagicola
Habitat: In the cloud forests of Veracruz and Oaxaca, 1800 2200 meters elevation. Found out in the woods, not in landslides.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos Alan Rockefeller

Photo by Alan Rockefeller, Microscopy by Workman

Psilocybe herrerae

Found in the woods in southern Mexico.

Psilocybe hoogshagenii var. hoogshagenii

Found in landslides in Oaxaca.

Psilocybe mexicana
Habitat: Grassy areas where horses have grazed. Common in Mexico, also known from Guatamala. Fruiting June through August. Little to no blue staining due to the dark color of the basidiomata. Some strains form sclerotia. Sometimes cultivated indoors.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Ehecatl (Alonso), Alan Rockefeller

Psilocybe muliercula
Habitat: Disturbed ground, ravines and landslides 1800 3200 meters elevation. Very rare, known only from Mexico. Described without pleurocystidia, however it is actually present. Found in Michoacan, District Federal, Puebla and Veracruz.

Photo by Cactu, Microscopy by Workman

Psilocybe neoxalapensis

Found in the forests of Veracruz.

Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata
Habitat: Woody forest debris and wood chips. Recently described from Ohio. Has been found in many eastern states and the west coast from San Diego to Washington. Recent unpublished DNA analysis shows that the western P. subaeruginascens sensu Guzman is actually P. ovoideocystidiata. Prefers warmer temperatures than many other woodlovers. Can fruit any time, but is most prolific in spring. The name refers to the ovoid pleurocystidia.

Photo: Dan Molter

Photo: Nightflyer

Hamilton, Roberto,

Photos: Hamilton, Alan Rockefeller, Roberto

Micrographs by Roberto, SEM by scout24. DIF micrographs by Peter Werner

Psilocybe pelliculosa
Habitat: On woody debris at the edge of confier forests. Known from Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Europe. Not uncommon in certain areas, but easily overlooked. Not very potent.

Photo: Jimmytheworm

Photos by Jimmytheworm, SEM by Briekat. Micrograph by Alan Rockefeller

Psilocybe quebecensis
Habitat: On forest debris and wood chips. Known from Quebec and Michigan. Rare, small, inconspicuous.

Photo by Fetalscab, Microscopy by Workman

Psilocybe semilanceata
Habitat: Grassy fields, usually where animals graze. Sometimes found in lawns. Occurs in Northern California (North of Arcata), Oregon, Washington, the north east coast, south east Canada, Minnesota, Europe and Australia. Commonly collected by psilocybin mushroom hunters who call them liberty caps. Usually not staining blue due to the low amount of psilocin. Very potent due to the high amount of psilocybin.

Photo: Cureca

Photos: Kaal-kopje, Dan K., uarewotueat

Microscopy by Workman

Micrographs by Peter Werner

Psilocybe stuntzii
Habitat: Lawns and wood chips. Known from Oregon, Washington, and Northern California. Rare in the San Francisco Bay Area, not recorded further south. Recently a collection was found in Rhode Island.. Fruits earlier in the season than Psilocybe cyanescens. Has an annulus and subrhomboid spores. Weakly staining blue. Not very potent.

Photos: Sovereign, Mushroomexplorer

Photo by Grzyby, Microscopy by Workman

Psilocybe subtropicalis
Found in mesophytic forests in open places. Known from Mexico and Guatemala.

Psilocybe villarrealiae
Habitat: Forest debris. Sometimes shares habitat with Psilocybe zapotecorum. Fruits June through September. Known only from Mexico. Similar to Psilocybe caerulescens and P. weilii.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Cactu, Alan Rockefeller

Photo by Cactu, Microscopy by Workman

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Psilocybe weilii
Habitat: Woody debris and lawns. Often under lolloby (sp?) pine and in bermuda grass. Fruits in spring, summer, and fall. Known only from northern Georgia, where it is common. Recently described, named in honor of Dr. Andrew Weil. Similar to Psilocybe caerulescens and P. villarrealiae. The only member of the Mexican derrumbe group of mushrooms that fruits commonly in the US.

Photos: Northgahunt, Gumby, Citricacidx

Psilocybe yungensis

On well decayed wood in southern Mexico.

Psilocybe zapotecorum
Habitat: Woody debris, steep ravines and landslides, usually near water. Often in areas disturbed by road construction. Fruits in June through October. Widely distributed in Mexico and South America. A classic Mexican derrumbe. Often fruits in large clusters. Sometimes very large. Strongly staining blue and very potent.

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photos: Alan Rockefeller, Cactu

Photo by Cactu, Microscopy by Workman

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Toxic Lookalikes
Very few people get poisoned picking psilocybin mushrooms, but over the years a few people have died from amatoxin poisoning. Galerina marginata can have a bluegreen tint to the stem. It does not stain blue, it starts out that way. The stem is covered with white mycelium which can make it look a lot like a Psilocybe. It sometimes occurs in the same wood chip habitat as many Psilocybes.

Galerina marginata

Photo: Hamilton

Pholiotina rugosa

Photo: Nathan Wilson

Inocybe calamistrata

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Photo: Alan Rockefeller

Legal Issues
Though psilocybin mushrooms have never caused a death, psilocybin and psilocin are illegal in nearly all countries because politicians are frightened by hallucinogenic drugs. When picking psilocybin mushrooms, always pick the other mushrooms you see too. That way if you get stopped by the police you are just a nature enthusiast .

If stopped by the police, never admit that the mushrooms you have are hallucinogenic. Police are not mushroom identification experts and they can only rely on your actions and what you tell them about the mushrooms. Always mention that you picked all the mushrooms you came across to bring home and identify. Do not try to hide the mushrooms if the police come by that would be suspicious and picking mushrooms is a perfectly respectable hobby. Never consent to a search by rangers or police. Always politely decline. Always have some non-blue staining mushrooms to show the police or anyone else who approaches you while picking. Death caps and Amanita muscaria make excellent distractions.

Most psilocybin mushrooms are easy to grow no more difficult than gourmet mushrooms sold in supermarkets. Cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms is illegal, and police call it manufacture of a controlled substance. The first rule of psilocybin mushroom cultivation is to tell no one. In California, getting caught growing these mushrooms usually results in three years of probation. Posting pictures of psilocybin mushrooms on the internet is relatively safe. Thousands of people do it and no one has had legal issues stemming from posting pictures. The spores of psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in California, but only if you intend to grow them.

Resources The Genus Psilocybe by Gaston Guzman Which Psilocybin Mushrooms Grow in my Area? Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World by Paul Stamets This presentation:

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