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Savannah 1 Rhetorical Analysis Peer Review Sheet 2 Writer: ____________________________________ Reader: ____________________________________ Please answer each of the questions

below as you respond to your classmates rough draft. Be as specific and detailed as you can in your response. Avoid vague and general feedback that doesnt say much, such as I liked your essay; it was good. Or I think your thesis needs more work. Instead, say things like, Your thesis is very broad right now; it covers X, Y, and Z. If you refocus it just on X, then I think you could develop the paper further; for example, you could talk more about., and about. 1. In your own words, state the writers controlling idea. What is his or her specific argument about the rhetoric surrounding a particular situation? In other words, what is his or her main claim, and what is the evidence he or she is using to support that claim? If you have difficulty paraphrasing the thesis, then say so and explain why. Also attempt to explain what might make it better.

2. Identify places in the draft where you think the writer is providing convincing evidence for his or her thesis. These should be parts of text that the writer is performing a rhetorical analysis,

3. Identify places in the draft where you think the writer needs to provide more evidenceclaims that are not supported with examples or analysis. Suggest possible ways to develop that evidence.

4. Identify places in the draft that you think might not belong or that might be off-focus. Explain why you think they might not belong and how they might be revised to belong if possible. (Or perhaps they should simply be cut.)

Savannah 2 5. Do you think this paper should be re-organized? Are there any sections that need to be moved elsewhere? If so, explain how and why.

6. What do you think is working well in this draft? In what ways is the draft meeting the assignment?

7. Is there any way in which this draft is NOT meeting the assignment? How could that be resolved?

8. Other comments?

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