Photo Restoration Instructions

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Adobe Photoshop CS3 Lasso (L) – Used to select straight-edged

Tool Box and freehand segments, Magnetic Lasso

snaps to the edges of a defined area

Marquee (M) – Use to select basic Slice (K) – Use to partition image for use
geometric areas on web

Quick Selection (W) – quickly paint a Paint Brush (B) – Used to “paint” with
selection using an adjustable round brush selected brush style, size, and color
History Brush (Y) – Uses history palette
Magic Wand (W) – Use to select areas information to paint from previous states
based on pixel color (use tolerance to
increase/decrease sensitivity) Gradient (G) – Creates color gradients
based on foreground/background colors
Heal (J) – Samples from the image and or customized via gradient options palette
uses data to merge existing image
information Paint Bucket (under gradient) – Used to fill
selected area with color in foreground
Stamp (S) – Used to sample the image
and paint using sampled information (to Dodge/Burn (O) – Decrease/Increase
sample: option+click) density of tonal values variably via brush
size and exposure palettes
Eraser (E) – Erases based on brush size and
opacity Sponge (O) – Saturate or Desaturate colors
via brush size and exposure palettes
Blur, Smudge, Sharpen (R) – Pushes
around and distorts pixels; Sharpen: Pen (P) – Use to create complex vector
“sharpens” affected pixels shapes and paths

Type (T) – Make adjustments via Path Selection (A) – Select a path made
Character palette with a pen tool

Eyedropper (I) – Use to sample color, its Shape (U) – Create vector-based shapes
value, and X, Y coordinates
Notes (N) – Create notations within your
Instructions for Photo Restoration:

Log into Photo1 (password: silvergel)

1. Open Safari

2. Go to
3. Read the latest entry and click on the original boxer image so it is opened larger. Drag the larger image to the desktop. (If your
computer does not hook up to the internet, the image is already on your desktop.)
4. Open Photoshop or (look in the dock below, or in Hard Drive, under Applications.)

5. Go to File>Open, Desktop>boxer_original.jpg (You can also just drag the larger image into Photoshop.)
6. Now that it is opened, save it. Go to File>Save As, re-title it your last name_boxer. Save it to the desktop now or plug in your
USB drive and save it there. Remember, as you work, occasionally save your work! (Command + S).
7. The image has been scanned in color, though originally black and white (as it aged, it has yellowed). Go to
8. Now, lets crop out what we don’t want. Find the Crop tool (C) and select the area of the image you want to keep, then press
Enter to keep it.
9. Lets adjust the values now. Go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast. You can slide the contrast and brightness up
and down. Make sure “Preview” is checked so you can see your changes as they occur. Move slowly, remember your
darkroom experience, and think about the type of contrast you aim to achieve when you shoot and develop your own
photographs (wide range of values, deep blacks, bright whites, but still able to keep the details). Click OK when you are
10.At this point, if you ever need to undo something, you can go to Edit>Undo (Command + Z). You can use this to step back as
far back as you need.
11.Now let’s try some restoration! What tool could you use to remove dust or small scratches? Try the Heal Tool (J), or the
Stamp Tool (S); hold the icon down to reveal other aspects of the tool. See what works and looks good, or what doesn’t work
and looks unrealistic. As you work, try changing the brush size (at the top of the toolbar) to increase accuracy. Remember,
you can undo, just save before you try something.
12.To get a closer look you can zoom in or out by View>Zoom In/Zoom Out (Command & +/-). You can move around the image
by moving the red square in the Navigator window at the top right of the screen.
13.Save your work! Then quit everything and log out.

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