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Egg Drops

Can you protect a falling egg? Design an

egg protector from a limited number of
resources. The protector will be tested
at a 1 metre drop on to the playground.
The eggs that survive without a scratch
pass and the eggs that crack fail.

Will you choose the right materials with

the correct properties to protect and
save your egg? You need something to
absorb the energy that the egg gathers
as it accelerates towards the ground.
Think carefully how you will protect it.

Choose from the following materials.

You can only tick 4 items.
Plastic straws
Popsicle sticks
Plastic bags
Recycled paper
Why did you choose these items?

Draw your design below. Label the

materials and the design features.

What do you think will happen?

What did happen?
Why do you think this happened?

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