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Name: Mayra Carolina Garca Masson Course: English 5 Teacher: Dean Lenton

Date: 19/09/2012


1. What is political satire? This is a type of satire that tries to gain entertainment from political themes. It is also seen as a way of protest towards a political party or government regimen. 2. How is it used? It is used as a way of communication. People who express themselves with political satire usually try to speak their minds about the government and the things they think should be changed. 3. What is graffiti? Explain Graffiti drawing or writing generally illegally on walls or public places. Stickers and other adhesive implements are not considered graffiti. 4. Choose a Banksy image that catches your attention.

5. Explain what you think he is trying to say with this specific work of graffiti/art. In this graffiti, Banksy shows us that, as we live in a capitalist society, even children are aware of brands and shopping. What we see in this picture is a girl; this girl, instead of playing with sand castles as common children, she is

constructing TESCO buildings. The image above shows us the strong influence of capitalism in our society. 6. How do you think these images influence individual people and society? If these graffiti about political satire are seen by a lot of people they might change their minds about this topic. As these graffiti are really attractive, people will be interested to know the meaning of each one; they would analyze each of them and they might think that there is something they should do to change the recent situation of their country.

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